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Bibliography on Latin American Judaism

LAJSA Bibliography

This bibliography is assembled by Judith Laikin Elkin (, editor of Latin American Jewish Studies.

Aguinis, Marcos. La gesta del marrano. Buenos Aires: Editorial Planeta Argentina, 1992. 448 p. [Available in US from Bilingual Publishing Co., 270 Lafayette St., New York NY 10012. tel. 212-431-3500.]

American Jewish Committee. "Attitudes Toward Jews in Argentina: A Public Opinion Survey." mimeo. 19 pp.

Anti-Defamation League. Interfaith Focus: Vol. 1 #1. A Dialogue: The Anti-Defamation League and the National Council of Churches. Vol. 1 #2. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Catholic and Jewish Readings. New York: ADL, 1994. 50 p.

Antisemitism World Report 1993. London: Institute of Jewish Affairs, 1993. 182p. ISBN 0-901113-21-2. [Includes concise objective reports on current attitudes toward Jews in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay.]

Arbell, Mordechai. "A History of the Lopez Pena Family, 1660-1924." [Hebrew] "Pe'amim (Jerusalem) 48 (1988?):117-34.

Arbell, Mordechai. "La Nacion judia hispano-portuguesa del Caribe." Sefardica Special issue dedicated to 1992: El Descubrimiento de la Cultura Sefaradi. n.d.:171-91. Also Gesher 38:125 (1992):80-90.

Arbell, Mordechai. "The Jewish Community of St. Eustatius." [Hebrew] Pe'amim (Jerusalem) 51 (1992?):124-34.

Arbell, Mordechai. "The Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Nation of the Caribbean-La Nacion." Encyclopaedia Judaica Year Book 1990/91.

Artigas, Maria del Carmen. "'La mancha en la sangre versus la mancha en el alma' en La buena guarda de Lope de Vega." Romance Notes [forthcoming]

Artigas, Maria del Carmen. "Una nueva lectura de El nino inocente de la Guardia de Lope." Maguen/Escudo (Caracas) 85 (1992):32-43.

Avni, Haim. "Cardenas, Mexico y los refugiados: 1938-1940." University of Tel Aviv: Separatum de E.I.A.L. 3:1 (1992) 5-22.

Avni, Haim. "The War and the Possibilities of Rescue." In The Shoah and the War, Asher Cohen, Yehoyakim Cochavi, Yoav Gelber, eds. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, 1992. p.373-92.

Avni, Haim. Argentina and the Jews: A History of Jewish Immigration. Trans. Gila Brand. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1991. 267 p.

Avni, Haim. Judios en America. Cinco siglos de historia. Madrid: Editorial Mapfre, 1992. 328p.

Barragan, Nina. "Moises Ville, The Jerusalem of South America." B'nai B'rith International Jewish Monthly. (Jan 1991):38-42,45.

Barromi, Joel. Antisemitismo: Un problema universal. Tel Aviv: Editorial Aurora, 1990. 164 p. [chapter on Latin America]

Baruch, Bernardo. Judios costarricenses. 37 p. By the author.

Bejarano Margalit. "Antisemitism in Cuba 1944-63." Patterns of Prejudice 24:1(Summer 1990)32-46.

Bejarano, Margalit. "Antisemitism in Cuba during the Period of the Holocaust." [Hebrew] Jerusalem: Hebrew University, Institute for Contemporary Jewry. Annual Vol. 5 (1992) 305-27.

Bejarano, Margalit. "Antisemitism in Cuba under Democratic, Military, and Revolutionary Regimes, 1944-63." Patterns of Prejudice 24:1 (1990):32-46.

Bejarano, Margalit. "The Jewish Community of Cuba 1898-1939. Communal Consolidation and Trends of Integration under the Impact of Changes in World Jewry and Cuban Society." [Hebrew] Ph.D. dissertation. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1992.

Bejarano, Margalit. "The Jewish Community of Cuba: Between Continuity and Extinction." Jewish Political Studies Review 3:1-2 (1991):115-40.

Bejarano, Margalit. The Jewish Community of Cuba 1898-1939. Communal Consolidation and Trends of Integration under the Impact of Changes in World Jewry and Cuban Society. [Hebrew] Doctoral dissertation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1992.

Benabu, Isaac. "El judeo espanol: Una lengua judia en peregrinacion por el Mediterraneo." Reflejos Vol.1 #1 (1992):11-15.

Benz, Wolfgang, ed. Das Exil der kleinen Leute: Alltagserfahrung deutscher Juden in de Emigration. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1991. Contains memoires of Bolivia, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, and Jamaica.

Berdichewsky, Bernardo. La presencia hispanica en la Colombia Britanica: una vision historica. Vancouver: Ediciones Futuro, 1990. 71p. Separata available from the author.

Bergstein, Nahum. Judio: Una experiencia uruguaya. Montevideo: Editorial Fin de Siglo, 1993. 298 p.

Beth Hatefutsoth. Jews on the Banks of the Amazon. Catalog of an exhibition. 10 p. Photographs, Sergio Zalis; Text, Rachel Arbel.

Blank, Lily. "The Integration of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews in Venezuela through the Decision-Making Process in the Educational System." Jewish Political Studies Review 5:3/4(1993):209-47.

Bohm, Gunter. "Inmigracion judia a Chile durante los siglos XIX y XX." Lateinamerika-Studien 25. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert Verlag, 1990. pp. 163-78.

Bohm, Gunter. "Cripto-judios y judeo conversos en los tiempos de la Inquisicion en Chile. Sefardica 10(Sept 1993):43-58.

Bohm, Gunter. "Cripto-judios y judeo-conversos en los tiempos de la Inquisicion en Chile." Cuaderno Judaico 20 (1993):24-48. Santiago: Universidad de Chile, Centro de Estudios Judaicos, 1993.

Bohm, Gunter. "Deutsche - Juden - Sudamerika." Catalogue for the exhibit, "500 Years of America." Berlin, 1992.

Bohm, Gunter. "Die Sephardim in Hamburg." In Die Juden in Hamburg, 1590-1990, Arno Herzig and Saskia Rohde, eds. Hamburg: Dolling und Galitz, 1991:21-30.

Bohm, Gunter. "El supuesto origen judio de Cristobal Colon." Lateinamerika-Studien 30 (1992):47-82.

Bohm, Gunter. "Judios alemanes en la Republica Argentina durante el siglo XIX." Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies. Division B, Vol. 11 The History of the Jewish People. (1990):473-79

Bohm, Gunter. "The First Sephardic Cemeteries in South America and the West Indies." Studia Rosenthaliana 25, l (1991): 3-14.

Bohm, Gunter. Los sefardies en los dominios holandeses de America del Caribe, 1630-1750. Frankfurt am Main: Vervbuert, 1992. 243 p.

Carciente, Jacob. La Comunidad Judia de Venezuela. Caracas (1991). 247 p.

Carlson, Marifran. Review of Donna J. Guy, Sex and Danger in Buenos Aires: Prostitution, Family, and Nation in Argentina. AHR 98 #3(1993): 986-87.

Carmilly-Weinberger, Moseh. "Zapata, tu gloria sera eternal. Goya y los marranos." Sefardica 10 (Sept 1993):77-83.

CELAM. Separata extraordinaria. Sugerencias para unas lineas de presentacion de los judios y el judaismo en la ensenanza catolica. July 1990. No publication information. Available from Leon Klenicki.

Cien anos de narrative judeoargentina 1889/1989. Buenos Aires: Mila, 1990.

Cimet de Singer, Adina. The Ashkenazi Jewish Community in Mexico: A Dialogue among Ideologies. Dissertation. Columbia University, 1992. 372pp. Order #DA9231983.

Circulo Israelita de La Paz. Socobo: Sociedad colonizadora de Bolivia; Colectividad y vida comunitaria judia en Bolivia; Direccionario. March 1991. Mimeographed papers available from the Circulo Israelita, Casilla 1545, La Paz, Bolivia.

Cohan, Clara E. Los marranos en el Paraguay colonial. Asuncion: Intercontinental Editora, 1992. Text, documents, and transcriptions. 256pp.

Cohen, Mario E. Bibliografia en idioma castellano del judaismo y criptojudaismo en America colonial. Buenos Aires: Instituto de Intercambio Cultural y Cientifico Argentino-Israeli, 1990. mimeo. 50 pp.

Cohen, Martin A. and Abraham J. Peck, eds. Sephardim in the Americas. Studies in Culture and History. Cincinnati: American Jewish Archives and Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1993. 500 p. Also published as Spring/ Summer, 1992, issue of American Jewish Archives.

Cohen, Robert. Jews in Another Environment. E.J. Brill, New York (1991). 350 p.

Congreso Internacional de Investigadores sobre Judaismo Latinoamericano. Ensayos sobre Judaismo Latinoamericano. Buenos Aires: Mila, 1990. Two dozen essays based on presentations at the LAJSA/AMIA research conference in Buenos Aires in 1989.

Congreso Internacional de Investigadores sobre Judaismo Latinoamericano. Ensayos sobre judaismo latinoamericano. Buenos Aires: Editorial Mila, 1990. 442 p.

Criptojudaismo en America Colonial. Sefardica 10(Sept 1993).

Cytrynowicz, Roney. "Integralismo e Anti-Semitismo nos Textos de Gustavo Barros na Decada de 30." University of Sao Paulo, Department of History, Masters thesis, 1992.

D.A.I.A. y Centro de Estudios Sociales. Proyecto Testimonio. Buenos Aires: D.A.I.A., 1993. 19 p. [A precis of this pamphlet, detailing the steps taken to survey Argentine government files for information on Nazi war criminals, also appears in the Spring 1993 issue of Indice.]

David, Suzy. The Sephardic Kosher Kitchen. Jonathan David Publishers, Inc., 1984.

DiAntonio, Robert and Nora Glickman, eds. Tradition and Innovation. Reflections on Latin American Jewish Writing. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993. 225p.* ISBN 0-7914-1509-0 (-4 pbk).

DiAntonio, Robert E. Brazilian Fiction: Aspects and Evolution of the Contemporary Narrative. Univ. of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, AR (1989).

DiAntonio, Robert. "Redemption and Rebirth on a Safe Shore: The Holocaust in Brazilian Fiction." Hispania 74:4 (1991):876-80.

Don, Yehuda and Tikva Lecker-Darvish. "Demographic and Economic Profile of the Jewish Community in Quito, Ecuador." Papers in Jewish Demography 1989. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, 1993: 224-32.

Elkin, Judith Laikin and Ana Lya Sater. Latin American Jewish Studies: An Annotated Guide to the Literature. New York & Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1990.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "A Gallery of Former Jews." Commentary Vol. 92, No. 6 (December 1991): 38-45.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "Jews and the Encounter with the New World." LSA Magazine The University of Michigan. Fall 1991:12-16.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "Columbus: Was he or wasn't he?" Hadassah Magazine (January 1992):49-50. [Issue contains several excellent articles on the Quincentenary]

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "Imagining Idolatry: Missionaries, Indians, and Jews." Occasional paper published by the John Carter Brown Library, Program in Judaic Studies at Brown University, and the Touro National Heritage Trust. Providence, Rhode Island, 1992. 37pp.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "Imagining Idolatry: Missionaries, Indians, and Jews." Religion and the Authority of the Past, ed. Tobin Siebers, intro. by Wendy Doniger. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993: 75-99. ISBN 0-472-10489-6 (cloth) 0-472-08259-0 (paper).

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "Is there a 'Jewish interest' in Latin American Politics?" Patterns of Prejudice [London] 24:2-4 (Winter 1990):60-74.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "Jews and the Encounter with the New World." Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes 10:4 (1990):482-86.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "Jews in the New World." The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia, Vol 1 (1992).

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "The Colonial Legacy of Anti-Semitism." Report on the Americas NACLA 25:4 (February 1992):4-7

Elkin, Judith Laikin. "The Double Quincentenary: Jewish Themes in the 1492-1992 Commemorations." Jerusalem Letter #295. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. 1 June 1994. 4 p.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. Review of Celia Szusterman, "Frondizi and the Politics of Developmentalism in Argentina, 1955-62," Choice April 1994. Review of Margarita Zamora, "Reading Columbus," Choice Nov 1993. Review of Eva Alexandra Uchmany, "La vida entre el judaismo y el cristianismo en la Nueva Espana 1580-1606." AHR June 1994.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. Review of Judaica Latinoamericana: Estudios Historico-Sociales, ed. AMILAT. Americas 49:2 (October 1992):267-69.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. Review of Judaica latinoamericana: Estudios historico-sociales. American Jewish Archives 43:2 (Fall/Winter 1991):262-65.

Elkin, Judith Laikin. Review of Robert Cohen, Jews in Another Environment: Surinam in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century. AHR February 1993:281-82.

Expulsion 1492 Chronicles. An Anthology of Medieval Chronicles Relating to the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal. Selected and Edited by David Raphael. North Hollywood: Carmi House Press, 1992. 201 p. [Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi writes: "David Raphael has made a genuine contribution. To have these texts available for the first time in English is a gift to all who are interested in Jewish history generally and in particular that of Spanish and Portuguese Jewry.]

Fabregat, Enrique. Sion: Rebelion y cumplimiento. Jerusalem: Instituto Cultural Israel-Ibero America, 1992. 98 p. [A previously unpublished manuscript of the Uruguayan member of UNSCOP and "procer" of Israel.]

Fernandez del Castillo, Francisco y Hermilio Castaneda. "Un criptojudio el ultimo dia de la Inquisicion en Mexico. Sefardica 10 (Sept 1993) :73-75.

Foster, David and Naomi Lindstrom. "Jewish Argentine Authors: A Registry." Revista interamericana de Bibliografia 41.3 (1991):478-503 and 41.4 (1991):655-82. [An exhaustive register of identified authors and their works; indispensable for students of the subject.]

Foster, David William and Naomi Lindstrom. "Jewish Argentine Authors: A Registry." Revista Interamericana de Bibliografia. Part One: 41:3 (1991):478-503; Part Two: 41:4 (1991): 655-82.

Friedler, Egon. "Jewish Latin Intellectuals and the Leftist Seduction." Midstream (January 1994): 15-16.

Friedler, Egon. Judaismo con la cabeza descubierta. Montevideo: Editorial Fin de Siglo, 1994. 134 p.

Funke, Phyllis Ellen. "Santiago" Hadassah Magazine. (June-July 1991): 27-31.

Furgang, Moshe Dan. Alma y Vida y Corazon. 50 anos de la construccion de la sinagoga sefaradi en Lima. [videotape] 1983. 32 minutes.

Gardy, Alison. "Emerging from the Shadows. A visit to an Old Jewish Community." (Venta Prieta). NACLA Report on the Americas 27:2(Sept/Oct 1993):10-13.

Garreton, Antonio, Saul Sosnowski, Bernardo Subercaseaux. Cultura, Autoritarismo y redemocratizacion en Chile. Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1994. Proceedings of the conference held at the University of Maryland in December 1991.

Garzon Serfaty, Moises. Voz del Alma. Poemas. Caracas 1990. By the author.

Generaciones Judias en Mexico. La Kehila Ashkenazi (1922-1992). Coordinator: Alicia Gojman de Backal. Mexico: Comunidad Ashkenazi de Mexico, 1993. 7 Vols. ISBN 968-6949-00-3.

Glickman, Nora. Mujeres, memorias, malogros. Buenos Aires: Editorial Mila, 1991. 109p. ISBN 950-9829-29-3.

Goldberg, Florinda. "Literatura iberica y latinoamericana en traduccion hebrea." Reflejos Vol.1 #1 (1992):28-38.

Golub, Jennifer. "Anti-Semitism in Argentina: Recent Trends." New York: American Jewish Committee, 1992. mimeo. 16 pp.

Gomes Casseres, Charles. Istoria Kortiku di Hudiunan di Korsou. ISBN 99904 905 0 3. Curacao. By the author.

Gonzalez, Mario Matus. Tradition and Adaptations: Life of the Sephardim in Chile.[Not seen; no publishing information]

Gutkowski, Helene. Rescate de la herencia cultural. Vidas en las colonias. Buenos Aires: Editorial Contexto, 1991. 219pp. ill.

Halac, Ricardo. Mil anos, un dia. Estudio preliminar: Nora Glickman. Coleccion Dramaturgos Argentinos Contemporaneos. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Corregidor, 1993. 126p. ISBN 950-05-0733-1

Heredia Morillo, Aida Lucia. "El universo poetica de Jose Kozer." Ph.D. dissertation. SUNY Buffalo. DA #9301854.

Hordes, Stanley M. "La Inquisicion y la comunidad criptojudia en las colonias de la Nueva Espana y Nuevo Mexico. Sefardica 10(Sept 1993) :13-27.

Huberman, Angelina Muniz. "Inland." Icarus 6 (1992)107:115.

Imagenes de un encuentro. La presencia judia en Mexico durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. Direccion: Judit Bokser de Liwerant. Mexico: UNAM, Tribuna Israelita, Comite Central Israelita de Mexico, Multibanco Mercantil Probursa, 1993. ill. 383p.*

Institute of Contemporary Jewry. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Oral History of Contemporary Jewry: An Annotated Catalogue. New York & London:Garland Publishing, Inc., 1990. 245 p. ISBN 0-8240-5683-3. Contains descriptions of taped interviews conducted between 1960 and 1986, registered and housed at the Oral History Division of the Institute. Interviews recorded before 1979 are listed in five previous catalogues.

Institute of Jewish Affairs. Antisemitism: World Report 1992. London, 1992. 127pp. 13-page section on Latin America with contributions by LAJSA members Judit Liwerant, Ignacio Klich, Jacobo Kovadloff, Jeff Lesser, Henry I. Sobel, and Leon Trahtemberg.

Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall. Caminhos da Esperanca: A Presenca Judaica no Rio Grande do Sul. [Portuguese and English]. Text by Moacyr Scliar. Photographs, maps. Porto Alegre: Riocell, 1993. 120 p.

Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall. Historias de Vida. Vol 2. "Imigracao Judaica no Rio Grande do Sul." Catalog of life stories and photographs. 128 p.

Instituto de Estudos Economicos Sociais e Politicos. Serie Imigracao. 1993. Boris Fausto, "Historiografia da imigracao para Sao Paulo." Celia Sakurai, "Romanceiro da Imigracao Japonesa." Oswaldo Truzzi, "De Mascates a Doutores: Sirios e Libaneses em Sao Paulo." Roberto Grun, "Negocios & Familias: Armenios em Sao Paulo."

Irizarry, Estelle. Infortunios de Alonso Ramirez. Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora y Alonso Ramirez. ?:Editorial Cultural, 1990.

Israel, Jonathan I. "Dutch Sephardi Jewry, Millenarian Politics, and the Struggle for Brazil (1640-1654)." David S. Katz and Jonathan I. Israel, eds., Sceptics, Millenarians and Jews. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1990.

Johnson, Peter T. and Francisco J. Fonseca. "Cuban Serials and Primary Source Collections: A Bibliography of Microfilm Negatives." Cuban Studies 22 (1992).

Kaplan, Alberto D. Memoria de un Medico. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 1993. 190 p.

Kaplan, S., R. Moncarz and J. Steinberg, "Jewish Emigrants to Cuba: 1898-1960." International Migration [Geneva] 28:3 (Sept 1990):295-305.

Katz, Samy. "Em busca de uma historia dos judeus no Brasil." Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal, Escola de Comunicacao. Papeis avulsos, 1993. 37 p.

Katz, Samy. "Un Regard Juif sur l'Exotisme: Peretz Hirschbein au Bresil (1914)." Cahiers du Bresil Contemporain 19 (1992?): 25-41.

Katz, Samy. A la recherche d'une histoire de Juifs du Bresil." Pardes (Paris) 17 (1993): 127-46.

Kaufman, Edy. Review of Central America and the Middle East - The Internationalization of the Crises, Damian J. Fernandez, ed. E.I.A.L. date? 140-44.

Kaufman, Edy. Review of The Israeli Connection: Whom Israel Arms and Why. International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol 23, No.3, (August 1991):419-422.

Kaufman, Edy. "Jewish Victims of Repression in Argentina under Military Rule (1976-1983)." Holocaust and Genocide Studies [Great Britain] 4:4 (1989):479-99.

Kayserling, M. Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries. Tr. Charles Gross. Budapest, 1893. [Reissued in paperback by Carmi House Press, P.O.Box 47906, North Hollywood CA 91607.]

Klenicki, Leon and Eugene J. Fisher. "La iglesia ante el racismo: para una sociedad mas fraterna;" "La comprension de la experiencia judia;" "On the 25th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate," and numerous other articles, all available from Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 823 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017.

Klenicki, Leon and Eugene J. Fisher. In Our Time: The Flowering of Jewish Catholic Dialogue. Paulist Press, 1990.

Klenicki, Leon. "Argentinian and Jew: The Ambiguity of Identity." American Jewish Archives. Vol XLIII (Spring-Summer, 1991) No.1.

Klich, Ignacio. "Criollos and Arabic Speakers in Argentina: An Uneasy Pas de Deux, 1888-1914. In The Lebanese in the World: A Century of Emigration, Albert Hourani & Nadim Shedhadi, eds. London: The Centre for Lebanese Studies, 1992. p. 247-84.

Klich, Ignacio. "Antisemitism in Argentina." Survey of Jewish Affairs, 1991. London: Institute for Jewish Affairs, 1991.

Klich, Ignacio. "Argentine-Ottoman Relations and their Impact on Immigrants from the Middle East: A History of Unfulfilled Expectations, 1910-1915." The Americas L2 (October 1993): 177-205.

Klich, Ignacio. "Contretemps in Panama: Israel's Role in Central America." The Jewish Quarterly (Autumn 1990);40-45.

Klich, Ignacio. "Criollos and Arabic Speakers in Argentina: An Uneasy Pas de Deux, 1888-1914. In The Lebanese in the World: A Century of Emigration, Albert Hourani & Nadim Shedhadi, eds. London: The Centre for Lebanese Studies, 1992. p. 247-84.

Klich, Ignacio. "Peron, Braden y el antisemitismo: Opinion publica e imagen internacional." Revista Ciclos 2:2 (1992):5-38.

Klich, Ignacio. Review of Benno Weiser Varon, Professions of a Lucky Jew. Journal of Latin American Studies (Cambridge) June 1993.

Kliksberg, Bernardo. "El judaismo latinoamericano a fines del siglo XX." Coloquio 25(1993): 23-37.

Krause, Corinne A. Los judios en Mexico. Una historia con enfasis especial en el periodo de 1857 a 1930. Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, 1987. 290 p. ISBN 968-859-022-3. A translation of the author's 1970 doctoral dissertation.

Kriegel, Maurice. "Entre la cuestion de los Cristianos Nuevos y la expulsion de los judios: La doble modernidad de los procesos de exclusion en la Espana del siglo XV." Indice. Buenos Aires: D.A.I.A. y C.E.S., primavera 1993: 69-95

Largman, Esther. Jovens Polacas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Rosa dos Tempos, 1993. 284 p.

Lesser, Jeff H. "Continuity and Change Within an Immigrant Community: The Jews of Sao Paulo, 1924-1945." Luso-Brazilian Review, XXV, 2 (1988): 45-58.

Lesser, Jeff H. "Diferencias Regionales en el Desarrollo Historico de las Communidades Judeo-Brasilenas Contemporaneas: San Pablo y Porto Alegre." Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos. (April 1989): 71-84.

Lesser, Jeff H. "Watching the Detectives: Four Views of Immigrant Life in Latin America." Latin American Research Review 27:1 (forthcoming Winter, 1992): 231-244.

Lesser, Jeff H. Jewish Colonization in Rio Grande do Sul, 1904-1925. Estudos Cedhal 6 (Sao Paulo) 1991. Available from Universidade de Sao Paulo - FFLCH, kC.P. 8105. Sao Paulo 05508, Brazil.

Lesser, Jeff H. "Antisemitism in Brazil." Survey of Jewish Affairs, 1991. London: Institute for Jewish Affairs, 1991.

Lesser, Jeff H. "Are African-Americans African or American? Brazilian Immigration Policy in the 1920s." Review of Latin American Studies 4:1-2(1991):115-37.

Lesser, Jeff H. "From Pedlars to Proprietors: Lebanese, Syrian and Jewish Immigrants in Brazil." In The Lebanese in the World: A Century of Emigration, Albert Hourani & Nadim Shedhadi, eds. London: The Centre for Lebanese Studies, 1992. p.393-408.

Lesser, Jeff. Review of Egon and Frieda Wolff, Dicionario Biografico and Participacao e Contribuicao de Judeus ao Desenvolvimento do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 1985-87. AJA 43:1(Spring/Summer 1991):92-95.

Levine, Robert M. Tropical Diaspora: The Jewish Experience in Cuba. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1993. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. 398p.** ISBN 0-8130-1218-X

Levy, Emilie de Vidas. Sephardic Cookery. Women's Division, Central Sephardic Jewish Community of America, 1983.

Lindstrom, Naomi. "Borges and Jewish Mysticism: Paradoxical Interrelations." Critica Hispanica 15:2 (1993): 107-117.

Lindstrom, Naomi. "Zionist Thought and Songs of Zion: Two Jewish Argentine Poets." Judaica Latinoamericana. Estudios Historico-Sociales II. Jerusalem: Editorial Universitaria Magnes, 1993:275-87.

Malamud, Samuel. Documentario: Contribuicao a Memoria da Comunidade Judaica Brasileira.Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda., 1994. 365 p.

Meding, Holger M. Flucht vor Nurnberg? Deutsche und osterreichische Einwanderung in Argentinien 1945-1955. Koln, Weimar, Wien: Bohlau Verlag, 1992. 311. [Not seen by your editor. Reviewed in Notas: Resenas Iberoamericanas No. 0 (1993), Vervuert Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt.]

Mesa Bernal, Daniel. "Judios conversos en el Nuevo Reino de Granada." Sefardica 10 (Sept 1993) 29-41.

Metz, Allan. "Alfonso Francisco Ramirez." Coloquio 25 (1993):55-77.

Metz, Allan. "The Pogrom that Failed: The Fascist Meeting in Buenos Aires and the Mundo Israelita Opinion Survey, August 1932." Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 15:29 (1990):63-82.

Miller, Tom. Trading with the Enemy: A Yankee Travels through Castro's Cuba. New York: Atheneum, 1992. 353p. ISBN 0-689-12094-X. [A free-lance writer who lived in Cuba for several months at a time during 1987-90, Miller followed his news-nose to the aromas of daily life. Astute comments on all sectors of Cuban population, including Jews.]

Mirelman, Victor A. "Latin American Jewry." Jack Wertheimer, ed., The Modern Jewish Experience. A Reader's Guide. New York: NYU Press, 1993.

Mirelman, Victor A. "Sephardim in Latin America after Independence." Martin A. Cohen and Abraham J. Peck, eds., Sephardim in the Americas. Studies in Culture and History. Cincinatti: American Jewish Archives and University of Alabama Press, 1993.

Moneke, Kirsten Beate. "Die Emigration der deutschen Juden nach Argentinien (1933-1945). Zur Rolle der judischen Hilfsvereine." Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer Diplompadagogin. Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat, 1991. 133 p. [Available on loan from LAJSA office]

Moneke, Kirsten. Die Emigration de deutschen Juden nach Argentinien (1933-1945). Zur Rolle der judischen Hilfsvereine. Munster: Lateinamerika-Zentrum der Westfalischen Wilhelmsuniversitat , 1993.

Muniz-Huberman, Angelina. De cuerpo entero. Mexico: UNAM, 1991. 47 p.

Muniz-Huberman, Angelina. Dulcinea encantada. Mexico: Editorial Joaquin Mortiz, 1992. 191 p.

Muniz-Huberman, Angelina. Las raices y las ramas. Fuentes y derivaciones de la Cabala hispanohebrea. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1993. 230p. ISBN 968-3910-3.

Muniz-Huberman, Angelina. Narrativa relativa. Antologia personal. Mexico: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1992. Lecturas Mexicanas Tercera Serie #63. 229p. ISBN 968-29-4265-9.

Muniz-Huberman, Angelina. Review of Uchmany, La vida entre el judaismo... Mexico: La Jornada Semanal 229 (31 octubre 1993).

Muniz-Huberman, Angelina. Serpientes y escaleras. Mexico: UNAM, 1991. 118 p.

Nes-El, Moshe. "Jewish Agricultural Colonization in Chile." Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies. Divison B, Vol II, pp. 575-82.

Nes-El, Moshe. Resena Historica del Keren Kayemet LeIsrael en Chile. Jerusalem: Jewish National Fund, 1992. 95 p.

Newton, Ronald C. The 'Nazi Menace' in Argentina, 1931-1947. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992. 520 pp. ISBN 0-8047-1929-2.

Novinsky, Anita and M.L. Tucci Carneiro. Inquisicao, Mentalidade, Heresia e Arte. Universidade de S. Paulo: Expressao e Cultura, 1992.

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Schers, David. "Inmigrantes y politica: los primeros pasos del Partido Sionista Socialist Poalei Sion en la Argentina, 1910-1916." E.I.A.L. (Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina) Vol.3 #2 (1992):75-88.

Schmelz, U.O. and Sergio DellaPergola. Papers in Jewish Demography 1989. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1993.

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Schrader, Achim and Karl Heinrich Rengstorf. Europaische Juden in Lateinamerika. Ingbert: Rohrig Verlag, 1989.

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Senkman, Leonardo. "Argentina's Immigration Policy during the Holocaust (1938-1945)." Yad Vashem Studies 21 (1991):155-88.

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Senkman, Leonardo. "The Restoration of Democracy in Argentina and the Impunity of Antisemitism." Patterns of Prejudice [London] 24:2-4 (Winter 1990): 34-59.

Senkman, Leonardo. Argentina, la segunda guerra mundial, y los refugiados indeseables, 1933-1945. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 1991. 442 p.

Sephardic Cooking. Sephardic Bikur Olim. Ladies Auxiliary of Seattle.

Servi, Edda. Cooking of the Sephardic Jews: The Classic Cuisine of the Italian Jews. Machlin Dodd, Mead and Co, 1981.

Sheinin, David M.K. "Argentina's Early Priorities in the European War: Compliance, Anti-Semitism, and Trade Concerns in the Response to the German Invasion of the Netherlands." Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 16:31 (1991):5-27.

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Szklo, Gilda Salem. O Bom Fim do Shtetl: Moacyr Scliar. Sao Paulo: Editora Perspectiva, 1990. 170 p.

Temas de Africa y Asia Seccion de Estudios de Asia y Africa, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Vol. 2 (1993) contains the following essays on immigration to Latin America from the Arab world: Diane L. Epstein, "Aspectos generales de la inmigracion judeo-marroqui a la Argentina, 1875-1930." Jorge Omar Bestene, "Discurso y politica migratoria en Argentina de la gran inmigracion: Juan E. Alsina y los inmigrantes 'turcos.'" Gladys Jozami, "La identidad nacional de los llamados turcos en la Argentina." Ignacio Klich, "Introduction to the sources for the history of the Middle Easterners in Latin America." Several of the authors participated in the panel sponsored by LAJSA at LASA-Atlanta. See related article in this issue.

Testimonios de historia oral: Judios en Mexico. Direccion de proyecto, Alicia Gojman de Backal. Jerusalem: Institute for Contemporary Judaism and Asociacion de Amigos de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalen, 1990. 161p.*

Tigay, Alan M. "Buenos Aires." Hadassah Magazine. (December 1991) 32-37.

Tigay, Alan M. "Dominican Republic." Hadassah Magazine, Feb. 1994.

Trahtemberg S., Leon. Participacion del Peru en la particion de Palestina. 167 p. Lima: by the Author, 1991.

Uchmany, Eva Alexandra. La vida entre el judaismo y el cristianismo en la Nueva Espana, 1580-1606. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1993.

Uchmany, Eva Alexandra. La vida entre el judaismo y el cristianismo en la Nueva Espana 1580-1606. Mexico: Archivo General de la Nacion y Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1992. 477p.*

Unger, David. "Desenterrando el pasado." Culturas 9 Oct 1993.

Valadares, Paulo. "Cristaos-novos no Brasil de hoje." Leitura [Sao Paulo] (December 1991):11-12.

Valadares, Paulo. "No Ventre da Baleia os Cativos de Sefarade." O Hebreu [Sao Paulo] 90 (Sept/Oct 1987):38-39.

Varig Airlines. "Jewish Traveller's Guide to South America." [illustrated brochure with useful addresses]

Varig Airlines. A View of Jewish Life in Latin America. [videotape] 1991. 26 minutes.

Varon, Benno Weiser. Professions of a Lucky Jew. New York & London: Cornwall Books, 1992. 432p.

Varon, Benno Weiser. Professions of a Lucky Jew. New York: Cornwall Books, 1992. 431pp.

Vida y Muerte en comunidad: Ensayos sobre judaismo en el Uruguay. Montevideo: Comunidad Israelita del Uruguay, 1990. 179p. [Essays on the Jewish theater, Jews in industry, attitudes toward death, conflictive identity, the errant ship Conte Grande, and leftist ideologies by essayists Jose Kierszenbaum, Schamay Grunberg, Abel Bronstein, Leopoldo Muller, Miguel Feldman Joffe, and Teresa Porzecanski.]

Vieira, Nelson H. "Closing the Gap between High and Low: Intimations on the Brazilian Novel of the Future." Latin American Literary Review, 20th Anniversary Issue. 20:40 (July-Dec 1992): 110-17.

Weinstein, Ana E. and Miryam E. Gover de Nasatsky. Escritores judeo-argentinos. Bibliografia 1900-1987. Tomo 1 A-L; Tomo 2 M-Z. Buenos Aires: Editorial Mila, 1994. 465 p. and 414 p.

Weinstein, Anita. "Bibliografia de Sefardica No. 1 al 10 inclusive." Sefardica 10 (Sept 1993) :141-68.

Wolff, Egon and Frieda. Catalogue of Books by... Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1993.

Wolff, Egon e Frieda. Documentos V. O Judeu na Topografia e Toponimia do Brasil no Seculo XIX; Os recenseamentos demograficos oficiais do seculo XX. Rio de Janeiro, 1993-94. 131 p.

Woods, Richard D. "Anita Brenner: Cultural Mediator for Mexico." Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 9 (1990):209-22.

Zadoff, Efraim. The Jewish Educational System in Argentina [Hebrew]. Doctoral dissertation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1993.

Zarate Miguel, Guadalupe. Mexico y la diaspora judia. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 1986. 189 p.

Zlotchew, Clark M. Libido Into Literature: The 'Primera epoca' of Benito Perez Galdos. San Bernardino: Borgo Press, 1993. [Two chapters deal with Galdos' cordial attitude toward Jews, Judaism, and Jewish causes.]

Zlotchew, Clark M. Voices of the River Plate: Interviews with Argentine and Uruguayan Writers. Introduction by Edna Aizenberg. San Bernardino: Borgo Press, 1994. [Interviews with eleven authors, including Borges, Brailovsky, Senkman, Najenson, Pecar.