Proclamation of the Algerian National Front, Liberation Front, (FLN) November, 1954
After decades of struggle, the National Movement has reached its final phase of
fulfilment. At home, the people are united behind he watchwords of independence and
action. Abroad, the atmosphere is favourable, especially with the diplomatic support of
our Arab and Moslem brothers. Our National Movement, prostrated by years of immobility and
routine, badly directed was disintegrating little by little. Faced with this situation, a
youthful group, gathering about it the majority of wholesome and resolute elements, judged
that the moment had come to take the National Movement out of the impasse into which it
had been forced by the conflicts of persons and of influence and to launch it into the
true revolutionary struggle at the side of the Moroccan and Tunisian brothers. We are
independent of the two factions that are vying for power Our movement gives to compatriots
of every social position, to al the purely Algerian parties and movements, the possibility
of joining in the liberation struggle.
GOAL. National independence through:
- the restoration of the Algerian state, sovereign, democratic, and social, within the
framework of the principles of Islam;
- the preservation of a fundamental freedoms, without distinction of race or religion.
INTERNAL Objective Political house-cleaning through the destruction of the last
vestiges of corruption and reformism
EXTERNAL Objectives:
- The internationalization of the Algerian problem;
- The pursuit of North African unity in its national Arabo-lslamic context;
- The assertion, through United Nations channels, of our active sympathy toward all
nations that may support our liberating action.
MEANS OF STRUGGLE: Struggle by every means until our goal is attained. Exertion at home
and abroad through political and direct action, with a view to making the Algerian problem
a reality for the entire world. The struggle will be long, but the outcome is certain. To
limit the bloodshed, we propose an honourable platform for discussion with the French
- The opening of negotiations with the authorized spokesmen the Algerian people, on
the basis of a recognition of Algerian sovereignty, one and indivisible.
- The inception of an atmosphere of confidence brought about freeing all those who are
detained, by annulling all measures exception, and by ending all legal action against the
combatant forces.
- The recognition of Algerian nationhood by an official declaration abrogating all
edicts, decrees, and laws by virtue of which Algeria was "French soil."
In return for which:
- French cultural and economic interests will be respected, as well as persons and families.
- All French citizens desiring to remain in Algeria will be allowed to opt for their original
nationality, in which case they will be considered as foreigners, or for Algerian nationality, in
which case they will be considered as Algerians, equal both as to rights and as to duties.
- The ties between France and Algeria will be the object of agreement between the two Powers
on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
Algerians: The F. L. N. is your front; its victory is your victory. For our part, strong in your
support, we shall give the best of ourselves to the Fatherland.
Contributed by C. R. Pennell, University of Melbourne, rpennell@unimelb.edu.au