6: How Does it Happen that Three is Really Four?
<< 5: Rex and Dux, Mines and Border Guards || 7: The Tearful Chronicle >>
As mentioned in the Prologue, one of the historic, and not geographic,
characteristics of Transylvania was its specific population. Even at the
earliest mention of them, they were already a Hungarian speaking people, and
yet they were the clearly distinctive Székelys. They considered
themselves to be the descendants of the army of Csaba, one of Attila's sons,
who returned to Transylvania along the Highway of the Armies -- the heavenly
Milky Way. They thus considered themselves to be Hun in origin. This is one of
the world-wide Savior myths, in which the divine liberator is not some placid
prophet who can be crucified, but a belligerent leader of armies. The origin
and prehistory of the Székelys are lost in obscurity, or rather there
are so many hypotheses concerning them, that both the interested layman and the
inquisitive expert are overtaken by dizziness. It has been mentioned
repeatedly, but without any evidence, that the Hungarians already found them in
the Carpathian Basin in 895. Their archaic organization clearly points to
Asiatic Turcic traditions strengthened by the long-time survival of Turcic
runic script among them, yet the Székely dialect shows no deviation
whatever from the Hungarian as far as the occurrence and prevalence of
Finno-Ugrian, Turcic or other linguistic remnants is concerned. It is a fact
that in the campaigns of the Árpád era, they had to serve both as
scouts and as rearguard. This suggests a recent contact since the dangers and
bloody losses ensuing from these assignments were always imposed by the
military rulers of the nomadic peoples on their latest allies or subjects.
The least controversial theory of their origin suggests that the
Székelys were remnants of the Kabars who joined the Hungarians at the
time of the dissolution of the Khazar Khanate, when the perhaps forcefully
ejected Hungarians started out to find a new homeland. It is certain that they
were not scattered, or at least not scattered as much as the seven conquering
Hungarian tribes during the postnomadic period, when Hungarian society was
transformed and reshaped by the strength and the demands of the centralized
royal power.
They became guardians of the borders. They were not the first ones and not the
last ones. Yet, they served in this capacity for such a long time, and with
such lasting effects on the life of numerous generations, as was unprecedented
among the Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin.
In Transylvania, in the Székelyfõld (Land of the
Székelys), a large and tightly knit block emerged. In the other
borderlands of the country, thus principally in the southwestern part of
Transdanubia, the Gõcsej, north of Pozsony and in the Bihar, the
individuality of the small Székely groups, their autonomy and
characteristics rapidly started to disintegrate, fade and disappear. Next to
Transylvania, the most persistent traces come from Gõcsej, but among the
people in this region only the faintest folkloric traditions testify to their
original provenance.
The basic population was divided into six clans which, in turn, were
sub-divided into four branches each, and thus gave structure to society, to the
family and to the economic and military existence of the nation. The judges who
saw to their affairs and their leaders in war were designated so that
inheritance, election, recall and rotation all played a role. In such a system,
there was considerable rigidity but also not a little flexibility.
When the Transylvanian Székely "szék"-s were established --
szék in this context means a territorial and administrative unit
and, incidentally, is totally unrelated to the name of the people -- the
societal structure of these units duplicated and reflected the national whole.
They did not move or settle by clans or by branches if such a move was forced
upon them, but always in almost random groupings assembled from the entire
nation. This was carried to the point that when some major disaster reduced or
destroyed a branch, the area was reconstituted and replenished from the other
branches in order to maintain the continuity of tradition.
For a long time, the Székelys kept to simple animal husbandry and to a
grazing economy with a nomadic changing of their pastures. The forests and the
land were owned jointly. The families had the right to use the land but had no
right of ownership. Even later, when private ownership became stronger, a
sensible collectivism was stubbornly maintained with a village-based joint
ownership and with the repeated opportunity to redistribute joint property
according to need. Yet, they could not remain untouched by their feudal
environment, and there was also an ongoing internal differentiation. Thus, a
Székely nobility evolved on an economic basis. The rest of the
population was divided into those who fought on horseback and those who fought
"only" on foot, thus forming the three classes identified clearly both in peace
at home and in war. The Székelys gained their privileges and
independence with their own blood and toil. These are frequently threatened and
the Székelys must stand up again and again in their defense They protest
verbally, in writing and, occasionally, by taking up arms. This will be
discussed later. Let us now return to the fateful history of the original
settling of the land.
During the first third of our millennium much was already decided in a most
ominous fashion. There are few written sources for fixing the years of their
beginning. It can, however, be determined from indirect sources that the first
Székely settlements in Transylvania took place during the reign of the
first kings of the House of Árpád. When, during the reign of
Géza II (1141-1162), in the middle of the 12th century, large scale
German colonization took place which was going to have effects lasting nearly a
millennium, the Germans settled in areas from where the border-guarding
Székelys had been moved out, to be closer to the actual frontiers.
German colonization? In Transylvania, this group, traditionally strong in
numbers, wealth and intellect, underwent a fateful decline only toward the
middle of the 20th century. We refer to this German speaking population as the
Saxons, just as we do to the related population in today's Slovakia, the former
Hungarian Felvidék, and Upper Hungary. In contrast, the also German
speaking groups who were settled in western and southern Transdanubia, in the
southern Great Plain -- mostly in the segment belonging to Serbia, where they
formed an almost continuous ring -- in a semicircle around Buda, and who also
lived and live in decreasing numbers in scattered locations throughout the rest
of the country, were called in the common parlance the Svabians.
A significant percentage of the "Saxons" are ethnically truly of Saxonian
origin. Of our "Svabians" only a small fraction came originally from Svabia. In
both groups there was a significant influx of many other ethnic German groups
during the Middle Ages, as well as in more recent times. It is almost a
historic accident that because of the ethnic origin of a few leading families,
these two categories of Germans became a rigid fixture in the Carpathian Basin
and retained their designation in a dual and parallel fashion, assimilating
subsequent and different German ethnic groups.
Transylvania became familiar with the county system. Then the Crown relegated
Transylvania, or rather a part of Transylvania to the authority of a voivode,
the holder of which title stood between the counties and the central
administration. The autonomy of the Székelys survived in the
szék-s or seats, where they were gathered into territorial and
ethnic blocks. The arriving Saxons, whose first waves originated in and around
Luxembourg and who left there to escape the rigid, feudal shackles, were also
organized into szék-s and thus gained special opportunities and
an autonomous administration. They also did not have to adapt themselves to the
county system.
Later on, a Székely ispán was appointed. For a while,
however, the Székely and Saxon szék-s were withdrawn from
the voivode's authority and were combined under the control of the Szeben
ispán. At this time -- we are in 1210 -- a source mentioned the
Szeben ispán as the one who led the Székelys, the Saxons,
the Petchenegs and the Romanians in war. The emphasis here is distinctly on the
latter. Shortly before this time, the Pechenegs still attacked several times
across the eastern Carpathians. The earlier Székely settlements were
established largely for this reason. Later the Petchenegs became satellites,
"robbers into thief catchers", and guardians of the borders. Their small
numbers hastened their assimilation. We are not concerned with them here, but
must mention, however, that it was not they who represent the fourth element in
medieval Transylvania which appeared last, or perhaps simultaneously with the
Saxons, and which joined the other communities induced or forced by
circumstances into a lasting union.
Let us list the four : Hungarians, Székelys, Saxons and Romanians. The
list is not weighted in any way and represents only the historic sequence. It
is an open question why we are separating the Hungarians and the Székely
into separate "nations" when they spoke the same language and who, according to
one view, differed from each other but very slightly. This may even lead us
into the camp of those who, for whatever reason, wished to decrease the
demographic and historic role of the Hungarian presence in this region
(hypothesizing even that the Székelys are Hungarianized Romanians). The
answer is that the Székelys who were very proud, liked to consider
themselves as a separate "nation", particularly when they hoped that this
separateness would assure them their privileges as guardians of the borders,
their Székely freedom and the autonomy inherent in their
szék-s. A Székely "nation" is not a fiction, but has to be
interpreted in the context of the times and of the prevalent legal concepts.
The concept had a different meaning than what it has today. It meant a tribe or
a tribal association -- that is, a community of shared obligations, rights,
duties and possibilities.
The predecessors of the early-latter day Romanians, who established their
country late, but very successfully, were living at the time of the Hungarian
conquest in the Central Balkans, where they were in close linguistic proximity
with the Albanians who remained much closer to their original region.
Linguistic evidence also suggests that most of them engaged in a pastoral life
in the mountains. Since at that time this very hard life had little appeal, the
higher mountainous regions gave them ample opportunities for expansion. In the
early sources, Byzantium, a major power fighting a desperate defensive war at
this time, called them the Wallachians, and it was only in the last century
that this term became the pejorative designation of Oláh. The Byzantians
actually called all the latinizing, non-Greek Balkanian people Wallachians, and
were pleased to use the people so designated for their own purposes. The region
was recognized as a desirable area during an almost incidental campaign -- note
how the Hungarians discovered the Carpathian Basin during their first Central
European incursion, and the idea of establishing a permanent residence here had
considerable appeal.
We can find the first indications of an approach of the Wallachians from the
external slopes of the Carpathians toward the Hungarian territory during the
Byzantian campaign involving Transylvania in 1166. These dates -- the Byzantian
campaign of 1166 and the campaign of the Szeben ispán in 1210,
using Wallachian fighters (actually against the Bulgarians and not the
Byzantines) -- determine the time when we can definitely assert that there was
a Romanian ethnic presence on the soil of Transylvania. Their gaining strength
was contributed to markedly by one of the greatest Hungarian historical
cataclysms. But first an interlude.
There was already an organized German colonization in Transylvania, on
territory formerly inhabited by the Székelys, when other, Germanic
newcomers appeared, this time from the east. The Teutonic Knightly Order,
authorized by a Papal Bull of 1198, had barely been established by German
nobles in Palestine from among the knightly crusaders, when they were expelled
from the Holy Land. They were chased back to Europe, and in 1211 the benevolent
Andrew II (1205-1235) invited them to the Barcaság, mainly in order for
them to oppose the Cumanian attacks and to convert the Cumanians, which truly
was their mission. The Teutonic Order, which later proved to be so aggressive,
very soon attempted to establish an independent country on the land received
from us and to place themselves under the protection of the distant Pope and
thus free themselves from the nearby Hungarian king. When after a number of
ominous signals Andrew discovered that instead of the wooden castles, which he
had very hesitantly approved, the Teutonic Knights were beginning to build
permanent stone castles, the disappointed king expels them in 1225 by force of
arms. Fleeing from Palestine, the Teutonic Order -- after the brief interlude
of their Transylvanian settlement -- were issued a later much regretted
invitation by the Poles and settled in Prussia and along the Baltic littoral.
We will not follow their adventurous and, for so many, tragic and painful
Returning to the Romanians, Wallachians -- the first charter which mentions
them relates to the land of a Romanian village chief, in the
Szõrénység and is dated 1247. They were primarily engaged
in sheep and goat grazing, but as a consequence of their migratory way of life,
they also bred horses and inhabited almost all habitable parts of a very wide
area, north of Macedonia and south of Moldavia. Thus, to find the precise
location of their original home is even more hopeless than it is for the
Hungarians. For centuries, their main characteristic was migration, during
which they lived and moved among a number of different ethnic groups. They
participated in markets and, with their animals functioned as highly regarded
carters and transporters. Wherever they were, they participated in local
activities but the looseness of their affiliations satisfied their needs of the
time. It did not, however, promote the concentration of the population needed
for the formation of a country. It did maintain a way of life with a number of
archaic traits. This initial dilatoriness, which was not rare at the turn of
the millennium, was maintained by them for many-many generations.
Their coherence was strengthened by their religion. Examined in more detail,
the animal husbandry which was pervasive among the Wallachians, albeit by no
means exclusive to them, is hard to compress into the neat categories drawn up
by the economic historians and ethnographers. A few definitions become
unavoidable: in a nomadic system, the change of pasture -- primarily the change
between summer and winter pastures -- involves the migration of the entire
population. When only the shepherds accompany the flocks to the winter
pastures, it is known as transhumation. This may have meant a trip of several
hundred kilometers, twice each year and also forced the men into lengthy
absences from their families. It had enormous effects on sexual customs and on
the raising of children. In high altitude grazing, the flock grazed during the
summer in the lush mountain meadows, and in the winter lived in stables on
forage gathered during the summer. In these cases, the pasture and the home
were usually not too distant from each other, and family life was not subject
to a seasonal periodicity.
Depending on the region and the period, these three methods of animal
husbandry were used interchangeably by the Wallachians. A description --
admittedly from the last century -- is so singularly affective that I must
quote it. It describes the existence of a fourth method. Thus, "The life of
these herdsmen is very singular and quite different from that of any other
shepherd. With 60-70 of their master's goats they roam over the bare crags all
winter. Completely left to their own devices, they are far from any social
contacts and may not see another human being for months. In previously
designated spots, such as caves or hollow trees, their master will have
deposited cornmeal for them which the shepherds use as they go along. There is
no variety in their days, they pass in complete uniformity. Such a shepherd
picks a large beech tree and fells it in such a fashion that it falls unto one
or two other beeches and thus bring down three trees at the same time. The more
the better. His work takes several hours during which the goats watch from a
safe distance, chew their cud and wait for their meal being prepared. When the
centuries old beech trees hit the ground, the shepherd gives a yell and the
hungry herd strips the buds and bark with their sharp teeth. The shepherd,
having removed the snow, builds a huge fire and filling a large kettle with
snow hangs it on a metal tripod. When the water boils, he adds cornmeal from
his shoulder bag, stirs it into a porridge and dines as contentedly as the city
dweller at a six course dinner. He slakes his thirst with the snow melted in
his kettle and stretching out on a pile of branches sleeps soundly, having been
awake all night for fear of predators. After the goats have consumed their
dinner, they lie down but the shepherd soon interrupts their rest. He breaks a
path through the deep snow and the goats follow in single file and so they go
down into a valley where they spend the night, protected from the howling
winds. He does not close his eyes all night and building several small fires
around the herd to keep away the slavering wild animals, watches them until the
morning. Should it start snowing again at night, the shepherd immediately
rousts the herd from its rest and keeps them moving back and forth. Thus, they
stamp the snow down, keep warm and also keep from being covered by snow. This
is the daily routine of the mountain goat herd. Finally, after six months of
misery, hard even to imagine for a person used to social intercourse, with a
face blackened by storms and freezing cold, but with a sound, healthy stomach
and in good strength he descends with his herd to the village."
I quoted from: "Sándor Ujfalvi, the old Hunter. Kolozsvár in the
year 1854". I did this not only to show a new, albeit rather extreme form of
animal husbandry; the quote says more about the incredible tenacity and
simplicity shown by the men engaged in this form of animal care, who lived
among their animals which, in turn, survived on buds and bark. This
adaptability and the willingness to live like this were major factors in their
entry into and expansion within the Balkans and the Carpathian Basin. This was
a vastly different approach than that of the other nations -- including the
Hungarians -- who brought their cattle and horse breeding practices and their
warlike traditions with them from the steppes of Asia.
In the region where the Wallachians lived and moved for a long time as
transients, Romanianization was much stronger than in Transylvania and in
Transylvanian Dacia. This was the area where the Proto-Romanians -- under
strong Slavic and other influences - became Latinized in their language and in
the demonstrable orientation of their leading classes. They evidently also
mingled, here and there, with the descendants of the early Dacians. This is a
much more defensible hypothesis than that of the local Transylvanian
Their Latinity, while clearly dominant as far as their language is concerned,
did not prove to be very strong in a much more important area. Initially, they
were under the aegis of Christianity, following the Latin ritual. But the
proximity of Byzantium, and perhaps under the influence of the Slavic people,
they soon and irrevocably fell under the dominance of the Eastern Ritual. The
Greek Orthodox Church, the Pravoslavia, never shaken by the Reformation that
hit its Western counterpart, solidly permeated the entire social structure.
Through religious instruction, philosophy and mentality it became a decisive
factor for entire regions and people. Even today, the dividing line in the
Balkans and in the Carpathian Basin is not geographic or historic, but
religious. It is the line between the Roman and the Eastern Rites that
separates Central Europe from Eastern Europe.
Gothic Spires and Onion Domes
Coming to the end of this chapter, we arrive in the middle of the 13th
century. At this time, there were only two Transcarpathian events which
affected the Wallachians and which deserve attention. For a short time, there
was a Bulgarian-Wallachian state, and this was significant since it meant that
the Wallachians, this Proto-Romanian ethnic group, began to participate in a
higher order of organization than previously. Secondly, the Cumanians, whose
proximity was the reason for the invitation to the Teutonic Order, also began
to develop a more advanced administrative structure in the area to the east and
to the south of the Carpathians. The Cumanians were transiently allied to the
Bulgarian-Wallachian block, mentioned above, but the increasing pressure by the
Tatars (Mongolians) from the East, made them look for assistance to the West
and even accepted Christianity.
When Andrew II crowned his eight-year-old son Béla, the later
Béla IV, as associate king -- remember, there was a precedent for this
-- he gave him Transylvania as a "practice kingdom". When Béla reached
adulthood, one of his main concerns was to attach Cumania to Hungary. In this
he was eventually successful. By the time it was accomplished, however, a
significant part of the Cumanian population is Wallachian. A basic area began
to take shape, extending from the Havasalfõld to Moldavia, where there
were first Romanian Voivodates, later Romanian principalities and finally --
much later -- the present Romanian fatherland. Young King Béla's
conquests in the direction of Cumania were so successful that Hungarians,
Székelys and Saxons in large numbers, voluntarily or otherwise, migrated
to the region beyond the Carpathians. It is at this time that the ancestors of
the Hungarians known as Csángós (wanderers ?) settled in
Moldavia. Although the Hungarian conquerors initially occupied the Viennese
basin as well, they rapidly withdrew from there to the line of the Lajta river.
In the end, the Moldavian Csángó were the only remaining block of
Hungarian extraction beyond the Carpathian Basin.
<< 5: Rex and Dux, Mines and Border Guards || 7: The Tearful Chronicle >>