8: Economic Dreams and Realities
<< 7: Mexican-Americans and Chicanos || 9: Tasks of Diplomacy >>
Economics is at the heart of relations between Mexico and the United States. There are
people in both countries who understand that a well-developed Mexico would have a much
greater economic exchange with the United States than it has now, to the advantage of
both. Truly drastic changes in economic ties will be difficult to arrange, however, both
because vested political and economic interests will object and because the two countries
are so mismatched in economic and social development. The balance of payments favors the
United States, which Mexico resents; but perhaps the new oil exports will help enough to
satisfy them south of the border. But it is unlikely. The import of Mexican vegetables
draws angry American farmers to the border crossings to blockade shipments. Suggestions
that the United States has to let in more Mexican manufactures draw almost irresistible
objections from organized labor and industrialists. Mexico needs private investment
capital but impedes its entry in many ways, rejects American suggestions that loosened
regulation would help, and replies that it would prefer low interest loans, paid for
directly or indirectly by the American government--that is, taxpayers. So that raises the
question: How much does the American public want to pay for Mexican development? And just
as difficult is the question of how much more aid Mexico could use effectively.
Payments and Nationalism
Mexico's balance of payments with the United States long has been unfavorable.
Essentially, Mexico's shipments of raw materials are of less value than its imports from
the United States, primarily of manufactured goods. Mexico also ships out money in profits
from United States corporate affiliates operating in Mexico, and in interest on American
loans and investments. These and other flows to the United States are only partially
offset by American tourism. The imbalance is the more serious for Mexico because its trade
with the U.S. is some 60 percent of all Mexican foreign trade. As a result, Mexico wishes
to improve its access to the American market. The United States, on the other hand,
carries on only about 4 percent of its total world trade with Mexico; so the importance of
the Mexican share does not loom large in Washington.
The United States has been Mexico's major trading partner since the late nineteenth
century. Commodity exchanges between the two countries surpassed $9 billion in 1978; the
United States sent almost $4 billion worth of machinery, parts, chemical products, and
finished metals in exchange for Mexican food, raw materials, minerals, and manufactures.
By late 1976, this pattern produced a $2 billion trade balance in favor of the United
States; but the gap narrowed to less than $200 million in 1978 as a result of increased
Mexican oil exports. The current account deficit of over one billion dollars may increase,
however, with rising profit remittances and necessary purchases of capital and petroleum
equipment. If United States trade patterns or policies shift dramatically against Mexico,
the latter's oil cannot cover the resulting trade deficits.
Unfortunately for Mexico, its imbalance with the United States is only part of a
generally unfavorable Mexican situation with regard to international payments. Mexico's
imports, largely for equipment, technology, and raw materials to operate and expand its
industrial plant, have simply been allowed to outrun income from exports. In addition,
Mexico has borrowed large sums abroad to finance its imbalance in commodity exchange, to
pay for a variety of projects that give no immediate return (e.g., electric power), and to
service the foreign debt. The Echeverría
administration from 1970 to 1976 ran up the international debt to unprecedented levels and
left the new president, López
Portillo, to sort out the mess.
The external public debt went from about $2.2 billion at the end of 1967 to $9.8
billion at the end of 1974, to $20 billion at the end of 1976, and reached about $25
billion in 1978. In the years 1967-76 the external debt rose from 11 to 21 percent of the
gross domestic product. The situation was such in 1978 that the government borrowed $8
billion abroad, but $5 billion went to service foreign debts.
These practices led to severe inflation in Mexico and forced in 1976 a devaluation of
the currency for the first time since 1953. It also caused a loss of confidence among
public and private investors and among businessmen generally. Pessimism also resulted from
the fact that the generally good Mexican economic growth record since 1940 was not
maintained. In 1976 production rose only 3.2 percent, which was less than half of the
average growth per year since 1940. It also was less than population growth, so that per
capita production actually declined. And 1977 was even worse, while improvement in 1978
was modest.
Echeverría devised a method of escape that he promoted in the United Nations: the
Third World would control the prices of world exports and imports. Understandably, the
developed countries resisted this extreme expression of the Third World desire for
assistance. Echeverría's relations with the United States were not warm enough for him to
make an effective effort to get concessions there. His successor could and did try, but
with moderate success by the fall of 1979. Washington had its own economic problems,
including inflation and big deficits in international accounts.
The devaluation of 1976 at the end of the Echeverría term, and other measures taken
after December 1976 by López Portillo, did reduce the deficits in foreign trade and in
the national budget, and somewhat lowered inflation. It also appeared that new petroleum
exports soon would greatly relieve the situation if spending could be kept down. But it
was irritating to Mexico to be required by the International Monetary Fund, as the price
of aid, to exercise a fiscal restraint imposed from outside.
That the restraint came from outside, as did pressures from the United States, pricked
Mexican pride, ambition, and desire for more freedom of action-in short, the spirit of
nationalism. Deficits in the billions stimulated extreme nationalists and demagogues in
Mexico to make wild charges with little regard for fact. In both Mexico and the United
States, responsible interest groups naturally used national interest as one basis of their
arguments. The calmest of political leaders bent to the winds of asserted national
interest and danger to the fatherland; leaders in both countries feared political
repercussions if they made concessions. Mexico declared that it merely wanted fair
treatment by greater access to United States markets for its exports, but it maintained
strict barriers of its own against the import of many types of goods that were
manufactured in Mexico. The United States posed as a world leader of lower trade
restriction but kept out many Mexican goods. Charges of insincerity on both sides were
spread through the constituencies of leaders and over the waves of television.
Exchange of Commodities and Services
The goods, investments, and services exchanged between Mexico and the United States
naturally reflect their resources. Mexico has subsurface resources and tropical crops that
the United States wants, customers for American manufactured goods, fine beaches and
interesting Indian relics for tourists, and opportunities for investment in a developing
country. But Mexico wants to be less a supplier of raw materials and more an exporter of
finished goods-that is, a fully industrialized nation. It is even wary of its new
petroleum surplus, and as soon as it can build facilities wants to ship much of it as
refined products.
The tropical agricultural products the United States imports from Mexico include
coffee, sugar, sisal, fruit, and cacao. Since the United States does not produce most of
these tropical agricultural items, there is no cause for problems, so long as two
conditions are met. First, Mexican prices and quality must be competitive. Second, other
things being equal, Washington must not favor one tropical country over another. The
tropical nations watch that closely, especially in connection with commodities in which
there are frequent surpluses, notably coffee and sugar.
It is a different matter with Mexican crops that compete with United States
producers--strawberries, citrus fruit, tomatoes, other vegetables, and meat. American
producers resent the competition. They put pressure on members of government at all
levels. They also strive to gain public sympathy for a variety of protests. A striking
example occurred in early March 1978, when farmers blocked traffic at the international
bridge at McAllen, Texas, to stop trucks bearing farm produce from Mexico. Police arrested
about two hundred fifty of the farmers, whereupon many others converged on the lower Rio
Grande Valley to protest. Much of the activity in the area was organized by American
Agriculture, a group hopeful of arousing farmers on a national basis. News pictures showed
policemen forcibly detaining farmers in overalls.
In view of such opposition, it may be doubted that much will result from the commercial
treaty signed by Mexico and the United States in 1977, the first between them since the
agreement of 1942, which ran out in 1950. The 1977 agreement only provides for about $100
million more per year in tariff concessions on both sides, more trade, but it involve
tariff concessions on both sides, more by the United States than by Mexico. This is in
line with international suggestions that concessions on tropical products by
industrialized nations is a useful way of helping development. In this case it includes
fruits and vegetables and other agricultural products. Although the amount of trade is not
large, it brought objections from American farmers.
In March 1980, the Commerce Department again replied to the petitions of Florida
farmers that the prices of winter vegetables from Mexico were not fair. The department
rebuffed the petitions. That was, of course, bad news for Florida farmers and good news
for North American consumers and Mexican farmers. It was good news also for President
López Portillo, who had been refusing to sign a new commercial agreement with Washington.
Mexican minerals have been important to the United States since the later nineteenth
century, both for export to the United States and as a focus for investment. Lead, zinc,
and sulphur are among those still of strong interest; also of actual or potential
importance are deposits of copper, iron, and silver. Although Mexico in the 1970s began
the nationalization of ownership of Mexican mining, foreigners were allowed to retain some
interest. It became a favorite claim of Mexican nationalists that huge hidden Yankee
ownership in minerals was a threat to Mexican control and policy. Finally, the American
interest in Mexican petroleum in the early twentieth century that had died as other
producers became important and as Mexico nationalized the industry, was revived in the
Mexico buys a copious amount of American manufactures, especially producer goods to
build her own manufacturing facilities. She closely restricts imports to Mexico of some
manufactured products where Mexico has producing capacity: for example, textiles,
clothing, television sets, refrigerators, and automotive vehicles.
The examples given are seldom competitive with American products in quality or price,
but they sometimes are. In any event, large quantities of such items are bought by
Mexicans in U.S. border towns and smuggled into Mexico, which would like to stop that
traffic and integrate the border area more closely into the national economy. Mexico has,
however, since 1966 created a special problem for itself in the border area. Its
government encourages U.S. corporations to lease land in Mexico's border cities, there to
import raw materials free of duty as long as the finished products are exported to the
United States, where some of them are bought by Mexicans and smuggled into Mexico. The
lure of these "in-bond" plants to American manufacturers is the same as in Hong
Kong and Taiwan-cheap labor. By 1977 there were more than six hundred such plants just
south of the Mexican border, assembling such items as radios, electronic equipment,
pharmaceuticals, and clothes. Some of America's best-known corporations thus carry jobs to
Mexico, as American organized labor complains; and Mexico derives income from wages,
taxes, and the sale of supplies and services.
While Mexico faces the problems of large Mexican purchases in United States border
towns, smuggling from the United States and other countries, and in-bond plants, it wants
the American market opened to many Mexican manufactures. American unions and manufacturers
say no. The ILGWU, for example, which protected Chicano workers in Los Angeles, has lost
much membership because imports of garments from the Far East and Latin America are made
by workers whose wages sometimes are only one-tenth of those of ILGWU members. If the
United States opens its markets wider to such low-cost producers, either on political or
economic grounds, ways must be found to compensate or appease American workers.
There is a sizable American investment in Mexico on the order of $4 billion, which is
more than 70 percent of total foreign investment in the country. It is not large by
American standards, but important to those involved, who are ready to spring to the
defense of their interest. And such defense is necessary because Mexican nationalists say
that American investment is a threat to their independence. That, at least, misleadingly
ignores the fact that some 90 percent of all investment in Mexico is Mexican, which is a
far cry from the days before the Revolution of 1910-1911, when half of investment in
Mexico was foreign. Foreign investment in Mexico today is even less than it was when rapid
industrialization began there during World War II, and the economy now is enormously
larger than it was then, The present proportion of foreign investment has not changed
significantly for some years and probably will not, if for no other reason than intense
Mexican interest in the matter.
Mexican nationalists assert that foreign investment is larger than the official figures
because dummies in Mexico hide some foreign holdings, especially when foreigners gain
control of enterprises that by law are to be Mexican-controlled. That certainly underplays
the brilliant success of Mexico's efforts to push foreigners out of many sectors of the
economy: for example, banking, insurance, primary chemicals, automotive vehicles,
minerals, petroleum, electric power, and railways. That policy of Mexicanizing (majority
local ownership) or nationalizing (total Mexican ownership, by the state or by private
funds, or a combination of the two) drove foreign investment almost entirely into
manufacturing, and only into portions of that sector.
Mexican critics are fertile in arguments. They find that some foreign investment in
manufacturing is in "strategic" lines that give foreigners critical leverage in
the economy. In this argument, statistics scarcely matter. Equally imaginative is the use
of statistics to show that a majority of Mexican industries are not totally owned
by Mexicans. They sometimes complain that profit remittances by foreign affiliates are
greater than new investment; or even, simply, that profits are too high. There is
complaint when American-owned enterprises sell only in Mexico. Also, when they sop up
local investment funds instead of bringing them in from abroad.
There is no question that much complaint about foreign investment is political or
emotional. Some Mexicans mistakenly suppose that it is clear that the country would be
better off with no foreign capital. Others, with considerably more rationality, want
capital only from international organizations. Many Mexicans, like most people in the
world, are eager to assign their troubles to foreign devils.
The Mexican government and the official party try constantly--and obviously with less
than total success--to put across the thesis that foreign investment is helping build a
new Mexico. The government joins the critics, however, in complaining that foreign
investment charges are exploitative. Proof on that subject often is irrelevant to
political argument.
Such nationalist pressure, and common prudence in politics, have impelled Mexico to
encourage more co-ventures between Mexican and foreign investors, with the majority share
in Mexican hands. That "Mexicanization" does something to defuse nationalist
cries. In any event, Mexico needs great sums of investment capital and the ruling party
has emphasized this fact for decades. What is required is an even wider repertory of
institutional arrangements to permit investment with a minimum of political repercussions.
It is certain that intelligent leaders in Mexico and the United States will not advocate a
return to foreign investment in Mexico without regulation.
There are a number of service exchanges between Mexico and the United States. Tourism
flows heavily both directions--labor largely from Mexico to the United States, and other
exchanges flowing largely from the United States to Mexico. The largest flow to Mexico
other than tourism involves technical and managerial personnel hired by Mexican firms or
American affiliates in Mexico. The numbers of these have for a long time been limited by
Mexico, but many still are required. The need for engineers is possibly more obvious than
for managerial talent. But the latter is of critical importance to all developing
countries. Mexico long has used not only American managers but American managerial
methods, imported texts, and professors to spread the word. In addition, many Mexicans
have gone to the United States for managerial experience and to study the theoretics of
modern administrative methods.
Mexicans also have gone to the United States to study other subjects, often for
advanced degrees in universities. Those subjects include economics, public and business
administration, all sorts of engineering, and natural and computer science. Given the cost
of higher education and the peculiar deficiencies of the universities of Mexico, this
exchange is likely to continue for many years.
A small amount of exchange of persons occurs within some of the less populous
occupations. There are a few international law firms in the two countries, with personnel
transferring between both countries. American advertising agencies have been establishing
branches or affiliates in Mexico for some years, and individual Yankees try their hand at
it. Public relations as theory and practice has been exported from the United States to
Mexico and has struggled to establish itself there as a vocation separate from
In addition to scientific and technical personnel, the United States provides Mexico
with technological processes, some thing a developing country badly needs. Mexico cannot
afford the expense or provide the skilled personnel for an effective research
establishment of its own. It knows that, but nationalists complain about the price of the
imported technology in license fees and other charges, and about restrictions on the
export of goods produced under license. These complaints, particular favorites of
nationalists, have forced the Mexican government to make gestures toward control of
profits made by foreigners from the sale of their science and technology. In fact,
however, there is little that countries like Mexico can do about the problem except to try
to play suppliers against each other, and gradually build up domestic scientific and
technological capabilities. Since the latter is a difficult proposition, probably little
will change for decades.
There has been some exchange in the movie industry--of players, directors, cameramen,
capital, and technical equipment. Some Mexicans have been stars in Hollywood: Ramón
Navarro, Dolores del Río, Lupe Velez, Cantínflas, Katy Jurado, Anthony Quinn. Mexico is
a popular location for American movie companies: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton at
Puerto Vallarta for "The Night of the Iguana," as well as many western companies
in the rugged country of Durango and other Mexican states. U.S. movies are immensely
popular in Mexico and are shown with the original soundtracks and Spanish subtitles, a
curious practice when compared with a smaller Spain, where nearly all foreign-language
films are dubbed in Spanish. The large export of American films probably will continue as
the Mexican film industry continues in the doldrums that have afflicted it for years--a
situation apparently induced by the political bureaucracy. Experience in many countries
suggests the improbability of rapid change.
The tourist exchange between Mexico and the United States is large and may grow much
larger. For some years a rapidly growing tide of American tourists provided Mexico with
lush income; indeed, at times this "industry without chimneys" has been a major
element in the Mexican balance of payments. In 1978 some 3.5 million American tourists
went to the interior of Mexico, and spent about $1 billion; visitors to the border area
left about $1.6 billion in Mexico.
However, that income from American tourism became increasingly offset by the loss of
revenue resulting from Mexican tourism within the U.S. interior, as well as American
border cities. That loss during 1978 totaled nearly $1.2 billion. The government of Mexico
complained often about the situation but did little to alter it. The currency devaluation
of 1976, however, made the peso so much less valuable in relation to the dollar that
Mexican tourism and border transactions declined drastically. They began to recover,
however, and Mexico would find it very difficult to keep them permanently depressed.
There is a large potential for further growth of American tourism in Mexico. A
startling glimpse of what that potential might be is suggested by the fact that Spain
(population of 35 million) in 1978 was host to 40 million tourists, and that was largely a
development of the last two decades. There are about as many Americans and Canadians (260
million) panting to flee the snow to tropical Mexico as there are Europeans aiming at
Spain. And Mexico has at least as many exotic "natives" and archaeological and
architectural marvels as Spain. Furthermore, Mexico is much more reliably warm during the
winter than the Sunbelt of the United States.
Mexico is aware of this great potential, and public and private funds are constantly
being pumped into new beach havens and other resorts. There is, to be sure, an old
nationalistic outcry against a tourism that creates a nation Of "bus- and
shoeshine-boys"; this outcry conveniently overlooks the haughty headwaiters and
well-paid hotel managers, to say nothing of chefs, car rental services, and tour
This great tourism bonanza, that no other country in Latin America enjoys, is partly
due to the next-door-neighbor position of Mexico. Not only is it relatively cheap to fly
there, but Americans also can drive across the border. Proximity and convenience of travel
to Mexico built that nation's tourist industry from almost nothing in the years after
1940. Travelers to Mexico--and to Spain--in the nineteenth century left accounts of vile
inns and worse roads. Both have improved almost beyond recognition. Tourism has helped,
requiring a big investment in highways, airports, hotels, and restaurants. Motels, then
trailer parks, began to spring up. At border crossings, quarter-mile lines of camper
trucks belonging to tour clubs signaled the need for more entry points. Big American
organizations found it convenient to alternate their convention sites between Miami Beach
and Mexico City or Acapulco.
The attractions of Mexico have included not only beaches, but exotic food; folk art;
jewelry and silver objects; bullfights; colonial palaces, churches, and monasteries; and a
generally 'brant and cheerful foreign atmosphere. There are in Mexico more ancient
pyramids than in Egypt. There are charming old colonial towns, such as Taxco, San Miguel
de Allende, Oaxaca, and Morelia. And there is Mexico City, with well over 12 million
inhabitants, apparently destined (or condemned) to be the largest city in the world.
Mexico also offers a stable political system and a well-policed environment for the
tourist, who naturally is not looking for coups d'etat, revolution, civil war, rampant
crime, or terrorism-all of which in recent years have badly damaged tourism in some
countries. The growth of the Mexican tourist industry depends on the continuation of a
social environment acceptable to the tourist. When in 1976 a few acts of violence against
Americans were committed, and some U.S. publications and organizations badly exaggerated
them, some oversensitive Mexicans charged a "conspiracy" to wreck the tourist
industry south of the border. This conspiracy charge was stimulated also by sensitivity
about the Echeverría administration's poor relations with Washington, and nervousness
about the problems distorting the Mexican economy. And finally, it was stimulated by the
fact that in 1975 American Jews boycotted Mexico's tourist centers as a result of Mexico's
vote in favor of a U.N. resolution equating Zionism with racism. Not even sales of
margaritas and beach umbrellas were immune from political considerations.
Mexico's New Oil Power
Nothing is less immune to political considerations than oil; and suddenly Mexico had
oceans of it.
Reserves and Production
As far as Mexican oil is concerned, the big drama has involved the figures on reserves.
At the end of 1970 Mexico's proven reserves of hydrocarbons (oil plus natural gas) were
5.5 billion barrels; the official figure at the end of 1975 was 6.3 billion; at the end of
1976 it was 11.16 billion. By then excitement was in the air because many people in the
oil industry, within and outside Mexico, had good reason to believe that new finds,
especially in southern Mexico, were being under reported. Rumors circulated that Mexico
was sitting on news of "another Saudi Arabia."
The government was unable to maintain its cautious attitude, or perhaps it simply was
issuing news on a planned schedule. In any event, by 1977 the estimate of
"probable" reserves of hydrocarbons in Mexico was 60 billion barrels, which was
six times that of Alaska's North Slope. By early 1981 Mexico's official estimate of
"proved" reserves was tripled from 20 to 60 billion barrels, with another 40
billion "probable" and total "potential" reserves (including proved
and probable) of 250 billion barrels. Again the whispers were that Mexico would prove to
be another Saudi Arabia; after all, careful oil exploration had covered only a small part
of the country.
Production also rose. In 1973 daily production of crude oil averaged 470,000 barrels;
by February 1977 it passed one million a day, and each day the equivalent of about 300,000
barrels of condensates and natural gas were being produced as well. By early 1981 daily
production of crude oil and liquid gas was more than 2.2 million barrels. PEMEX (the
national oil monopoly) planned to level off in 1982 at 2.7 million barrels a day, and to
stay at that level for two years. At least that was what the Mexicans have said. But plans
could change for apparently the oil can be produced at a much faster rate. A U.S.
government study, released early in 1979, said that Mexican production could go to 3.8
million barrels a day within a decade; another put it at more than twice as high.
Mexico has suddenly changed from a net importer of petroleum to a sizable exporter. Its
petroleum industry exports in 1976 were worth about $560 million. It expected daily
exports of crude in 1977 to be at a daily average of about 200,000 barrels, worth nearly
$1 billion. About 80 percent of Mexican oil exports went to the United States. By January
1979 that amounted to about 400,000 barrels a day, and the bill for the year might have
come to more than $2 billion. Of course, that was only a small part of the total American
consumption of 18.5 million barrels a day. By 1980 total exports reached a million barrels
a day, resulting in an annual income of some $15 billion. And, by other PEMEX estimates,
possibly a bit more than that by 1982, to which could be added $2 billion for exports of
natural gas each year. Although the projected figures for 1982 would only bring Mexico's
exports to about 2 percent of total world trade in oil, they have become immensely
important to Mexico, of considerable significance to the U.S., and of some interest to all
the Free World.
The Natural Gas Controversy
The new Mexican oil fields are also rich in natural gas, and the shortage of that fuel
in the United States in the winter of 1976-77 suggested that Americans would be happy to
import from Mexico. Plans were quickly laid for a pipeline. In August 1977 PEMEX signed a
letter of intent with six American gas distribution companies whereby those companies
would provide some of the financing. The price of the gas was set by a formula that came
to $2.60 per thousand cubic feet, considerably higher than the price of Canadian natural
gas. The line was to link pipelines at McAllen, Texas, with gas fields eight hundred miles
away in southern Mexico. The line would carry 2.5 billion cubic feet a day, which compared
with 2.2 billion handled by the trans-Canada line. But the Mexicans hoped to have their
line in operation by late 1979, whereas the Canada line was expected to go on stream no
earlier than 1982. These plans were boosted in September 1977, when the United States
Export-Import Bank approved a $590 million credit for equipment for the pipeline project
in Mexico, apparently seeing no fault in the price or anything else.
Some Mexicans, however, objected to the line as increasing dependence on the United
States. The government replied that only leftovers from Mexican use would go to the
Yankees. That appeasement of Mexico's nationalists went for naught, because Washington
vetoed the price of $2.60 per thousand cubic feet. Over succeeding months the argument
over the technical, economic, political, and supposedly moral aspects of the $2.60 price
lost the interest of many observers. The Washington decision certainly had been to some
extent influenced by the fact that natural gas pricing is a touchy matter, both for the
public, and between Congress and the president as well.
The Mexican reaction was strongly nationalistic, and President López Portillo canceled
the plan for the pipeline to Texas, asserting that Mexican industry would adapt from oil
to natural gas. He was under heavy political pressure to make such a decision, whether or
not he thought it economically sound. In early 1979 he said that Mexican natural gas would
not be available for the United States, being used by Mexican industry, but reversed
himself in September.
After months of negotiation, Mexico agreed to sell limited amounts of natural gas to
the United States at $3.63 per thousand cubic feet, a price which would be adjusted
quarterly. The 300 million cubic feet being pumped across the border is considerably less
than the 2.5 billion agreed upon several years before and only a drop in the United
States's daily 55 billion cubic feet consumption. Some citizens still resent what they
call a "holdup," but others press for a reasonable compromises. Influential
senators Frank Church (D.-Idaho) and Edward Kennedy (D.-Mass.) early in 1979 said they
hoped that the U.S. government would settle the natural gas argument with Mexico. The
symbolic September 1979 agreement only temporarily quieted them on this issue. The new
Mexican petroleum age promises to present many more policy problems to the neighboring
The Policies of Neighbors
The trouble with the game of "chicken" is that either one or both players may
be badly hurt. In the petroleum contest between Mexico and the United States in the late
1970s it has not been just a question of economic muscle; political factors have been at
least as important. Which leader would first feel inclined or compelled to make a
concession? Would it be met in kind, or with obstinacy, or even escalated demands? Could
simultaneous and offsetting concessions be arranged? The Mexican president has less room
for economic maneuvering than his Washington counterpart, but does he have more political
room in a country with a "one-party-dominant" system? At least, he hopes so. But
Mexican policy focuses on the United States in a way that United States policy does not
focus on Mexico. That alone makes decisions on petroleum exports to the United States more
important to Mexico City than to Washington.
The U.S. president, in fact, has little political room for maneuver. Policy is made
against a backdrop of trouble. In 1978 the American trade deficit soared to a record $28.5
billion, much of it due to petroleum imports, which had inexorably risen--or been allowed
to rise--until they were about half of American oil consumption. In 1978 and 1979 American
newspapers carried rueful cartoons showing the country begging for Mexican oil. Late in
1978 a National Security Council study found Mexican oil so important that it proposed
enticements to Mexico: more imports of Mexican farm produce and textiles as well as
establishment of quotas for Mexican immigrant workers.
That was too radical for Congress, some of whose members believed that the oil shortage
was contrived by the oil companies to make big profits on foreign oil. Probably none of
the congressmen approved of the enticements suggested by the NSC. Furthermore, despite the
natural gas controversy with Mexico, that country's oil exports to the United States
continued to rise. President López Portillo stated that the United States would continue
to be the chief customer for Mexican oil, although he also said that Mexico wished to
diversify its customer roster.
Energy Secretary James Schlesinger made another sort of suggestion in January 1979:
since the United States now had a surplus of natural gas (despite the problems of two
winters before), industry should temporarily (for six or seven years) emphasize use of gas
fuel rather than coal. Having just made some conversions from oil to coal upon government
urging, industry has not been attracted to another switch. Besides, it is not fond of
short-term expedients.
One scheme has proposed that Mexican oil replace Alaskan on the West and Gulf coasts of
the United States. That would require revocation of the prohibition on exports of Alaskan
oil. The switch, so the argument runs, would raise Alaskan production slowed by West Coast
oil gluts; and higher Alaskan output means lower prices. Cynics say that nothing means
lower prices.
Yet another suggestion is a three-way swap of Alaskan oil to Japan in exchange for
Mexican oil diverted from Japan to the American West Coast. That would save transportation
charges, including those to the Gulf Coast via the Panama Canal for Alaskan oil. It also
would raise Alaskan production. By early 1981 the Congress had not agreed on either
Another possibility, much discussed, has been to raise the price of U.S.-produced oil
from the government-mandated average of $9 a barrel to the average of about $1 5 a barrel,
paid in March 1979 for imported oil. Such a change has been considered with great caution
by politicians, who are unable to find a sure formula for appeasing everybody. Oil
companies would reap huge profits, unless they were heavily taxed, and consumer prices
would go up. Could a way be found to compensate or appease the citizenry? It is not
surprising that there was hesitation and contradiction in Washington. Nor is it surprising
that Mexican leaders have concentrated on their own problems. López Portillo at the
beginning of 1979 stated that oil output would be tied to the pace of Mexican development
and not allowed to exceed the nation's ability to "digest" the income
effectively, or to cause inflation. That is in line with the latest international thought
on development, and it has met the fears of Mexicans engaged in the great oil debate.
The expansion of the oil industry has been enormously expensive, and that has worried
some Mexicans. It appears that investment in various aspects of the industry will amount
to $15 billion or more during the years 1977-82. Not only is crude oil production being
increased, but Mexico is building refining facilities in order to increase the proportion
of processed materials shipped. It also is pushing the petrochemical industry, a heavy
user of capital.
Oil revenues also are tied to agriculture in Mexico. The country has developed a
growing deficit in farm output. Food imports in 1977 were up to $700 million, compared
with $400 million in 1976. There were scary reports that they might go to $3 billion by
1982, which would be about half of the oil revenues expected in that year. A government
official in 1978 had that in mind when he said that Mexico did not want to export oil and
import food--which is what Venezuela and some other countries have done. López Portillo
tried to calm such fears by stating that oil gave Mexico financial
self-determination--that is, freedom to solve her own problems, including food production.
Such statements have been reassuring to nationalists, when they choose to believe them;
but they do not assuage all Mexican fears, one being of famine. The country historically
has suffered many periods of food shortage and skyrocketing prices. The recent peasant
past of many Mexicans has locked in their breasts a belief that self-sufficiency in maize
and beans is the only basis for prosperity. In the 1970s many people were unable to
believe in arguments supporting food imports paid for with other commodities. Furthermore,
some political leaders worked hard to appeal to this simple faith. That was the easier
because runaway population growth was a specter visible to most Mexicans.
Mexico has not joined OPEC, apparently wanting independence of action; and why not,
since it can receive OPEC, or higher, prices for its oil exports. Washington seems
curiously optimistic about the value of this policy to American objectives, supposing that
it would be damaging to OPEC. In any event, Mexico can join OPEC when it chooses, which
would delight the other oil exporters.
With so much at stake, the rumor factories have been busy. Invention and trial balloons
could scarcely be distinguished by the man in the street, and apparently not always by
responsible officials. It was reported in January 1979 that Mexico was asking concessions
for the export of 2,700 items, some to be let in free of duty charges. Even if a Mexican
official made such a suggestion, he knew it to be an ostentatious bluff. An even more
incredible report was that the huge Mexican oil potential was known in Mexico at the time
of the 1938 oil expropriation but kept secret lest foreign capitalists get control of the
country. It was supposed to have been confined to a group called "Guardians of the
Secret." But the information on the southern Mexican oil fields was not available in
1938. Oil exploration is not done secretly with shovels. In addition, information of that
magnitude could not be kept secret by a group. Finally, some statesmen before López
Portillo would have been irresistibly tempted to exploit the "hidden" oil.
However, the story is an interesting reflection of extreme nationalism in Mexico, where
the protection of "nonrenewable natural resources" from Yankee imperialism is an
article of faith.
At first glance one might have supposed that the Mexican petroleum bonanza would make
the two countries better neighbors, but three or four years after the bonanza was revealed
that no longer seemed certain.
Cost of the Immigration "Safety Valve"
There is no single formula for calculating the costs of Mexican illegal immigration to
the United States. It depends on the assumptions allowed and the adopted conceptions of
benefits and debits. Those conceptions are, at times, simplistic, with people making the
common remark that "it costs the United States a packet." That usually means
that the speaker is thinking of Social Security, welfare, and education costs.; the
expense of border patrols and installations; internal searches by the Immigration and
Naturalization Service for aliens; deportation proceedings and shipments; and jobs and
wages "taken" from Americans by alien workers. Some fairly firm dollar figures
can be assigned to many of those factors, but it is more difficult to estimate costs in
social division and unrest.
In either case, it is arguable that costs are outweighed by the productive activities
of low-cost Mexican laborers, who work at jobs Anglos--and many Chicanos--will not take.
It might even be suggested that costing include a guess at the value to the United States
of a culture-group more driven by the work-ethic than the increasingly hedonistic and
pension-oriented population of longer residence.
The dominant political thought in Mexico considers the value of the safety value to
that country to be beyond question. Nationalist critics have to be assuaged, but they will
not be allowed to make policy. In any event, it is unlikely that the Mexican government
could do much to control migration at a cost it would be willing to pay. The pressure of
population growth on workers simply is too great. Mexico cannot increase jobs or decrease
population growth fast enough to permit much change in this situation for some time.
If Mexican population growth cannot be forced down, America may be needed as a safety
value indefinitely--not an attractive prospect to the United States. That growth rate long
has been well over 3 percent annually--one of the highest in the world, and more than
three times that of the United States and the Soviet Union and higher than that of China
or India.
From its present population of about 64 million, Mexico at current rates probably will
reach more than 100 million in the year 2000, 200 million by 2025, and 400 million by
2050, incredible as that seems. Some people tell us that it cannot happen, that too many
factors-famine, bourgeois prudence -must intervene to prevent it, but no one really knows.
What has happened in the last forty years says it may happen.
There is an influential minority in Mexico that advocates population control. President
Echeverría put himself on the side of "family planning," considered more
acceptable to Catholic Mexico than "control" or the even worse,
"prevention." There has been a small amount of progress, but it is not clear
that much more can be achieved. Middle-class Mexicans in the cities conspicuously limit
the size of their families. But poor farmers and workers have little reason to limit
family size, indeed, often preferring to have as many workers in the family as possible.
Change is especially needed in the huge bloc of poor peasants, which supplies the
immigrants to the United States. For them, probably only economic improvement, education,
and changes in values will much slow the birth rate.
Mexico's leaders say they favor a lower birth rate, preferring to export goods rather
than workers. And the United States is invited to help by taking more Mexican commodities.
So American policy and expenditures are tied to Mexican family life and that to illegal
On Helping Mexico's Development
It has been observed that many of the economic relations between Mexico and the United
States are strongly--if not quite immovably--fixed in differential natural and human
resources. The countries are vastly different in human resources because the institutional
bases for their development have been so sparse in Mexico. History shows that human
resources as molded by institutions--educational, moral, familial--usually are not easily
altered. It is therefore best to assume that without some extraordinary measures, there
will be no revolutionary change in economic relations between Mexico and the United
States. It may be hoped that incremental changes may some day add up to significant gains.
If drastic measures are suggested, they will have to contend with the argument that
year by year it is clearer that nations essentially develop themselves, that gobs of
petroleum money, for example, may be indigestible and may distort a society rather than
develop it. National development is one of the most complex of human endeavors, as much
social and political as economic. It might be sensible to ask, Would a large-scale crash
effort by the United States to help develop Mexico be realistic, or just a expensive
If such drastic measures are suggested, there will be disagreement both within and
between Mexico and the United States over what types are wanted. A part of that relates to
"costs"--who will pay for change? While we might hope to enjoy a few delightful
changes that cost no individuals or groups anything, there would be even more that cause
dislocation and damage. Drastic changes in flows of commodities, services, or money could
be expected to hurt someone in Mexico, the United States, or other countries. Presumably,
special interests and individual laborers, employers, consumers, and taxpayers would
retain their capacity to complain.
If Mexico is reluctant to settle for gradual improvement in economic relations with the
United States, it can increase economic ties with other countries, but probably that would
not be fruitful. Heavy, deliberate Mexican reordering of economic exchange with the United
States almost certainly would hurt Mexico considerably. Furthermore, it is unlikely to
find another country any more willing than the United States to finance rapid Mexican
Possibly Mexico could accept less rapidly improved trade with the United States if
Washington more clearly acknowledged that proper understanding of Mexico's needs requires
that the United States defer to Mexican knowledge of the Mexican culture. Also, a big
comfort to both countries would come from an American decision to put some special
resources to work for Mexican development on a more long-term basis. It need not be only
money but could include such things as scholarships and regularly scheduled tariff
reductions in Mexico's favor.
Such special treatment, particularly on tariffs, would meet a storm of criticism around
the world. It might be best explained as a necessary special relationship with a
next-door-neighbor, who was unavoidably exporting poverty to the United States in the form
of poor citizens. The nations would object but would secretly think it understand it
There might be less sniping by politicians and others in the United States at such a
program because it would be an agreed-upon long-term policy, so that the fundamental
debate would not be required each year. If it was thus institutionalized Americans might
eventually think it as precious as the Monroe Doctrine or the Panama Canal. Also they
might find that it makes good business.
The mind boggles at the thought of children in Boston and Bangor learning in school
that improvement of the lives of our neighbors in Michoacán was what the Pilgrims had in
mind all along. And the imagination simply cannot cope with the notion of Mexican
youngsters in Querétaro and Oaxaca singing "God Bless America!" But we can
<< 7: Mexican-Americans and Chicanos || 9: Tasks of Diplomacy >>