11: April-June, 1945
<< 10: January-March, 1945 || Lunnie Letter
Apr 1 - The bn crossed IP in Banfe at 0630 hours, order of march L, K, M, Hq and I Co
in reserve. L Co arrived at destination Ruthen at 1740 hrs, the assault co., covering a
distance of 100 miles. The enemy was encountered at entrance of town by small arms and
mortar fire. L Co proceeded to clear the center of the town and occupied the right flank,
later moving out to Alten Kirchen, and I Co. occupied the left flank. M Co set up mortars
and machine guns to support each co. The tank and TD's set-up a defensive position.
Mission was to seize ground in and around Ruthen. Breakfast served at 0530 hours.
Casualties WIA-2 MIA-1 Weather Fair Morale Excellent
Apr 2 - The bn organized and strengthened defensive positions. Prisoner and refugees
were captured or detained. Refugees were sent to the Military Government, which was set up
by Maj Kohout with the aid of Lt Korach. The Military government traced down possible
German civilian suspects. Number of prisoners captured were 44. In extending positions I
Co sustained WIA-2 from small arms fire also from I Co. MIA-2, a chow wagon was lost in
the sector.
Apr 3 - Companies were set up in a defensive position. An enemy 12 man patrol attempted
to enter town Alter Ruthen from Drewer, however the patrol was scattered by mortar fire.
Later another force of 40-50 men attacked colored platoon from Drewer also engaged by
these men. As a result one German officer Lt Col was killed and WIA were recovered. The
remainder of the combat patrol dispersed. The other companies had a quiet day and spent
the day improving positions. Casualties WIA-4 Prisoners EM- 14 Off-1 Weather Fair Morale
Excellent. The div comdr Gen Andrus, and Inf comdr Gen Millikan, Major General visited the
CP and later in the afternoon the Reg CO visited the CP. Three hot meals served.
Apr 4- The situation was quiet on all fronts of the bn. The companies altered and
strengthened defensive positions. K Co established contact with Fox Co of Dextrous White.
The 8th Armd Div moved in with K Co positions at 1100 hours to establish a stronger front.
The acting 1st Sgt of Item Co Tech Sgt Trudell returned to his organization at 1600 hours
after being captive of the Germans for 8 days, in which time he marched from Euderath to
Berleburg. The 2nd Div captured the town of Berleburg and he was set free. The unit that
captured the town returned him to the bn. 1 st Sgt Stewart of M Co was decorated with the
Silver Star by Gen Andrus at Regt Hq. Three hot meals served. Casualties-0 Prisoners-30
Weather Fair Morale Excellent
Apr 5 - The bn remained in defensive position. I Co sent out a patrol 150 yards to the
front to sweep the woods. A few enemy stragglers were interned. Prisoners continue to
enter bn area surrendering to OP. Three hot meals. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale
Excellent Prisoners-13
Apr 6 - The bn in a defensive position securing the town of Ruthen. A group of 8 men
were selected to go on the rotation furlough to U.S. Each letter Co were given a quota of
two men. Those names submitted were to remain at CP until the next morning, when
transportation was provided to evacuate them to the Regtl CP. A Jewish service was held at
Dixie D at 1400 hours, all the Jewish boys who cared to attend were taken to this service
at 1300 hours from the Bn CP. Three hot meals were served.
Casualties-0 Weather Showers Morale Excellent Prisoners 11 EM 1 Off
Apr 7 - The bn in a defensive position about Ruthen, with a well organized position.
Number of prisoners interned 19 EM and l off. One prisoner was an American who was in
Germany at the outbreak of the war. Later he was drafted into the German Army, and at the
questioning he used every American slang term known. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale
Apr 8 - The Bn was alerted to move from Ruthen to relieve an armored unit at
Helmartschausen. The bn was moved out at 1630 hours from the position on to objective. The
forward elements arrived at destination at 2400 hours. I Co , occupying Herstelle, L Co
Karlshaven, and L Co, M Co, and Hq Co occupying Helmarshausen. The motor march to
destination was 75 miles in length. Two hot meals served. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale
Apr 9 - The bn took over the defensive positions of the Armd Units and the armor moved
out. Communications were maintained by radios. The bn was alerted to move at 1730 hours
and began moving at 1800 hours. The order of march L Co, K Co, M Co, Hq Co, and I Co. At
midnight the bn was on the march. Three hot meals were served at supper C rations were
issued. Casualties-0 Weather Very Fair Morale Excellent
Apr 10 - The bn arrived at Markoldendorf the objective at 1200 hours. Enroute L Co sent
out patrols to scour woods preceding the town, but did not make any contacts with enemy.
The distance to the objective was 38 miles. Upon arrival L Co occupied the left portion of
town I Co right portion M Co the central sector closest to the CP, K Co moved on to a
small town of Hehnstedt a distance of 2 miles on foot. The field train arrived some time
later and a hot supper was served at 2100 hours. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale
Excellent Prisoners 38 EM 2 Off.
Apr 11- The bn was alerted to move at 0800 hours and at 1000 hours crossed the IP. The
bn arrived in assembly area at 1115 hours, a distance of 11 miles. Order of march I Co, K
Co, M Co, Hq Co, and L Co. I Co sent out a combat patrol to scour woods left of assembly
area capturing 40 prisoners making a total of 50 prisoners up to 1600 hours, at which time
the bn was alerted again. Moving out at 1630 hours K Co took over the lead as I Co
elements had not returned. The remainder of the bn moved out in the following order. L, M,
Hq, and I Cos. The bn arrived at Baldenhausen at 2030 hrs, enroute 2 rounds of arty fell
close to the route of march near our objective, but no casualties were sustained. Air
cover was maintained by Ninth TAC. A distance of 38 miles was traveled enroute to
objective. K Co occupied a position to the left of the town of Baldenhausen I Co in
Windhausen, L Co right sector of the town of Baldenhausen. Supper at 2300 hours.
Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale Excellent Prisoner-0
Apr 12 - Two companies went into the attack K Co in the lead and L Co following in
support at 1500 hours. They proceeded thru the woods in the vicinity of Clausthal and
contacted the Red Bn at 1730 hrs encountering no opposition except SP fire. The following
M Co, Hq Co, plus tanks and TD's assembled in Windhausen at 1630 hrs and chow was served
at 1700 hrs. The bn assembled at check point 14 where transportation remained back. M Co.
set up mortar positions plus Hq Co., tank and TD's. K Co. went into the assault at 2130
hours, K Co. and I Co. assault companies. Rear CP was set up in Clausthaler Silberhut. The
combat continued throughout the night. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale Excellent
Apr 13 - The situation permitted the transportation plus rear CP moved up to join the
forward elements at 0630 hours, a distance of 5 miles, arriving at 0700 hrs. L Co.
occupied right edge of town, K Co. left edge of town, I Co. covered our rear with M Co. in
position to support any sector. Mortar and arty fire fell in and around positions. A
patrol from I Co. was sent out to reconnoiter the enemy and was pinned down by machine gun
fire. In the afternoon the activity was minute altho L Co. was expecting a counterattack.
Casualties-35 KIA-2 Prisoners-35 EM, 3 Off. Morale Excellent Weather Fair.
Apr 14 - The bn altered its defensive positions somewhat, as I Co. moved across to Red
Bn positions and occupied them. Red bn then was relieved and moved out from Zellerfeld.
The situation today has been quiet only a few prisoners turning themselves into the
companies. Three hot meals. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale High Prisoners 15.
Apr 15 - The bn was in a defensive position most of the day. At 1430 hrs a billeting
detail was alerted from each Co. with the exception of I Co. which was to remain in
position. At 1500 hrs the billeting detail departed for Altenau and returned upon securing
billets for the bn. At 1830 hrs the bn crossed the IP on the outskirts of Clausthal, order
of march K Co. M Co., Hq Co., and L Co. moving up to the assembly area Altenau a distance
of 7 miles, arriving at 1930 hrs. Chapel services both Cath & Prot were held at 1100
hrs. Three hot meals served.
Casualties Abs sk-2 Weather Cloudy Morale High
Apr 16 - This morning the bn had breakfast at 0500 hrs. At 0600 hrs K Co. moved across
the IP at Altenau on a tactical march up to White Bn positions where troops detrucked, in
support was M Co. plus tanks TD(634) and Red AT platoon. The attack was made in the
direction of Braunlage as the troops moved thru White Bn positions. Later I Co. covered
the left flank of K Co. As K approached checkpoint B1, they were pinned down by arty,
mortar, and small arms fire. At this point L Co. moved out up to the positions to
strengthen positions. The Red Bn took over I Co. positions and I Co. reorganized for
another attack 400 yards in front of checkpoint Bl. Upon setting up forward positions wire
communications were installed to an intermediate CP. The forward CP was attacked by
Jerries, and a tank was committed and dispersed the enemy which approximated 40 men in
number. Each man displayed his utmost intestinal fortitude in the following skirmish. The
attack is still in progress on Braunlage a distance of 6 miles from IP. Casualties were
light considering the entire situation. WIA-16 KIA-6 MIA-5 BI-2 Lt Daugherty MIA Weather
Clear Morale Good Prisoners-6
Apr 17 - At 0900 hours K Co. continued the assault to Braunlage, M Co. and L Co . from
Konigskrug-Whs. Upon arrival in town K Co. cleared central portion, L Co, cleared northern
sector and I Co. southern sector. M Co. set up mortars in the center part of town, with MG
sections with L and I Cos. The CP moved in town at 1400 hours after the situation had been
cleared. Supper was served at 1800 hours. Mail at 1900 hours. Casualties WIA-5 EM, 1 Off
Lt Kavm of M Co. KIA-3 Abs sk-2 BI-1 Morale-Good Prisoners-6. The number of prisoners
taken were 1000 bed patients 350 walking patients. Braunlage proved to be a hospital town
with many small wards in private homes. There were five Americans repatriated. Three from
the 104th Div, and 2 from 1st Div., as follows 104th Lt Allen Fial NYC, S/Sgt Paul J.
Schurpf, Tonnington Conn. Pvt R.S. Robertson Menlow Park, Calif, 1st Div. Lt Frank R. Hart
Co G, Pvt John Kalpakoff Co G.
Apr 18 - The bn is set up in a defensive position in and around Braunlage. Several
patrols were sent out to sweep the woods North of town. A number of prisoners were
captured and the negro platoon was accredited with 50 prisoners. Altho the enemy has not
been active it is believed there are more in the woods hiding out. Three hot meals served.
Casualties-0 Weather Cold Morale High
Apr 19 - At 0915 hours K Co. departed defensive zone of Braunlage and retraced their
route thru Konigskrug and proceeded to 3000 yards SE where the mountain tops fan out
beyond this point. They swept from the highway East to a distance of 3000 meters. In this
skirmish I Co. captured a few prisoners, killed one, and wounded another. At 1300 hrs M
Co., L Co., I Co., and Hq Co . less rear CP departed and arrived at the cleared areas
which was used as an assembly area later. They took the 3 prominent terrain features to
the North after removing trees from the road. L Co. moved out of assembly area (993564)
with a mission of securing high ground (975584) which mission was accomplished at 1520
hours. I Co. moved from assembly area vicinity of (997585) Heinrichschohe without delay or
casualties. L Co. proceeded to secure highest ground in Central Germany Brockenks Blf. on
top of same is a sports Palace. L Co. proceeded on mission meanwhile I Co. ordered to
sweep area up to SE slopes of peak until cleared. L Co. reported 100 yards North of
objective at 1700 hrs. I Co. ordered to return to vicinity of Schierke where they
entrucked for Braunlage, by the Bn C.O. L Co. still short by approx. 200 yards and very
badly scattered with continued machine gun Ack-Ack and panzerfaust fire. By the time the
Co. organized for the assault on the German fortress it was dark, and due to this
condition it was impossible to make the attack. The tanks could not get to L Co. positions
because the road was blocked with trees and other points were large craters which hampered
travel, but by 2300 hrs the road was repaired and cleared then 2 tanks dispatched to L Co.
Even when the tanks reached objective they fired at a point of resistance, the hotel,
still it was unable to over-run the position. L Co. for security reasons was forced to
withdraw to a jump off point for the remainder of the night.
Apr 20 - L Co. set in position waiting for the first rays of light at 0615 hrs. The
tanks dispatched to aid L Co. were in the assembly area but could not leave because they
were held up by enemy personnel firing burp guns, rifles, panzerfaust. The tanks requested
that infantry be assigned to clear the area, and one platoon riflemen and one section of
mortars given the mission. One platoon from L Co. came down the mountain approx. at 1130
hrs completed the task. The tanks climbed the hill and were in position to aid L Co. on
the final assault. The enemy was strongly entrenched in the Palace pinnacle. One prisoner
which previously had surrendered was sent back to the Germans with a white flag offering a
truce to surrender at 1215 hrs. When the end of the truce period had been reached an
assault was launched. Lt Korach plus 2 squads of K Co. 2 tanks assisted by elements of L
Co. drew fire from Hotel. Lt Korach ordered the tanks to fire using AP, the building was
riddled. Under cover they rushed the building gaining entrance. In a matter of a few
minutes all the floors of the Fortress building were cleared. They captured 20 prisoners
including 2 officers. At 1400 hours L Co. took over position and formed a solid defensive
position. During this operation L Co. lost Lt Abele, Sgt Shepard and 3 other EM. Estimated
enemy dead 25, WIA-10 total captured 60. After defensive positions were set up the
remainder of the bn ordered to Braunlage to resume defensive position of that town.
Casualties WIA-10 KIA-8 Abs sk-3 Weather fair Morale Good
Apr 21 - At 0700 hrs K Co. moved from Braunlage to relieve L Co. which was on the
mountain. By 1000 hrs K Co. was entirely relieved and rejoined the Bn at Braunlage at 1130
hrs. to resume defensive positions in the town. The donut girls from the Red Cross arrived
this morning and gave out donuts, coffee and jive on a schedule for each co. It has been
the first donuts we have received since Hurtegen forest. Three hot meals served.
Casualties-0 Morale High Weather Snow Prisoners-0.
Apr 22 - The bn is in a defensive position at Braunlage. At 1130 hrs a billeting detail
was alerted to move, from each co., consisting of 1 off. and 3 EM, from Hq Co. 1 squad
from A & P plat. plus 1 wire section and an interpreter. Men are cleaning equipment
and clothing. Three hot meals. Casualties-0 Weather Snow Morale Excellent Prisoners-0
Apr 23 - At 1730 hrs K Co. was relieved from its position on the mountain by the 8th
Armd. Due to the inclement weather the troops had difficulty in withdrawing from their
position because of 5 inches of snow on the mountain. The bn was alerted to move, and
awaiting further orders. Allotments of furloughs were submitted to the Cos. Hq-1 I-1 K-1
L-2 M-2.
Casualties-Abs sk-3 Weather Snow & Intermittent showers Morale High
Apr 24 - The bn remained in a defensive position up to 1500 hrs at which time K Co.
crossed the IP in Braunlage, enroute to Wolferstadt followed by Hq, I Co, L Co, and M Co.
The route of march was at first south out of Braunlage and then west from Nordhausen. As
we departed for the now position the snow peak was visible for miles once an objective and
now occupied by Americans. The journey was a net distance of 64 miles and a 4 hr march,
arriving at destination at 1900 hrs. The kitchens and supply rooms were with each co.
enroute and immediately upon arrival the billeting detail guided personnel to selected
areas, and kitchens set up immediately upon arrival. The billeting detail guided personnel
to molested areas and the kitchens immediately prepared a hot supper. Companies Hq, K, and
M, set up in assembly area in the town of Wolferstadt while I & L Cos. set up in
Weather-fair Morale High Casualties-0
Apr 25 - The bn rested today. All the troops spent time in cleaning clothing and
equipment. Transportation was checked, cleaned and greased, minor repairs were made and
those vehicles requiring major repairs were made at Service Co. During the afternoon the
troops went to showers following a schedule designed by the adjutant. Men that were given
a furlough to USA departed this morning at 0630 hrs, immediate destination Regtl Hq. 3 hot
meals served. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale Excellent
Apr 26 - The troops spent their time today engaging in sports, both outdoor and indoor.
Transportation had an ordnance check today, vehicles were cleaned and greased for the
inspection, paint applied to rust spots. In the afternoon a USO show was held in Allstedt
and personnel departed from the Bn CP at 1330 hours. At 1400 hrs a billeting detail was
alerted to move out early the next day at 0530 hrs. The bn to follow later in the day at
1300 hrs. Three excellent meals served. Casualties-0 Morale Excellent Weather Fair
Apr 27 - March into Czechoslovakia
The billeting detail departed for Asch at 0530 hrs, and arrived at Regtl Hq in order to
assemble with the other bn billeting details. They departed from Regtl Hq at 0600 hrs. The
troops had breakfast at 0700 hrs in order to facilitate matters for serving dinner at 0945
hours. At 1215 hrs the Bn departed from Wolferstadt, the order of march I-K-M-Hq and L
Cos. Crossing the IP. I Co. and L Co. linked in with the convoy at Wolferstedt. At 1930
hrs the bn arrived at the destination Asch, Czechoslovakia, a distance of 128 miles.
Troops were billeted upon their arrival in definite areas, upon the arrangement of the
billeting detail. I Co. continued the march to the town of Newberg, setting up defensive
positions. Security patrols were assigned to patrol the streets during the night.
Casualties-0 Weather Intermittent showers Morale High
Apr 28 - The companies shifted positions in Asch to give a solid secure position. K Co.
moved to the outskirts of town on the SE sector. L Co. moved to the outskirts on the SE
sector. Later K Co. sent patrols out to Vernerov and Dalrouth and found the towns
unoccupied. As a result of the patrol L Co. went to occupy Vernerov. Today I Co. received
arty fire from the vicinity
of the woods to their front. Casualties-0 Weather Fair Morale Excellent
Apr 29 - This morning one platoon of L Co. reinforced went out on the assault and
occupied Horruth. In the afternoon the remainder of L Co, plus tanks, and TD's went in to
further reinforce their position. K Co. moved out to secure some high ground and to
assault the town of Dolreuth. The Co. entered the town from the rear taking the enemy by
surprise capturing 7 prisoners. At 2000 hrs K Co. moved from Dolreuth to assault Gurth. On
the outskirts of town they drew small arms fire but no casualties, later occupying the
town. Later moving out to successfully secure the crossroads on the other side of town. At
1440 hrs I Co. was on the ready line on the road to Krugsruth. At the entrance of town
they drew sporadic small arms fire however at 1900 hrs they secured the town and set up
defensive positions. At 1830 hrs Hq Co. moved from Asch to secure Dolreuth relieving K Co.
arriving at 1900 hrs. Covering a distance of 2 & 1/2 miles. Casualties- WIA-1 (N)
Weather Intermittent showers Morale Excellent
Apr 30 - Today L Co. assaulted the town of Ober Brambach, occupied it and set up
defensive positions. K Co. sent out a patrol to Raum to reconnoiter the town, and later
the entire Co. moved out from Gurth to assault Raum. After a short fire fight they secured
the town and immediately set up defensive positions. I Co. remained in the town of
Krugsreuth, M Co. moved from Asch to Dolreuth.
Weather- Intermittent showers. Prisoners-10 including 3 officers. Casualties- BI2.
May 1 - At 0800 hrs the Blue 3, Capt Stevens visited the Co. CP's to review the
tactical situation, This morning L Co. extended its left flank a distance of 1000 yards to
further secure its position at Ober Brambach. At 1000 hrs I Co. swept over hill 681
adjacent Raum, clearing out the woods also moving due east from the railroad tracks,
securing its position. At 1300 hrs L Co. contacted K Co. from the Northern edge of the
woods. At 1200 hrs a platoon from K Co. swept up along hill 683 and swept woods to a
contact point due East from railroad tracks, and made contact at 1400 hrs. The bn was in
position at 1600 hrs. Hq Co. moved into Krugsreuth at 0930 hrs from Dolreuth a distance of
3 miles. I Co. assembled two platoons on the outskirts of Krugsreuth upon the arrival of
Hq Co. At K Co's position yesterday 6 rounds of arty fell in and around causing no
casualties. L Co. sent out a patrol to the front at 1100 hrs and when they were sweeping
the woods back to the area they were ambushed, as a result 2 were killed and 1 wounded.
They were pinned down until 1300 hrs when they were relieved by a squad from their co. The
platoon did not gain contact with the enemy to the East of this position, on the
neighboring high terrain. We called for arty on several targets. The liaison cub was given
a mission to search for a German CP somewhere in the vicinity of Landwust. We now have L
& K Cos. in Germany while I, Hq and part of M Co. are in Czechoslovakia.
Casualties KIA-2, WIA-1, Abs sk-1 SIW-1 Weather Showers Morale Good
May 2 - The bn remained in the same position today, and the Cos were building stronger
defensive positions. Three rounds of arty fell in on K Co. positions today causing no
casualties or damage. As a recreation program was scheduled, there were 2 shows at Asch
thru Special Service. Casualties Abs sk- 1 Weather Showers Morale Excellent
May 3 - The bn remained in the defensive position. Administration work is being carried
on extensively clearing decorations and awards thru channels. An officers' PX has been
established whereby one off. from the bn makes the purchases for all officers, along with
the ration books allotted, to each officer. Entertainment was provided today by Special
Service at Asch, where there were two shows, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.
Casualties Abs sk-1 Weather Showers Morale Excellent
May 4 - The bn remained in its fortified defensive position. The enemy put 8 rounds of
arty in K Co. area causing no damages or casualties. Lt Byerly was selected as bn PX
officer to make the purchases for the officers desiring merchandise from the PX. A Laundry
service was established and I Co. had their clothes laundered. The men were well satisfied
with the service.
Casualties Abs sk-3 Weather Fair Morale Excellent.
May 5 - At 1530 hrs the bn was alerted to send out a reconnaissance patrol to the front
in the vicinity of Rohnbach, Henneback and Nunnknok. The mission was to contact and
estimate their force. At 1700 hrs Lt Mosias and his platoon reported that they made no
contact nor did they observe the enemy anywhere. The attack order arrived at 1830 hrs. A
USO show was given at Bad Elsen by Belgian talent. Casualties Abs sk-3 Weather Rain Morale
May 6th - At 0500 hrs the bn made a dawn attack with K Co. on the left and I Co on the
right. K Co assaulted due East of Raun and I Co assaulting due East from Oberbrambach. At
0550 hrs M Co fired mortars into Rurbach f rom Oberbrambach to scatter the enemy. Both I
Co and K Co begin the assault march upon the completion of fire and the enemy was
scattered upon arriving at Rurbach and 23 prisoners were interned without a fire fight. K
Co advanced along the same route of approach. I Co carried on to Shongrub arriving at 1100
hrs, along the march they were in contact with C Co of the 16th Inf. K Co. overran Voekou
and altered its route of march to azimuth NE and were ready for the attack on Schonbach
but awaited tanks to reach their position at the road intersection. At 1500 hrs after
A&P pltn. cleared the road of mines, the assault began on Schonbach. Prior to the
attack on Schonbach I Co ran into the only organized resistance all day at 1500 yds east
of Shongrub. It was stubborn resistance set up by the enemy personnel as a result 12
prisoners were taken 2 killed, 2 wounded and also 2 civilians wounded. The tanks opened
fire on the buildings used as strong points by the enemy. No casualties sustained in this
skirmish. After this resistance was cleared K Co assaulted Schonbach and the town was half
cleared they met friendly troops from C Co 26th Inf. The town was cleaned immediately and
K Co went to secure Ashborth quickly securing in and all surrounding high ground.
Defensive positions were organized and strong points fortified. I Co now to the SE took
Brenndorf without trouble and moved further east to North Kostel and assembled defensive
positions South and East, reinforced by one pltn of MG's one section of 81 mortars, 2
tanks and Regt. AT. L Co ordered to fill the gap between K and I Co's a distance of 4000
yds, securing high ground and a series of strongpoints at Oldrischof. L Co reinforced by
one pltn of TD's, one tank. K Co reinforced by one pltn of MG's, section of 81 mortars, 2
tanks, and bn. AT pltn. The bn. occupied over 12,000 yds in the assault but fell short of
Reg. objective due to bad weather and mostly rugged terrain. The troops were squared away
at 1000 hrs forming a solid organized defensive. Cas: BI-2 one man while arresting a rifle
from a jerry out his hand. Weather rain Morale Excellent
May 7th - The bn. in an organized defensive position, received no fire from small arms,
mortars, or artillery. The troops are relaxing after a difficult hike up to the present
position. Chow was at 0500 in lieu of another objective. The assault began at 0600 hrs,
towards the objective but at 0730 hrs they were recalled by Major Nations on orders from
Higher Hq. The bn. organized in its former position and remained there. The field train
moved from Schonbach about 1100 hrs and dinner was served at 1330 hrs supper at 0600 hrs.
Cas: accidental wound 1 Pvt Holpp was injured when a bullet in a trash pile which he was
burning went off injuring him in lower left leg.
Morale excellent.
May 8th - The bn in a defensive position. German troops were surrendering by convoys
and taken immediately to the Reg PW cage where they were interned. Two German airplanes
surrendered making a landing on the outskirts of town. The band gave a concert at 1300
hrs, a film was showed at 1500 hrs and 1900 hrs, and church services at 1700 hrs. A Regt'l
formation was held in the square of the town and two old soldiers at least from each
company attended. At
this formation the Regt. CO gave a speech retrogressing on the past history from the
amphibious landing at Oran to the present VE day May 9th. Taps were sounded for those
who parted from our midst. The formation closed at 1700 hrs with the playing of the Beer
barrel Polka. Cas: 0 Morale -- excellent Weather -- fair.
May 9th - Companies are in a defensive position. Prisoners continued to flow through L
Co area, yesterday it was estimated at over 3000 prisoners were interned. The attch'd
units withdrew to their parent unit. The bn was allotted 5 men to go on furlough and the
break down was 1 per company. The entertainment was the band playing twice during the day
at 0330 hrs and at 1930 hrs, respectively. The movie was held at 1430 hrs and another at
1930 hrs. Cas: Acc. wound- 3 ab sk 1. Weather fair Morale excellent. Prisoners interned
from 397th Inf Div
10 May - The bn remained in a defensive position. Today German prisoners continued to
flow through our area from Army Hq, Corp Hq's Div Hq and hosp. personnel and patients.
Today was payday for the EM. Lt Magdeburg and Lt Meyer paying I and K Co's respectively.
The band played, movies were shown on a regular schedule. The AP pltn were detailed to
give water to the prisoners at 2030 hrs. The anti-tank pltn rejoined Hq Co.
Cas: NONE, Morale excellent. Weather fair.
May 11th - Forward elements of the bn. moved out sweeping cross country on the
Grossengrug-Kroslice highway. The companies jumped off at 0800 hrs from the MLR and
arrived on objective. During the assault enemy soldiers were diverted to the rear. The
companies closed their positions at 1400 hrs after an uneventful day and at 1700 hrs a
defensive arc was set up and fortified. At 1800 hrs an order was given no more civilians
or soldiers were permitted to pass through our lines, but diverted to Hzortin. The entire
march covered 10,000 yds.
Cas: Morale excellent Weather fair.
12 May - The bn remained in the defensive position today. Routine guard controlling
traffic across the river, permitting no refugees to flow between the lines. The Regt
commander visited the bn. CP at 1400 hrs. The bn is stable and well deployed for any
opposition that might arise.
13 May - At 0945 hrs the bn attended a movie produced by the Chief of Staff Gen
Marshall concerning a man's points for the redeployment into segregated groups one going
to CBI theater of operations, the other as an Army of Occupation, and another to return to
the US to be segregated into groups essential and nonessential. There were Protestant
Services held at 1500 hrs and Catholic mass at 100 hrs. The Red Cross girls gave out
donuts and coffee to each company and the adjutant commandered the girls about the bn.
Cas: 0 Morale excellent Weather fair.
14 May - The bn remained in the defensive position today. The men to go on furlough
were apportioned Hq-7, M-6, I & L-4, K-6. The breakdown was based on the number of men
who were eligible for discharge under the redeployment plan. Those having a critical
points rating very high to the lesser scores were selected. There were 2 movies at M Co
area at 1500 hrs and 1900 hrs. Showers were available to the troops on a time schedule.
Cas: abs sk 2 NBI-1. Critical pts for redeployment were determined early this morning by
the personnel clerks.
15 May - The bn remained in the defensive position today. The troops are cleaning
equipment and washing clothes, also taking showers. The men leaving on furlough were to
report at the Bn. CP at 1830 hrs. After assembling the men in front of the CP Lt Col
Corley awarded individuals Bronze Stars who were citated for same at 2000 hrs. After the
formation the men returned to Schonbach where they slept. Normal guards were posted at
road blocks, various CP's and gun positions. Shows were performed twice. Cas: 0 Morale
excellent Weather fair.
16 May - The bn. remained in the defensive position. Physical profile cards were
completed by the pltn leaders and pltn sgts. signed by the Co CO upon his approval. An
officers roster was submitted by date of rank and position within the company. Upon
receiving these rosters a single roster was compiled by the Sgt Major T/Sgt Usner. A USO
show was held at Schonbach at 1500 hrs. An indefinite allotment of men were able to attend
this show and transportation was provided. Cas ab sk 1, Weather fair Morale excellent.
17 May - The kitchens and supply rooms are with the Co's and the S-4 has moved his
office close to M Co CP. The troops were cleaning equipment, washing clothes. Chapel
services were held at 1600 hrs by Chap. Byrnes who rendered mass at that time. 2 shows
were held at the bn theater at M Co. A list of names were submitted to bn of those who
were next in line to return to US on the redeployment plan. Cas: 0 Weather fair Morale
18 May - This morning companies were following their drill schedule for the morning.
The ratio for those to return to US on redeployment Hq-3 I-1, K-2, L-2, and M-3 from
Regt'l Hq. A Co Comdrs meeting was held at 1500 hrs at M Co. Area concerning points to
follow during our stay in the present position. A rifle inspection was held before chow at
1700 hrs. Two shows were performed at the Bn theater. Cas: 0 Weather fair
19 May - The bn followed the drill schedule this morning and were given the afternoon
off. S/Sgt Penn came to the CP this morning to determine the officers interim points. A
program for showers was prescribed and carried thru. The officers had a stag party at 1900
hrs. Lt Legow visited the Bn from SHAEF Hq. He was formerly the adjutant of this
Cas: abs sk 2 Weather - intermittent showers. Morale excellent
20 May - A Bn Com'drs meeting was held at Regt at 100 hrs. Church service was
conducted, Catholic mass at 1100 hrs in L Co area and Protestant services at 1400 hrs in M
Co area. There were two shows at Bn theater. A training schedule was drafted by Capt
Stevens with a special interest toward weapons. Cas: abs sk 1 Weather fair Morale
21 May - The bn followed the drill schedule on a 50% basis, 50% of the company drilling
the morning and the remainder in the afternoon. This policy has been adopted in lieu of
our defensive position. Two shows were given at the Bn theater and the picture Winged
Victory. The regt CO Lt Col Murdoch visited the CP at 1400 hrs. Those men to return to US
on the redeployment were alerted. Cas abs sk 5 Weather intermittent showers Morale
22 may - The bn followed the drill schedule this morning and afternoon. Those men
selected to depart from the bn mounted trucks at 0515 hrs destination Reg Hq. Major Kelly
visited the CP from Div I&E dept. Two shows were given at the Bn Theater at M Co, the
picture My Pal Wolf. A roster of officers luggage and personal effects was compiled. Many
decorations were submitted for approval of and a record made of each. T/Sgt Dobel was
selected out of the Bn for a Russian award, because of his outstanding record in the past.
This recommendation was made by Lt Col Corley. Cas: abs sk 3 Weather showers Morale
May 23 - The usual camp duties were followed. Vehicles are being cleaned, greased, and
painted for the inspection which is due may 26th. two shows were performed at bn theater.
Cas: abs sk 1. Weather intermittent showers Morale excellent
24 May - Rainy day schedule was followed because of inclimate weather. Troops were
instructed about weapons, radio, & demolition. Cleaning of vehicles was suspended
also, in preparation for painting. Shows were performed twice at the bn theater. Another
quota was allotted for redeployment within the bn I Co-2 K-4, L-3, M-4 and Hq-4. A roster
was compiled
at the CP of those men returning and submitted to Higher Hq.
Cas: abs sk 0 Weather showers Morale excellent.
May 25 - The companies followed the normal camp duties. The steel helmets were sprayed
and the division insignia was stenciled thru-out the bn. All vehicles were cleaned and are
ready for painting pending the quantity of paint which will be allotted for the job. There
were two shows at the bn theater. Cas: 0 Weather intermittent showers Morale excellent
26 May - The Co's followed the usual camp duties. The training schedule was adhered to.
The men who were selected for redeployment were brought to Reg Hq to sign form 32's.
Shortages in the bn were filled by supply rooms of each company, making the men up to TE
in some items of clothing. Cas: abs sk 3 Weather fair Morale excellent
27 May - The Sunday schedule was followed, breakfast of 0800 hrs. Catholic mass at 1000
hrs and Protestant services at 1400 hrs. The Red Cross donut girls visited the letter Co's
omitting Hq Co because of the lack of time. There were two shows at the Bn theater on
Dancing on Broadway one at 1500 hrs and the other at 1900 hrs. The men who were selected
for redeployment were brought to the bn CP awaiting trans. early on the 28th of May.
Cas: ab sk 4 Weather fair Morale excellent
28 May - The usual camp duties were followed thru. In the afternoon there was an
ordnance inspection of individual arms. The men for redeployment departed at 0245 hrs for
Regt Hq.
There were two showings at the Bn theater. Another quota for redeployment was submitted
to this CP from Reg Hq. Cas: ab sk 4 Weather fair Morale excellent
29 May - The Co's followed normal camp duties. The afternoon schedule was composed of
the Lecture 2 Down and 1 To Go. Men in selected categories were giver an opportunity to
express themselves just as though it were an open forum. There were two showings at the bn
theater. Trans. was requested for our next move. 40 trucks were required to move the
entire bn. including kitchens and supply rooms. Cas: ab sk 1 Weather fair Morale high.
30 May - Memorial day services were held at Schonbach with Chaplain Byrnes officiating
and another service at Bleistadt for Protestant enlisted men and officers with Capt. Burke
officiating. Trucks were provided for both Memorial Services by Service Co. The Co's
followed routine camp duties and training schedule. The afternoon program consisted of
checking clothing at a showdown inspection at which time shortages were taken and Form
32's were properly filled in with the amount of equipment each man had in his possession.
There were 2 showings at the Bn Theater. Cas: ab sk 1 Weather fair Morale excellent.
31 May - Due to inclimate weather the bn followed the rainy day schedule which is a
series of indoor lectures on weapons also crew served weapons. There were 2 shows at the
Bn theater. Cas: ab sk 3 Weather rain.
1 June - The bn had practice parades within Co areas, until each Co C.O. felt his
troops appeared well. The parade which was originally scheduled for 1500 hrs was advanced
one hr and the formation was called for at 1400 hrs. The Co's marched on the parade
ground, and by the colors at 1400 hrs. the men to be decorated were given their awards and
decorations by the Reg. C.O. Lt Col Murdoch. Only one show in the evening at Bn Theater. A
jeep accident occurred outside Hof, when one of M Co's vehicles swerved off the road. Cas:
ab sk 0 Weather fair Morale ex.
2 June - The usual camp duties were adhered to, and an inspection of vehicles. A rifle
inspection was given by each company at 1130 hrs. Afternoon was given off.
Cas: ab sk 1 Weather rain Morale excellent.
<< 10: January-March, 1945 || Lunnie Letter