8: July-September, 1944
<< 7: April-June, 1944 || 9: October-December, 1944 >>
July 1st - Our position is still defensive. Artillery fire falls intermittently,
however, not as heavily as several days ago. Co. "I" & Co. "K"
completed their exchange of position at 0045 hrs. At 0310 hrs. Lt. Willis, 33rd FA,
reported through the British 6th Queens Regt. from Le Mesnil. He says enemy in force has
strong entrenchments, personnel and track vehicles. At 0715 Co. "I" dawn patrol
reported mine fields at 72845943 and wire at 730595. Blue 6 ordered two recon patrols to
work south on trail from "K" Co. to Le Mesnil at 1000 hrs. One patrol to work
each side of trail 100 yards width. Patrol returned at 1405 hrs. Reported receiving Anti
tank gun fire at 729593. Received small arms fire from east. Patrol requested artillery
fire on area. At 1300 hours Co. More, 41st Armoured Inf. visited S-6. Reports
"C" Co. of his unit now on our left and discussing better tying in of flanks.
Col. Learnard was attached to the bn. at 1420 hrs. Col. Seitz gave orders for mortar fire
to be increased to one unit of fire per day. Twenty four hour harassing fire to be
coordinated with artillery thru Lt. Willis. Patrol laid on at 1500 hours consisting of one
squad of Co. "K" plus BAR team (2 men), 2 intelligence men, 2 AP demolition men
and Lt Sampson. Sound power phones and reel of wire to be taken. Mortars to be fired from
2235 to 2238 and coordinated with artillery through Lt. Willis. First report from patrol
at 2251 hours. One man wounded from AP mine and one hit by small arms fire. At 2300 hours
Co. Seitz visited the Bn. and gave orders for artillery and mortar fire to be placed on
known targets at 0400, 0440 and 0500 hrs to counteract possible enemy counterattack.
Weather for today: Light showers, Casualties: 1 malaria, 1 ab sk Visitors to Bn: Col.
Moore, 41st Arm. Inf. at 0645, Lt Nichols and Capt. Washburn, 745th Tank Bn. 1040 to 1115.
Capt. Anderson, MD 1st Engrs at 1640.
July 2nd - Our situation continues as before. At 0257 Lt. Sampson's patrol returned.
Reported running into mine fields (AT & AP) and receiving machine gun fire from
729594, Also receiving machine gun fire, believed to be American light, from 730595. At
0940 S-6 called for detail of 1 Sgt. & 2 EM equipped with sniper rifles to cover enemy
mine field & deny anyone from laying mines. Detail to leave 1100 hrs. At 1000 hrs. S-6
order half squad out to observe artillery fire. At 1230 Recon. group, follows sniper
detail, consisting of 1st Sgt, & 3 EM. Patrol went to 7295945. Movement heard at
approximately 727594. Artillery fire is proving very effective. K-6 reports first
artillery fire on mined area at 1515. At 2035 S-6 orders two patrols to leave
"K" Co. at 0500 hrs. 4 men with automatic rifles will cover squad going to
726593. Artillery reports good results from 6 tanks at 704619 being used as artillery.
Enemy observed leaving burning houses. We had the followings visitors today: Lt. Col.
Bryde, 33rd FA, 1500-1525, Lt. Col. Southerland, Regt.
S-5 1500 to 1525. Capt Barnett, 5th FA, 1520 to 1525 and Capt. Carney at 1830 hrs.
Weather was clear this morning but became cloudy and rain in the afternoon. Casualties: 3
malaria, 1 wounded in action.
July 3rd - There is no change in our position and artillery exchange continues. Two
patrols from Co. "K" left at 0300. S/Sgt Solarski with 8 men and PFC. Merritt
with 3 men (BAR team) proceeded across road, with mission of drawing fire. Two groups
deployed on W. side of trail running south to Le Mesnil. They located an enemy machine gun
at 72875944 and one at 72655956. They heard noise of stakes being pounded in at 7265592 to
7285940. They returned at 0430 hrs. Blue 6 instructed K-5 to lay on recon at 0945 in
readiness for patrol to capture prisoners. At 1830 hrs. patrol ordered to leave and get
mines. Patrol to return at 0230. Visitors to the Bn. today: Col. Seitz and Col. Bryde,
33rd FA, 1945 to 2005 hrs. Weather: Generally cloudy with light showers most of the day.
Casualties: 3 abs. sck.
July 4th - The fireworks here consisted of artillery burst however we are sending
"Jerry" considerable more than we are receiving. Activity is confined to
patrols. At 0105 K-6 reports friendly artillery falling at 728592, Delta, Premium, and
Princess Red were all checked but source still undiscovered. At 0230 Lt. Vadaszy in charge
of "K" Co. patrol to 726593 reports reaching point at 727593 where he located
mines. Mortar Barrage failed to neutralize the enemy. He returned to communication line.
Patrol was sent back by K-6, reached point at 727593 and received small arms fire.
Returned at 0310 without reaching or accomplishing their mission. Lt. Kuhin, "C"
Co. of 745th Tank Bn. visited CP says his platoon will work with our Bn. when Regt.
assigns tanks to us. At 1150 Dextrous 6 called for 15 round per tube on selected targets
at 1200 hrs. At 1900 hrs. patrol #1 ordered from "K" Co. consist of 6 BAR men, 6
rifleman and 2 NCO's. They ill leave at 2340 hrs. for point at 724594, to fire on enemy at
725951 for ten (10) minutes. Artillery will be layed on target from 2340 - 2354. Patrol is
to return 0030. Patrol "2 ordered to leave "K" Co. at 0245 to go to 725591.
Patrol includes 1 squad from Co. "K", 1 BAR team with 2 tommy guns. Lt. Allen
with 4 A & P men, and 1 intelligence man. Mission is to get prisoner. One BAR team to
cover squad from 729595 patrol to return at 0515. At 2030 Co. Southerland called says
limit on mortar ammunition is lifted but 1/3 unit per day remains on all other ammunition.
Report from patrol "1, "K" Co. at 2400 hrs. says, patrol received fire from
at least 5 machine guns and some mortar fire. Company position received mortar and
artillery fire. They had no casualties. We were notified today that our Bn. is to trade
positions 1st Bn. tomorrow. Visitors include Co. Seitz, Major Rippert, and Captain Kelly
all of Regt. Weather: Raining in morning, clearing about noon time. Casualties: 3 cases
malaria, and 3 absent sick.
July 5th - The bn. is preparing to move to 1st Bn. positions tonight. Artillery fire
was tripled at 0200 hrs. to help "K" Co. patrol however the patrol under Lt.
Vadaszy failed. At 0312 K-6 reports enemy patrol moving toward their left flank. Bn. began
moving at 1900 hrs. Hq Co and "M" Co are in position by 2255 hrs. At 2400 hrs
patrol of Co K returned with the report of knocking our one machine gun. Four men were
sent out to investigate. Weather: Clear. Casualties: 1 wounded, 1 abs sck. Visitors: Major
Hafermaltz, Col. Gara and Col. Seitz.
July 6th - We spent the day getting settled in our new location. The men are digging in
and renovating shallow trenches used by 1st Bn. Anti-Tank platoon completed their move at
0150 and Co. L at 0226. We heard Jerry fire 12 rounds from Nebelwerfer at 0630 hrs and 3
more at approximately 0655 hrs. from our right flank. Major Rippert called at 0755 said
dismounted men will be attached to our Bn. They will make 2 daylight and 2 night patrols
with us. Heavy traffic report on main road from Jurques at 74624930 was registered in on
by 155mm gun battery. Dextrous 3 reports camouflage of area in good shape. Our area was
checked from air by Piper
Cubs. He also notified us that Cubs would be over area during the night endeavoring to
locate the enemy artillery. Today was another nice day, clear, sunny and warm. Casualties:
2 malaria, 2 WIA. Visitors for the day: Col. Seitz at the new CP.
July 7th - Men continue to improve our position. Co. K is now in their new location.
Enemy planes bombed town of Caumont at approximately 0130 hrs this morning leaving firs
burning in the ruin houses of a large part of the town. At 1000 hrs enemy artillery
knocked out our radio jeep, killed one man and wounded three others. One of the wounded
was a man attached from 33rd FA. Visitors for the day included Gen. Wyman and Col. Seitz.
The day has been nice. It is warm and the sun is shining.
July 8th - There is little activity other than the exchange of artillery fire. The men
are digging in the transportation we have with us and making general improvements in the
area. At 0330 Col. Pace of the Artillery called information gathered from PW. Prisoner
states his Bn. located 300 yds east of Sande Surdome preparing for small daylight attack.
Nothing developed of this report yet. At 2345 enemy troop convoy coming into Briqussard
was shelled by our artillery. The weather today has been cloudy and we have had several
showers. Casualties for today: 3 abs sck.
July 9th - It is still quiet except for the exchange of artillery and a bit of sniper
fire heard about 0045 hrs. Co. runner Co. L reported their outpost pinned down by machine
gun fire and tanks were heard to L Co front. At 0150 outpost returned but they were sent
back and instructed to knock out enemy machine gun if necessary. Col. Seitz arrived in Bn.
area at 1145 hrs and 1330 hrs he presented Purple Hearts to ten EM of the Bn who were
recently wounded in action. The day has been generally overcast with light showers.
Casualties were 3 abs sck and 1 WIA.
July 10th - Our activity is still limited to patrols and exchange of artillery. Patrol
left Co. I consisting of Sgt. Turtura, PFC Pisnok and PFC. Norman all of Co. I. Also, PFC
Newman and Pvt. Foski of 2nd Recon. and went to a point at 72655928. Heard voices at
72605923. They then went to 72455900, when they heard voices and vehicles motors in
orchard at 72475900. At 72355892 Patrol discovered wire in the road and mine field they
also heard the click of a machine gun bolt and voices in the corner of the field. To the
south east they were able to see a blue light burning in a house and heard vehicles in an
orchard at 72455874. A 77mm fired from 72255869 to the NE. Patrol returned. At 1615 a
recon patrol was laid on to leave Co I under Lt Matthews at 1700 hrs. Mission: to get a
prisoner and obtain identification of unit to our front. We had one man wounded today. It
has been raining and cloudy all day. Visitors today: Major Rainey our former Bn. surgeon,
and Col. Seitz.
July 11th - The engineers with details from the Bn. are laying barbed wire in front of
Co K. Men are working hard at night on this detail and draw fire from the enemy
occasionally. Patrol of I Co. returned at 0110 hrs. Heard voices at 71663880 believed to
be from C Co., 6th Pz. Regt. A combat patrol was laid on at 1510 hrs. Lt Eggebrecht and
one squad to go to a point at 724588. There mission was to knock out an enemy machine gun,
capture a prisoner and get identification of the unit to our front. Visitors for the day:
Col. Seitz and Major Hafermaltz. The weather for the day has been rainy and it is very
muddy underfoot. Casualties for the day include 3 abs sck, 1 nervous exhaustion, 4 WIA,
and 1 self inflicted wound. Capt. Chaplin received a mine shell fragment wound in the leg
however not badly enough to require leaving his company.
July 12th - C Co of the Engr rendered invaluable service in the preparation of
defensive position and installation. Details of men from the Bn., working with the Engr's
have laid mines from 72385916 to 72****** 72425952 to 72525958. At 0330 patrol returned.
They observed********* in at 7196-5875 and contacted mine fields at 72395856. One man lost
his leg and another was slightly wounded by ******** men have laid barbed wire at the
following points 72005897***** --72475940. These are connected by a trip wire extending to
******** At 2100 hrs, Sgt. Lamphear of Co L reported enemy 80mm mortar at *** -578. This
was registered in on effective results. They scored a direct hit and several on the
bracket. Today has been cloudy and******** Casualties were 4 WIA and two men with malaria.
July 13th - During the early morning patrols from Co I reported considerable pounding
in vicinity of 71355863. This was also reported to white bn. and we were informed by them
that these noises are generally followed by heavy artillery barrage. At 0330 our artillery
laid harassing fire on this area. Major Rippert called the bn. at 1200 hrs. He informed us
that we were being relieved by the 3rd Bn. of the 11th Inf. Our line companies are to
begin their move at 0130 hrs. July 14, 1944. Hq Co began march at 2030 hrs. We arrived at
assembly point approximately 2½ miles from our old position at approximately 2130 hrs to
await relief of the rest of the bn. It has been very rainy today. Casualties: Two (2)
malaria, 8 WIA and one KIA.
July 14th - Our line companies moved out under the cover of darkness followed by Hq Co
at 0730 hrs. We traveled about twenty-five miles to an area near Mestry. Most of the day
has been spent setting up camp and generally cleaning up. Col. Seitz visited our new area
about noon time today. It has been a beautiful day, not excessively hot but warm and
sunny. Casualties for the day 2 sick to hosp.
July 15th - Bn. is pretty well settled in their new location. The men spend the day
taking showers, doing laundry and general details around the camp. The weather is still
clear and warm. Casualties for the day were as follows, 3 malaria and abs sck.
July 16th - We enjoyed a late chow this morning having hot cakes for breakfast. Both
Protestant and Catholic services were held in our area. The weather is still grand except
for a short time early his morning when it was damp and chilly. There were 3 men sent to
the hosp. with 1 abs sick.
July 17th - We spend this morning on a hike which lasted approximately 3 hrs. This
afternoon was pay day. The first since a partial pay May 27. Visitors were: Capt Kelly,
Regt. and Col. Seitz from 1600 hrs to 1700 hrs. Good weather continues and is appreciated
by everyone. Casualties: 2 malaria, 1 self inflicted wound and 2 abs sick.
July 18th - Today has been spent doing routine drill and usual camp duties. Capt.
Uffner and Lt. Tenenbaum reported into bn. from the 41st replacement Bn. at 1400 hrs.
Today was warm and sunny. Casualties: 2 malaria and 1 absent sick;
July 19th - Men spent the morning hiking. The afternoon has been devoted to routine
camp duties. Col. Learnard visited the CP. The sky has been cloudy and overcast all day
however no rain so far. No casualties for the day.
July 20th - Men doing regular camp duties. Movement orders were received at 1000 hrs.
Advance detail consisting of one officer and one NCO left at 1000 hrs. There was a meeting
of all company commanders at the Bn. CP at 1300 hrs. Chaplain Flynn came down to hold mass
at 1600 hrs in the Bn area. Regt. notified us that the Red Cross would be down at 1600 hrs
to serve do-nuts & coffee. Col. Seitz visited the Bn. at 1800 hrs. The afternoon was
spent at Bn. Motor Pool at 2145 hrs, and moved out at 2330 hrs. Men bedded down for the
evening. Rained all the time. Casualties: 2 malaria and 2 abs sick.
July 21st - Men had hot chow for breakfast and were allowed to pitch tents. Day was
spent camouflaging tents and digging slit trenches. Col. Seitz and Col. Sutherland visited
the Bn. 14 men returned from the hosp today. Weather for the day was rain. Casualties: 1
July 22nd - Men had routine camp duties. Twenty-one men returning from the hosp. There
was a meeting of all the company commanders at the Bn. CP at 1900 hrs. Capt. Clisson and
Capt. Murphy visited the Bn. Casualties were: 6 malaria and one abs sick.
July 23rd - The day was spent doing regular camp duties. Church services were held in
the Bn. area. Major Hafermaltz visited the Bn. Weather was fair today. There were no
July 24th -Men doing regular camp duties. Weather was real nice for a change. Visitors
for the day was General Wyman, Col. Sutherland, Capt. Kohout, Maj. Hafermaltz, and Lt.
Reuben. Casualties: 1 malaria, 1 abs sck.
July 25th - Regular routine camp duties. Around 1000 hrs one of the greatest
air-armadas ever seen in France passed on its way to a bombing mission. Mass was held at
1900 hrs. in the Bn. area. Weather was fair. Casualties: 2 malaria and 1 abs sick.
July 26th - The day has been quiet. Except for the rumble of artillery up ahead and
planes overhead, the war seems distant. The weather is cooler today though still sunny and
bright. At 1430 hrs. Maj. Hafermaltz visited our Bn. CP. Casualties for the day were 2
malaria and 2 A. S.
July 27th - The morning was rainy and the skies cloudy and overcast. The men spent the
day doing necessary details in preparation for a move. At 1600 hrs, Regt notified us to be
ready to move out at 1900 hrs. Capt. Washburn of the 745th tank Bn. with a company of
tanks was attached to our bn. at 1700 hrs. We left our area near St. Jean De Haye at 2000
hrs and traveled approximately 12 miles by convoy to an assembly area near La Duquerie
(396644 sheet 31/16 SE., 1/25000). We arrived at 2130 hrs and were met here by Col. Seitz.
The men dug in and bedded down for the night. The weather cleared this afternoon and it
was warm. Casualties were none.
July 28th - Chow was served at 0430 hrs this morning due to orders from Regiment for
bn. to be ready to move on 30 minutes notice after 0530 hrs. At 0945 hrs Capt. Kelley
visited CP. We now have the 3rd Platoon of the 635th TD attached to our bn. We left La
Duquerie at 1210 hrs. Convoy was led by Co I followed by K, M, L, and Hq. Co. We traveled
8 miles to an area where we detrucked at 1345 hrs. From this point on we moved forward by
foot approximately one mile to a position 1000 yds north of Savigny (31775750)sheet #31/16
NE ). Co. I encountered slight resistance enroute and one of our tanks was knocked out by
enemy fire. Companies sit up on line with Co I to our left, Co. L in front and Co K to our
right. Artillery LO reported enemy tanks at 314515 at 1530 hrs. Type and number tanks
unknown due to lack of observation. Enemy forces to our front consist of one battalion of
paratroops and a motor pool company serving them with supplies. We have captured 18 of
their prisoners. 4 of S.S. Regt. Artillery, 3 of 945th Inf. Grenades 3rd Co. 353 Div.,
Seven of the 6th Paratroop Reg and 4 of the motor pool company. At 2320 Co K patrol to
305565 returned. They exchanged small arms fire with enemy at 305575. Major Carvey our
former exec. off. visited our CP at 2105 hrs. We were informed today that Capt. Hughes is
now a Maj. The weather has been nice except for a light rain about noon time. Casualties
for the day were: nine men wounded, 2 of the men attached to us from the 735th (745th?)
tank bn. were KIA 1 wounded.
July 29th - At 0150 hrs Maj. Rippert notified our bn. that White Bn. was attacking this
morning. Col Daniels desired a close tie in with Co L and our mortars. At 0340 Lt. Baker
reported his patrol found nothing at point 314565 where enemy tanks had been reported. He
believed that the enemy had withdrawn to a road junction at 312566. Patrols that were sent
out by blue 6 from Co's L and K at 1015 hrs were unable to contact enemy. We were alerted
to move at 1830 hrs and at 2210 our convoy left the area near Savigny. After traveling
approximately 17 miles we arrived at an assembly area near La Dovilliers at 0015 hrs where
we bedded down for the night waiting orders to move into the attack in the morning. The
weather continues warm with very light showers during the day. Casualties for the day were
three WIA and one Off. abs sck.
July 30th - We left assembly area near La Dovilliers at 0930 hrs by foot led by Co L
with Co's I, K, M, and Hq Co following. Our mission is to secure the high ground in the
vicinity of a stream crossing at 359424 for the 8th Corps. Co L moved forward and took the
area on the west side of the crossing. Co's I and K supported by M & Hq. Co. moved on
along the main road and attacked on the stream bed and a portion of the main road along
the west slope where they met stiff resistance from artillery, mortars, and small arms
fire. The area was full of snipers that continued to harass our troops as they moved. Our
fighter planes strafed and bombed ahead of us hoping to break down the enemy's resistance.
Co's I and K reached their objective at 1600 hrs and by 1800 hrs their positions along the
ridge were fairly secured. At 1800 hrs Co L was ordered to disengage themselves on the
west side of the river and rejoin the battalion in the vicinity of La Fouber Diere to
secure the rear of our bn. position. They arrived in this position at 2230 hrs. The Bn CP
& Hq. Co arrived at new position near Tour Deval les Bois (358-404) at 1900 hrs.
Artillery was still falling on our positions. The Bn. took thirty-two prisoners during the
day. They were members of the 275 Inf. and artillery and the 945th SS Panzer Div. The
weather is still nice except for very light showers in the morning. Casualties for the day
were 39 WIA, 1 abs sck and 8 men KIA.
July 31st - Co I was contacted this morning by Red Bn at 0130 hrs. They are on our
right flank. We took two more prisoner of the 943rd Grenadiers Regt. this morning. At 1600
hrs we were alerted to move and loaded on trucks at 1725 hrs. The kitchens brought hot
chow for supper. The men bedded down to try to get a little sleep before moving out.
Casualties for the day: None. It has been warm and sunny.
Aug lst - The Bn. moved out at 0225 this morning. The order of convoy was Co's K, I,
Hq. Co., L, and M. Anti-Tank guns, TD atch'd and tanks. At 0615 hrs the advance unit led
by Lt. Selleck, Bn. S-2 & Comm Off of our column met 2 M-4 enemy tanks and several
enemy vehicles. Sgt. Morgan in charge of the Anti-Tank half-track was killed by enemy
machine-gun fire after he had knocked out an ammunition truck with his 50 cal. Companies K
& I engaged the enemy at 0625 hrs. K attacked to the right of the road, Co I astride
the main road, and Co's L and M moved up the main road in support. The CP detrucked at
0650 hrs and set up in a house at 406243 1/25000 34/12 SW. Regt. CP was in adjoining
house. The line companies moved forward meeting only light resistance from small arms and
mortars. At 0820 Co I and K reached the high ground which was their objective assigned to
the Bn. At 1100 hrs the CP displaced forward to 410243 1/25000 34/12 SW. From 1200 to 1500
hrs Red Bn. passed through our position. Several Jerry planes strafed in our area at 1530
hrs but did no damage. The Bn. captured approximately one hundred prisoners during the
day. They seem to be stragglers of the same unit that we contacted yesterday. Col. Seitz
& Capt. Kelly checked the companies positions at 1700 hrs. Major Carvey visited CP at
1740 hrs. 1st Sgt. Buck, Hq. Co. is now acting platoon leader for Bn. A. P. platoon.
Clear, sunny continues. Casualties: 3 men WIA, 1 KIA, 2 hosp. (malaria)
Aug 2nd - We are still in position in area near Lar Martiniere (410-243) however we are
now alerted to be ready to move on two hr notice. Much has happened since Aug. 2nd 2 years
ago when we left New York for Tidworth England. At 1700 hrs we were to take up our same
defensive position as last night in the expectation of a counter-attack. Lt. Russell is
now Bn. Comm. Off. replacing Lt. Selleck who is now Bn. S-2. It has been a typical summer
day, warm and sunny. Casualties were 10 abs sk 2 malaria.
Aug. 3rd - At 1000 hrs we were alerted to move. Col Sutherland is now attch'd to our
Bn. and working with Blue-6. At 2120 hrs we moved out on trucks in the order, I, K, L, Hq,
and M Co's. After traveling approximately 19 miles we detrucked at a house at 527140 in
the town of Juvigny Le Fertre at 0100 hrs and set up our CP for the night. We are still
having good weather. Casualties for the day, 1 malaria.
Aug 4th - We moved forward today to an area at 5522144 at 0930 hrs. Companies have dug
in for defensive. Co I on our right Co K in front, and Co L on our left. Co M is in
general support. Col Corley left the Bn at 1900 hrs for the hospital. The weather is still
clear and sunny. Casualties: abs sk--l, 1 malaria.
Aug 5th - We are still in our defensive position. Activity has been confined to the
exchange of artillery and the usual patrols. During the day our planes were strafing and
bombing out ahead of us and during the night Jerry planes dropped bombs and flares in the
vicinity of our position. Capt. Carney of Red Bn. is now atch'd to our bn. as S-5. At 1805
hrs Co K sent out a recon patrol of 1 Sgt. and 2 men approximately 500 yds to their front.
Patrol returned at 2235 hrs & reported vehicles moving NE. At 1830 we were notified
that the 117th Inf. was going to take over our position. Co K sent 3 man patrol to contact
this outfit. At 2300 hrs. Maj. Rippert visited CP in regard to transfer of 24 EM to 2nd
Bn. The weather continues good. Casualties for the day 6 malaria 1 abs sk.
Aug 6th - At 0030 hrs all companies were notified to arrange guides for our relief,
also notified to move transportation to M Co motor pool area. At 0235 the three man patrol
from Co K returned. Patrol was unable to make physical contact with Nudge Charlie (39th
Inf) due to enemy patrol operating in vicinity. A light skirmish between patrols ensued
however no casualties were reported. We were notified by regt. that our mission after
moving out would be securing the river crossing at 835764 on the La Mayenne river and
holding the high ground NE of St Fraimbault De Prieres for the 7th Corps. The Bn. moved
out at 1835 hrs in the order of Co's I, K, M, Hq. and L. Just before leaving the assembly
area our trucks were strafed by approximately 15 ME 109's. This was followed by an
artillery barrage, one shell landing a few feet from one of our two and a half tons, put
it out of running condition, killed 1 bn. medic, and wounded two others. After traveling
forty-1 miles we detrucked at an area at 73803885-Sheet 7G.5 at 2107 hrs. At 2300 to 0130
hrs our company commander reconnoitered the area in advance of our position. Sgt. Surque
of Co L with his squad located a shallow place and guided the companies across the stream.
Lt. Bonner checked the stream for crossing for his Anti-Tank guns. The weather has been
warm and clear. Casualties: 1 KIA, 7 WIA.
Aug 7th - At 0330 Bn. began its advance. The leading company reached its objective at
0500 hrs just in time to see Jerry wave goodbye, as the enemy withdrew. Companies took up
defensive positions as follows: Co K on our right, Co L in the town, and Co I on our left
with Co M in support. At 0500 hrs the CP displaced forward to 828768 sheet 7G.5 and at
1?00 hrs move across the river to point at 837764 where we and one personnel carrier
returned to our lines captured our outpost of two men and came forward into town. Our
troops opened up on them and forced them to withdraw. The two men from OP managed to
escape as they withdrew however one was wounded. Summer weather is still here and the sky
is bright and clear. Casualties: 1 KIA, 2 WIA. 2 malaria, 4 abs sk.
Aug 8th - We are still in our defensive position. During the night enemy planes were
continually over our position however most of the activity was confined to dropping
flares. Our artillery has shelled enemy territory with harassing fire all day. A few enemy
shells fell in the vicinity of the bridge, however, no damage was done. The weather has
been clear but clouded and a light rain
fell about 1000 hrs. Casualties: 3 abs sk. Gen. Wyman visited the CP this afternoon.
Aug 9th - This morning we received a few enemy artillery shells on our position. We
could hear firing on our left which was reported as l8th Inf. making an attack. Col Bryde
33rd FA, Col. Seitz, Maj Rippert, and Maj. Haffermaltz visited our CP today. We are still
having good weather. Casualties for the day: 1 Off, 1 EM abs sk.
Aug 10th - The Bn. continues in its defensive positions. At 0640 I Co patrol operating
in the vicinity of RR bridge north of point D was pinned down by rifle fire. Reported one
man killed and one wounded missing at 0820. At 0930 enemy tank was reported by Lt. Bonner
at 853763. The tank was forced to withdraw by our artillery. An artillery barrage was laid
in over bn. area at 1200 hrs today killing 7 men and wounding 3 others. Heavy enemy
artillery fell in our area at 2115 hrs. This barrage was followed by a light attack on our
outpost which was rapidly repulsed. The weather is still good. Casualties: 3 abs sk, 4
KIA, 4 WIA, 1 missing. Col Seitz visited the CP Today.
Aug 11th - Artillery fire is still falling on our position. Routine patrols to our
front and flanks are being made continually. Co K has pushed forward and placed a combat
outpost at the railroad station 848758. At 1200 hrs the artillery and anti-tank guns of Lt
Bonner anti-tank platoon of our Hq Co laid a barrage on the houses near the station. This
barrage was followed by Lt Baldwin's platoon moving in both flanks with machine guns on
our anti-tank half track supporting them. At about 200 yds from their objective Lt. Bonner
with a patrol from K Co encountered a self propelled gun on the road with their bazooka
gunner pinned down from an 88 also fire from snipers and machine guns. The patrol returned
and the platoon move on its objective at approximately 1900 hrs. Eight prisoners were
taken and Jerry aid men were observed evacuating many casualties. Seven rounds of heavy
enemy artillery landed near the CP at approximately 2130 hrs. Col Seitz spent the
afternoon with us and visited Lt Baldwin's platoon at 1440 hrs while they were pushing
forward to their new position. Summer weather continues. Casualties for the day: 7 abs sk,
4 WIA.
Aug 12th - Our position remains unchanged. Artillery still falls in Bn area. Enemy
artillery fell on Lt Banner gun crew wounding 5 of his men and two men on company I
outpost. We took two Polish prisoners today. Weather hot & sunny. Casualties for the
day 8 wounded 1 abs sk.
Aug 13th - During the early morning 1st and 2nd Bn's moved up to our position and at
0630 hrs began moving forward without meeting resistance. We have alerted to follow them
at 0800 hrs and 1025 moved out of our area on foot in reserve of the 2 bn's. We arrived at
assembly area near Couterne (964931) sheet 7G/1 1/50,000) at 1940 hrs where we chow. South
of Lasany we were notified that 1st Bn, moving on the left of the main road had
encountered wet, and swampy area and was held up. We then became assault Bn. and moved
forward to the left of our 2nd Bn. Co L met only light resistance at the river crossing.
At 2100 hrs we moved our CP forward and set up in a house at 930944 1/50,000 Sh. 7G1. We
had traveled 18 miles and arrived, according to the French, approximately 20 minutes after
Jerry pulled out of our CP. We captured 6 prisoners today and identified their outfit as
1050th Grenadier Regt. It has been very hot and the men are tired from the long march but
their morale in still good. Casualties were 2 WIA and 1 KIA. One off. KIA, Lt. Pfenninger.
Aug 14th - We were alerted to be ready to move again this morning. We had hot chow and
tried to get a little rest before moving out again. Our next Reg't objective was the town
of La Ferte Mace. The order of march was Co K, tanks atch'd, anti-tank platoon, Bn.
Commander with Co L, self-propelled guns, M Co, Bn anti-tank platoon, Hq Co & TD gun
platoon. IP time was set for 1215 hrs. We moved out behind 1st Bn, the group leaving at
1250 hrs. After marching a distance of 7 miles we set up our CP in a building that had
been a Jerry hq's in La Ferte Mace. (012021 Sh. #40/10 SW) We met very little resistance.
Sniper fire held up our column for a short time and we captured 5 prisoners. the weather
is still very warm. Casualties: 1 malaria, 4 abs sk, 1 WIA.
Aug 15th - We are still in position at La Ferte Mace. K Co's on our right L to our
front and I on our left dug-in for defensive. In the afternoon we set up showers and began
a general clean up. The weather to still hot and sunny. Casualties were as follows: 4 abs
sk, 2 mal. and 1 wounded.
Aug 16th - We were alerted to move today. We now have our transportation back. Order of
Convoy was K, Hq Co, M, I and L Co's. We left La Ferte Mace at 2045 hrs and arrived at an
area (984082) 1/25,000 sheet 37/10 SE) near La Mont D'Here at 2145 hrs. We traveled
approximately nine miles. Combat Infantryman's Badge was awarded to those men who were
listed on General orders # 2, 4, 5, 14, and 17. Hq. 26th Inf. (3 Jan 1944). Casualties: 3
mal. and 3 abs sk. The weather was sunny and clear today.
Aug 17th - Today we moved our CP approximately 500 yds to a wooded area at 985085/37/10
SE 1/25,000). This area had been used by Jerry as a motor pool. At 2145 hrs we were told
to be ready to move on two hrs notice. The weather is still hot and sunny. Casualties for
the day
were 5 mal. 1 abs sk.
Aug 18th - The two hour alert has been called off and we now are supposed to be in a
rest area. 150 men were permitted to attend a movie in La Ferte Mace this afternoon. Col.
Corley spoke to the members of this Bn. at 1200 hrs emphasizing the necessity of holding
up our 3rd Bn. standards and calling to our attention that souvenir hunting must be
confirmed to Jerry materials and not property belonging to the French. Men are takings
showers and cleaning their clothing. The weather is still nice. Casualties: 3 abs sk, 1
Aug 19th - Both Catholic and Protestant services were held in our bn. area today. Men
were again permitted to attend a movie and also a USO show. At 1900 hrs the donut wagon
came to our area and passed out donuts and coffee. This is the second time since we
arrived that we have had the wagon and girls. The weather has been somewhat overcast
today, however it isn't raining yet. Casualties: 1 mal.
Aug 2lst - Today has been rather miserable from the viewpoint of the weather. It has
rained all day and is very muddy underfoot. Movies were shown again today and the men have
had wine made available for their purchase. Casualties: 3 abs sk, 1 mal.
Aug 22nd - The weather cleared this morning. It has stopped raining and has been a
bright sunny day never the less it is still very muddy under foot. Approximately 300 men
were permitted to attend the movies again today. 70 more men were permitted to see a USO
show. We had an hour of close order drill throughout the bn. today and an inspection of
vehicles by the bn. CO. Casualties: 1 mal., 1 abs sk.
Aug 23rd - It was cloudy this afternoon, we are still in our rest area. The bn. took a
sprint hike from 1100 to 1200 hrs. today. 300 men from the bn, were permitted to attend
the movies in La Ferte Mace again today . Casualties: 1 abs sk. At 2000 hrs we were put an
a 2 hr alert, notice however we have not moved out but are all prepared to move at any
Aug 24th - The bn. loaded on trucks at 1230 hrs and at 1358 moved out in the following
order: Co's I, L, Hq., K, and M. We traveled at approximately 96 miles and arrived at an
area near Courville Sur Mie. (161702 sheet 7G/ 1/50,000), at 2105 hrs. Enroute we passed
many Jerry vehicles which apparently had been knocked out by our air corps. Frenchmen
stood by the roadside all along the way and seemed very happy that the Americans had come.
After a hot meal we bedded down for the night expecting to move on again in the morning.
The weather was cloudy but no rain. Casualties: 1 malaria.
Aug 25th - Our convoy left the area near Courville Sur Mie at 0645 hrs. We covered 72
miles today arriving at an area at 054058 (Paris Fontain Blue Map Sheet 10/G, 1/100,000),
near Ballancourt. The weather is very warm and sunny. Casualties: 3 abs sk and 1 malaria.
Aug 26th - We were alerted to be prepared to move on two hrs notice at 1400 hrs. Our
transportation returned to Corps again, therefore, at 1605 we moved out on foot in the
following order: Co's L, K, Hq, I, and M. After a 9 mile march we arrived at a large
house, (ll5l72 Map of Corbiel Sheet 10/G/2, 1/50,000), which was a former German Hq's. and
set up our CP in the town of Evry Point Bourg. The French caretaker of this Chateau told
us that previous to the conversion of this estate by the Jerries, it had belonged to an
Englishman and was built for the entertainment and lodging of American and British
tourists. It certainly was fully equipped with all modern conveniences. We had hot chow at
2200 hours and retired for the night. The day was very hot and sunny making it a rather
tiresome march. Casualties: 1 malaria, 1 abs sk.
Aug 27th - Our stay in Evry Point Bourg was a very short duration. We moved out this
morning at 0950 hrs, crossed the Jean Seine River at 1045 hrs, and after a very hot and
dusty 22 mile hike arrived at an area at Les Friches 278329 (Paris Fontain Blue Map Sheet
10 G, 1/100,000). People crowded the streets of the towns through which we passed and
showed their appreciation for being liberated by showering our boys with apples, pears,
grapes, plums, fresh tomatoes, etc. - even an occasional bottle of Vin Rouge. We met no
resistance however, we were told that Jerry moved out only last night. The men are tired
but their morale is quite good. We sweat out the news broadcast trying to keep with the
moves of our armored columns. Capt. Billings, Commander of our Hq Co went to hosp. today
either from heat exhaustion or possible malaria. Casualties: 2 abs sk, 2 malaria.
Aug 29th - We left Meaux at 1010 hrs this morning. We traveled by truck 18.9 miles and
arrived at Marieuel Sur Aurrco at 1200 hrs. Our bivouac area was at 614713 Map of
Marsieuel Sheet 175, 1/50,000). We followed our 2nd Bn. and so far haven't met any
resistance. The weather was cloudy and rainy all day. Casualties were, 3 abs sk.
Aug 30th - Today we led the Regt again. At 0810 hrs. we moved out on trucks and after a
24 mile ride arrived at Les Chandiers (Map of Villers Cotterets 1/50,000, coordinates of
CP 768953). It was very cloudy until evening when the sun came out for a short period. We
did not meet any resistance. The weather was cloudy and rainy all day. Casualties were: 3
abs sk.
Aug 31st - We left the area near Les Chandiers at 2000 hrs on vehicles and arrived at a
former Jerry Hqs. at 889033, ½ mile SE of Allemont (Map of Laconk, Sheet 146, 1/50,000)
at 2150 hrs. This move was approximately 16 miles. Jerry was well dug in in this area,
concrete shelters, pill boxes, and deep trenches. The weather cleared this evening, but it
is quite windy. Casualties: 3 abs sk.
Sept. lst - It was raining this afternoon when we left Allemont at 1730 hrs. We
traveled by trucks approximately 65 miles to Vervins and set up our CP for the night at
244411 (Map of Franco-Belgium sheet 118, 1/50,000) at 2300 hrs. Casualties: 1 mal.
Sept.2nd - We left Vervins at 1023 this morning. After traveling 27 miles we arrived at
a house where Jerry had been set up in the town of Avesnes (279757 Map of Avesnes, Sheet
63, 1/50,000) at 1525 hrs. The weather is still cloudy but it has quit raining.
Casualties: 1 abs sk.
Sept 3rd - We have finally caught up with Jerry. We left Avesnes at 0815 hrs on trucks
and ran into light resistance at 1000 hrs north of La Longueville. From this time we
continued to move slowly, clearing out pockets of Jerries along the way. We encountered
some mortar fire small arms fire and 20 mm Cannon fire. We detrucked at Sars La Bruyere
and continued to march to the town of La Frameries, (271017 Map of Mons, sheet 76,
1/50,000), Belgium. We took approximately 1111 prisoners today. During our advance the air
corps strafed and bombed enemy columns that were withdrawing ahead of us. Vehicles both
motor and horsedrawn, were knocked out all along the road. The Belgium people are just as
happy for our troops arrival as the French were. The weather is still cloudy but it is not
raining. Casualties: 1 KIA, 14 WIA, 4 malaria. Order of march today: L, Command Group, K,
Hq, M, I. L by itself, practically cleared all resistance to bn. advance.
Sept 4th - This morning our bn. took up positions around La Frameries for defense of
the town. Prisoners were brought in all during the day and there has been a lot of small
arms fire, in each of our companies sector. The weather is still very unsettled,
occasional showers followed by short periods of sunshine. Casualties for the day were: 2
malaria 2 abs sk. Total prisoners for the day, 300.
Sept 5th - We are still in our defensive positions at La Frameries. All during the
night activity continued in the form of small arms fire and some enemy artillery
apparently from tanks. Prisoners are still coming in columns of four to the PW cage. The
total for the day was 700 and
eighty-three. Most of these were captured by Co. L. One patrol from Hq Co. led by Sgt
Mosley, of our anti-tank platoon, was responsible for bringing in fifty-three prisoners.
Both Catholic and Protestant services were held in town by our Chaplains. Chaplain Chase
reported the capture of one Jerry today. 95 German units have been identified from the
prisoners captured. The weather is quite cool and somewhat cloudy and overcast.
Casualties: 2 abs sk.
Sept 6th - We were notified today that we would move out behind our 2nd bn. Our Regt is
still following the 3rd Armored Div., clearing the pockets left by this unit. We left La
Framieres at 1245 by truck. While traveling the 12 miles we captured 16 prisoners and at
1630 hrs. we arrived at an area near Gosselies (660184 Map of Charleroy, Sheet 77,
1/50,000), and set up our CP. It has been cloudy most of the day and rainy during the
night. Casualties: 2 abs sk.
Sept 7th - We moved out this morning at 0800 hrs in lead of the regt. We travelled 24
miles and set up our CP at Esghgee (Map of Gesy-Slow, 1/50,000 Sheet 6 F, 992485) at 1430
hrs. Enroute our A&P Platoon halftrack, which was following the lead jeep, was fired
on by 4 Jerries with machine pistols, killing one man of the A&P Platoon and wounding
2 others. 3 of the Jerries were captured. Upon arrival in our area, 3 more prisoners were
captured, most of these being from the 860th Grenadier Regt. Today 1st Sgt. Tarnapol was
relieved from Hq. Co., as 1st Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Kaiser was appointed in his place.
Weather: cool and rainy. Casualties: 1 KIA, 2 WIA, and 2 abs sk.
Sept 8th - The Bn. moved out at 1015 by truck and traveled 24 miles to an area where we
stopped for chow at 1300 hrs. At 1900 hrs we moved out again and after covering 5 more
miles, we arrived at Liege (Map of Liege 459312, Sheet 69 1/50,000). The weather: clear
and sunny, chilly when riding. Casualties: 2 malaria, 4 abs sk, 2 wounded (accidental).
Prisoners: 5.
Sept 9th - We are still in the city of Liege. There is no activity in our immediate
sector but Jerries planes were over most of the night and we heard bombing in the
distance. The weather is clear and cool. Casualties: 1 abs sk.
Sept 10th - We moved out today at 1940 hrs., traveled approximately 7 miles and arrived
at an area about 500 yds from Fort Evengrell at 2110 hrs. (565296 Map of Liege, Sheet 69,
1/50,000). This was a non-tactical move. Weather: still cold and clear. Casualties: NONE
Sept 11th - We left our area at 1315 today on foot. After a 5½ mile march we set up
our CP at Geard Sart at 1600 hrs (Map of Verviers 612335, Sheet 70 1/50,000). Enroute we
saw some air activity ahead of us and also the burst of artillery shells, however we did
not encounter the enemy. After arriving, Co K encountered a few Jerry stragglers and
captured them. One K Co man was wounded. Prisoners for the day: 11 The weather was clear
and somewhat warmer. Casualties were 1 WIA.
Sept 12th - We were alerted to move at 1530 hrs. We moved out at 1800 hrs on foot and
arrived at an area near Aubel (675366 Map of Aachen, Sheet 70 1/50,000), and set up our
CP. This was approximately a 5 mile trip and we arrived at 2030 hrs. The weather in still
clear and sunny. Casualties: NONE
Sept 13th - We left Aubel at 0930 hrs on trucks. After a 3 mile ride we arrived at a
detrucking area at Barkan at 1100 hrs. From here we moved out on foot, approximately 3
miles, to relieve the 1st Bn. of the 16th Inf. We took over their positions near Aachen
(822376 Map of Aachen Sheet 70 1/50,000), and dug in for the night. Artillery fell near
our CP. The weather was very warm suggesting rain during the night. Casualties: 1 abs sk,
1 wounded.
Sept 14th - At 1245 hrs we left by foot and marched approximately 1 mile where we
stopped until 1515 and moved on ¾ of a mile and set up our CP. Enemy artillery shelled
our positions quite heavily. The day was cloudy and rainy. Casualties were: 1 KIA, 5 WIA,
1 malaria.
Sept 15th - We were alerted to move at 1300 hrs. At 1500 hrs we moved out and after a
4½ mile walk arrived at 854395 (Map Of Aachen, Sheet 70 1/50,000) in our vicinity of
Aachen and set up our CP in an hour at 1600 hrs. Upon arrival at our new CP., the enemy
threw a barrage of artillery at our new CP. The enemy threw up a barrage of artillery on
our motor pool wounding one man. Artillery continued to fall near our position during the
balance of the day. The weather has cleared again and the sun is shining. The men are
rather disgusted with the rain and mud, but the morale is very good. Casualties: 3 KIA 2
abs sk, 2 malaria.
Sept 16th - Most of the day has been confined to the exchange of artillery fire. This
afternoon we watched our P-38's have a dog-fight with several ME 109's. We could see one
of our planes as it fell. The weather has been nice again today, clear and warm.
Casualties for the day were: 3 WIA, 2 abs sk.
Sept 17th - We are still in our defensive position. The enemy artillery is still
falling in our Bn. area. Lt. Evans of Co L, received a wound in his area while leading a
patrol in front of his company. Both Protestant and Catholic services were held in our
area today. The weather is cloudy and a light rain fell. Casualties: 1 KIA, 1 SIW, l WIA.
Sept 18th - The Bn is still in the same defensive position as yesterday. Enemy
artillery continues to fall in our area, apparently harassing fire, and it is not quite as
heavy today. At 1130 hrs. Sgt. Smith of Co I, with 7 EM made a patrol into town of Aachen.
At 847422 (Map of Aachen) they encountered 20 Jerries and had a light skirmish. They also
received enemy fire from a pill box at 835414 and reported an enemy hq's at 847412. Our
artillery laid fire on all of these points. The patrol was very successful. They returned
at 1230 hrs. The day has been cloudy with light rains intermittently. Casualties were 5 EM
abs sk.
Sept 19th - There was no change in our position today. Enemy artillery fell in our
area, however, there were no heavy barrages. A combat patrol from Co K reached the RR
tracks in Aachen but were unable to observe any enemy activity. While returning the patrol
encountered fire from two enemy machine guns. The weather was very warm and sunny.
Casualties: 5 abs sk.
Sept 20th - Activity in our Bn. area today was confined to enemy artillery and mortar
fire. A reconnaissance patrol from Co L, made by Sgt. Buttler and two enlisted men, moved
through I Co outpost to 853412 where they met with small arms fire from an enemy patrol
and drove the patrol to the N.W. Our patrol then proceeded to 855413 and were fired on
from a pill box from the N. E. and also by the patrol they had driven to the N.W. Company
K sent a combat patrol to 857406 to destroy an enemy tank. Upon reaching a point at 848404
they were fired on by four enemy machine guns and were unable to proceed further and to
accomplish their mission. Artillery was requested to fire on these guns. The weather today
was cloudy and overcast. Casualties were two malaria and 1 abs sk.
Sept 21st -Enemy mortar and artillery fired continued to fall in our area today. A
combat patrol left Co K at 0900 hrs proceeded thru I Co outpost to a point at 852420. Here
they received fire from a group of twenty Jerries armed with automatic weapons and
mortars. The patrol returned thru Co I to their Company. A 3 man recon patrol left Co I at
1700 hrs thru the outpost to a point at 853410. They were fired on and forced to return.
Col Seitz and Capt. Clisson of Regt. visited the CP at 1200 hrs and had lunch with Col
Corley. 30 new replacements and 10 former Division men from the hosp. came into the bn. as
replacements. The weather was bright end warm. Casualties were as follows: 1 malaria.
Sept. 22nd - This has been another summer day - warm and sunny. Jerrie is still
shelling our area with both artillery and mortar. A routine patrol from Co K moved out in
front of the outpost but were fired on after reaching a distance of 200 yds and were
forced to return. Gen. Wyman and Col Seitz, visited the CP at 1000 hrs and remained for
dinner. At 1430 hrs Gen Huebner and Col Seitz visited the CP with Col Corley. Casualties
for the day were 4 abs sk and 1 accidental injury.
Sept 23rd - Our defensive position in still inactive except for enemy artillery fire
which fell in our area. Co I has set up an observation post in a house to their right
front for protection on that flank. At 1730 hrs a combat patrol moved out in front of the
outpost but were fired on and forced to return after reaching a distance of 300 yds. 2 men
were wounded. The 30 new replacements we received on the 21st of the month, were
transferee to 1st bn. The weather today was cloudy with rain in the evening. Casualties
were: 2 WIA, 1 malaria and 1 abs sk.
Sept 24th - We are receiving some artillery and mortar fire in our area today. 3 men
from Co I went out to relieve the man on guard on their outpost. Having made a mistake in
the house they believed to be their outpost, the lead man was surprised when he was halted
by a German who spoke English and was ordered to put up his hands. The Doggie immediately
emptied a clip of M-1 ammunition killing the German soldier. I Co changed the location of
their outpost. This morning an 83 year walked into the I Co outpost. Upon questioning her
we received the location of many houses in the area where the Germans were located. We
sent her back to regiment to take care of these targets with our 57mm guns and artillery.
The weather was still rainy and cloudy. Casualties were 2 WIA, 1 abs sk and 1 malaria.
Sept 25th - Our defensive position is unchanged and the situation rather static. This
evening we pulled a light raid on 3 enemy strongpoints at 854410 (schedule of firing
attached). 5 of our atch'd TD's guns and two of our anti-tank guns along with artillery
succeeded in knocking out several houses containing enemy at 854412. Results of the raid
were negligible however the enemy, fearing a general attack, reacted vigorously by
shelling our bn. area with approximately 200 shells of large caliber. One of these shells
caused a fire to start in the shed adjoining our CP building, which housed several of our
jeeps. Lt. Russell along with Sgt. Osborne, Corporal Fahringer, and Pvt. Arthur Taylor
(medical detachment) immediately rushed into the shed and located our radio jeep trailer
which was on fire. After removing bazooka ammunition, radio batteries, and other items of
signal equipment, they proceeded to extinguish the tree fire with use of extinguishers and
tree branches. Weather: cloudy. Casualties: 7 WIA, 5 malaria, and 1 absent sick.
Sept. 26th - Enemy artillery continued to cover the bn. area today. At 1815 hrs one
shell landed directly on top of our CP building causing light injury to one artillery and
one of our men. The following men were awarded decorations at Regt. at 1445 hrs by Gen
Huebner: Silver Stars - Pvt. Grobelski, Co M, Cpl Schindlebeck, Hq. Co. & Sgt. Kamolz,
Co L. Bronze Stars - Lt Reynolds, Hq Co., Sgt. Lecates, BSO and Pvt. Ferguson, Hq. Co. Col
Seitz visited Blue 6 at 1300 hrs. It is cloudy and hazy today with some rain. Casualties
were 7 WIA, 3 malaria and 1 malaria.
Sept 27th - There is a little change in our position. We moved our CP approximately 200
yds to dugouts that were made by Jerry. 39 Purple Hearts were awarded to members of the
Bn. The weather was still cloudy with rain during the night, Cas: 6 WIA
Sept 28th - Our activity is still confined to artillery and routine patrols. One patrol
of 8 men left company K at 1800 hrs. on a recon and have not as yet returned. Lt. Goodrich
of Co I led a patrol out in front of their outpost from 1800 hrs to 2230 hrs. They
succeeded finding a Jerry chow line and locating several enemy machine guns. Our artillery
will fire on those during the night. The weather is sunny but cooler. Cas: 1 WIA 5 abs sk
and 1 malaria.
Sept 29th - The two man patrol of Co I returned to their company at 0110 hrs this
morning. Sgt. Wise who was in charge reported killing one Jerry and spending part of the
night with a Jerry civilian family. (One prisoner on atch'd G-2 periodic report). Our
planes have been over today and bombing targets in and on the outskirts of Aachen. The
weather gets clear except for haze in the morning and evening. Cas: 2 WIA, 1 neurotic and
1 absent sick.
Sept 30th - Activity in our sector is still largely patrol work and the exchange of
artillery. Lt Goodrich of Co I led a patrol into Aachen almost to the RR track. The patrol
was fired upon and forced to turn back, however four of the men were unable to make it
back to our lines. I t is believed that two of these men were killed and the other 2
wounded. The 4 missing men are Sgt. Lothscheutz, Pvt. Thomas, Pvt. Daleyso and Pvt.
Harting. The patrol succeeded in locating many targets for our artillery to fire on. Col.
Seitz visited the CP at 1500 hrs today. The weather was very bad for observation as it
rained during the greater part of the time. Cas: 9 abs sk, 4 WIA.
<< 7: April-June, 1944 || 9: October-December, 1944 >>