4: Cant Terms, Etc.
<< 3: Reporting || 5: Plebe Camp >>
AS a narrative of this description is very apt to
be dry and uninteresting, I have thought it possible
to remove in a measure this objection by using as
often as convenient the cant lingo of the corps. A
vocabulary which shall contain it all, or nearly
all, becomes necessary. I have taken great care to
make it as full as possible, and at the same time
as intelligible as possible.
There are a few cant words and expressions which are
directly personal, and in many cases self-explanatory.
They are for such reasons omitted.
"Animal," "animile," "beast," "reptile."— Synonymous
terms applied to candidates for admission into the
"Plebe."—A candidate after admission, a new cadet.
After the candidates are examined and the proficient
ones admitted, these latter are known officially as
"new cadets," but in the cant vernacular of the corps
they are dubbed "plebes," and they retain this
designation till the candidates of the next year
report. They are then called "yearlings," a title
applied usually to them in camp only. After the
encampment they become "furloughmen" until they
return from furlough in August of the following
year. They then are "second-classmen," and are so
officially and à la cadet throughout the year.
From this time till they graduate they are known
as the "graduating class," so that, except the
second class, each class has its own peculiar cant
Candidates generally report in May—about the 20th
—and during July and August are in camp. This is
their "plebe camp." The next is their, "yearling
camp." During the next, they are en congé, and the
next and last is their "first-class camp." Of "plebe
camp," "yearling camp," and "first-class camp," more
"Rapid."—A "plebe" is said to be "rapid" when he
shows a disposition to resist hazing, or to "bone
familiarity" with older cadets—i.e., upper classmen.
"Sep."—A cadet who reported for admission in
"Fins."—A term applied to the hands generally,
of course to the hands of "plebes."
"Prelim."—A preliminary examination.
"Pred."—A predecessor.
"Pony."—A key, a corrigé.
"To bone."—To study, to endeavor to do well in any
particular; for instance, to "bone demerits" is to
strive to get as few as possible.
"To bone popularity."—This alludes to a habit
practised, especially by, "yearlings" while in
camp, and is equivalent to our every-day expression
in civil life, viz., "to get in with."
"To bugle it."—To avoid a recitation. To avoid a
recitation is an act seldom done by any cadet. It
is in fact standing at the board during the whole
time of recitation without turning around, and thus
making known a readiness to recite. At the Academy
a bugle takes the place of the bell in civil schools.
When the bugle is blown those sections at recitation
are dismissed, and others come in. Now, if one faces
the board till the bugle blows, there is not then
enough time for him to recite, and he is said to have
"bugled it." Some instructors will call on any one who
shows a disposition to do so, and will require him to
tell what he knows about his subject.
"Busted," "broken."—These words apply only to cadet
officers who are reduced to ranks.
"A cold case."—A sure thing, a foregone conclusion.
To "get chevrons."—To receive an appointment in the
battalion organization. Each year, on the day the
graduates receive their diplomas, and just after—
possibly just before—they are relieved from further
duty at the Academy, the order fixing the appointments
for the next year is read, and those of the year
previous revoked. It has been customary to appoint the
officers, captains, and lieutenants from the first
class, the sergeants from the second, and the corporals
from the third. This custom has at times, and for
reasons, been departed from, and the officers chosen as
seemed best.
For any offence of a grave nature, any one who has
chevrons is liable to lose them, or, in other words,
to be reduced to ranks.
"A cit."—Any citizen.
"To crawl over."—To haze, generally in the severest
manner possible.
"A chapel."—An attendance at church.
"To curse out."—To reprimand, to reprove, and also
simply to interview. This expression does not by any
means imply the use of oaths.
"To cut," "To cut cold."—To avoid, to ostracize.
"Debauch."—Any ceremony or any thing unusual. It may
be a pleasant chat, a drill, or any thing that is out
of the usual routine.
"To drive a squad."—To march it.
"Dropped."—Not promoted.
"To eat up."—See "To crawl over."
"Exaggerations."—It is a habit of the cadets to
exaggerate on certain occasions, and especially
when policing. "A log of wood," "a saw-mill," "a
forest," and kindred expressions, are applied to
any fragment of wood of any description that may
be lying about. A feather is "a pillow;" a straw,
"a broom factory;" a pin, an "iron foundry;" a
cotton string, "a cotton factory;" and I have
known a "plebe" to be told to "get up that sugar
refinery," which "refinery" was a cube of sugar
crushed by some one treading upon it.
Any thing—whatever it may be—which must be
policed, is usually known by some word or term
suggested by its use or the method or the place
of its manufacture.
"To find."—To declare deficient in studies or
An "extra" is an extra tour of guard duty given
as punishment. Cadets on "extra" are equipped as
for parade, and walk in the area of Cadet Barracks
from two o'clock until retreat, or from two to five
hours, on Saturday or other days of the week. An
"extra" is sometimes called a "Saturday Punishment."
"A fem," "femme."—Any female person.
"A file."—Any male person.
"Fessed," "fessed cold," "fessed frigid," "fessed
out," and "fessed through."—Made a bad recitation,
"To get off."—To perpetrate.
"A gag," "Grin," "Grind."—Something witty, a
"To hive."—To detect, used in a good and bad sense.
Also to take, to steal.
"To hoop up."—To hasten, to hurry.
"H. M. P."—Hop manager's privileges.
"A keen."—See "Gag," etc.
"To leap on."—See "To crawl over."
"Made."—Given an appointment, given chevrons as an
officer in the battalion organization.
"A make."—Such an appointment.
"Maxed."—Made a thorough recitation.
"Ath."—The last one.
"To pile in."—To retire.
"To pink."—To report for any offence.
"To plant."—To bury with military honors.
"To police one's self."—To bathe.
"To pot."—"To pink," which see.
"To put in."—To submit in writing.
"To put into the battalion."—To assign to a company,
as in case of new cadets.
"Ragged," "ragged out."—Made a good recitation.
"Reveilles."—Old shoes, easy and comfortable,
worn to reveille roll-call.
"Reekless, ricochet."—Careless, indifferent.
"To run it."—To do any thing forbidden. To risk.
"To run it on."—To impose upon.
"Shout."—Excellent, i.e., will create much comment
and praise.
"Sketch-house."—The Drawing Academy.
"To skin."—See "To pink" (most common).
"To be spooney."—To be gallant.
"To spoon."—To be attentive to ladies.
"A spoon."—A sweetheart.
"Shungudgeon."—A stew.
"To step out."—See "To hoop up."
"Topog."—A topographical drawing.
"To turn in."—To repair to one's quarters.
"To be sent in."—To order any thing sent in.
"To turn out."—To come out, or send out.
"To be white," "To treat white."—To be polite,
courteous, and gentlemanly.
"To wheaten."—To be excused by surgeon.
"To yank."—To seize upon violently.
"O. G. P."—Old guard privileges.
"To get out of."—To shun, to shirk.
"Thing."—A "plebe."
"To extinguish."—To distinguish.
"To go for."—To haze.
"House."—Room, quarters.
"To freeze to."—To hold firmly.
"To wipe out."—To destroy.
"Solemncholy."—Sad, dejected.
"Plebeskin."—A rubber overcoat issued to new cadets.
"Turnbacks."—Cadets turned back to a lower class.
"Div," "subdiv."—Division, subdivision.
"Devils."—Fellows familiarly.
"Tab."—Tabular system of French.
"To celebrate."—To do.
"A stayback."—A graduate detained at graduation to
instruct the new cadets.*
*When the cadets are in barracks, the officer of the
guard on Sundays either has or assumes authority to
detain from church, for any emergency that might
arise, one or two or more members of his guard, in
addition to those on post on duty. Cadets so detained
are called "staybacks.
"Scratch day."—A day when lessons are hard or
"Gum game."—A joke.
"To fudge."—To copy.
[A number of cadets sitting or lounging about the
room. One at table pouring out the drinks. As soon
as he is done he takes up his own glass, and says
to the others, "Come, fellows," and then all together
—Stand up in a row,
For sentimental drinking we're going for to go;
In the army there's sobriety, promotion's very slow,
So we'll cheer our hearts with choruses of Benny
Havens' O.
Of Benny Havens' O, of Benny Havens' O,
We'll cheer our hearts with choruses of Benny
Havens' O.
When you and I and Benny, and General Jackson too,
Are brought before the final Board our course of
life t' review,
May we never "fess" on any point, but then be told
to go
To join the army of the blest at Benny Havens' O.
At Benny Havens' O, at Benny Havens' O,
To join the army of the blest at Benny Havens' O.
To the ladies of the army let our bumpers ever flow,
Companions of our exile, our shield 'gainst every woe,
May they see their husbands generals with double pay
to show,
And indulge in reminiscences of Benny Havens' O.
Of Benny Havens O, of Benny Havens' O,
And indulge in reminiscences of Benny Havens' O.
'Tis said by commentators, in the land where we
must go
We follow the same handicraft we followed here
If this be true philosophy (the sexton, he says no),
What days of dance and song we'll have at Benny
Havens' O.
At Benny Havens' O, at Benny Havens' O,
What days of dance and song we'll have at Benny
Havens' O!
To the ladies of the Empire State, whose hearts
and albums too
Bear sad remembrance of the wrongs we stripling
soldiers do,
We bid you all a kind farewell, the best recompense
we know—
Our loves and rhymings had their source at Benny
Havens' O.
At Benny Havens' O, at Benny Havens' O,
Our loves and rhymings had their source at Benny
Havens' O.
[Then, with due solemnity, every head uncovered and
bowed low, they sing:]
There comes a voice from Florida, from Tampa's
lonely shore;
It is the wail of gallant men, O'Brien is no more;
In the land of sun and flowers his head lies
pillowed low,
No more to sing petite coquille at Benny Havens' O.
At Benny Havens' O, at Benny Havens' O,
No more to sing petite coquille at Benny Havens' O,
<< 3: Reporting || 5: Plebe Camp >>