12: A Discourse Written by One Miles Phillips, Englishman,...
<< 11: The Unfortunate Voyage Made with the Jesus, the Minion, and Four Other Ships... || TOC
A Discourse Written by One Miles Phillips, Englishman,
One of the Company Put Ashore in the West Indies by Master John Hawkins in the Year 1568,
Containing Many Special Things of that Country and of the Spanish
Government, but Specially Containing Many Special Things of That Country
and of the Spanish Government, but Specially of Their Cruelties Used to Our Englishmen, and Amongst
the Rest, to Himself for the Space of Fifteen or Sixteen Years Together, until by Good and Happy Means He Was Delivered
From their Bloody Hands, and Returned to his Own Country. Anno 1582.
The First Chapter.
Wherein is shown the day and time of our departure from the coast of England, with the number and names of the ships,
their captains and masters, and of our traffic and dealing with the coast of Africa.
Upon Monday, being the 2nd of October, 1567, the weather being
reasonable fair, our General, Master John Hawkins, having commanded all
his captains and masters to be in a readiness to make sail with him, he
himself being embarked in the Jesus, whereof was appointed for master
Robert Barret, hoisted sail and departed from Plymouth upon his
intended voyage for the parts of Africa and America, being accompanied
with five other sail of ships, as namely the Minion, wherein went for
captain Master John Hampton, and John Garret, master. The William and
John, wherein was Captain Thomas Bolton, and James Raunce, master. The
Judith, in whom was Captain Master Francis Drake, now Knight, and the
Angel, whose master, as also the captain and master of the Swallow, I
now remember not. And so sailing in company together upon our voyage
until the 10th of the same month, an extreme storm then took us near
unto Cape Finisterre, which lasted for the space of four days, and so
separated our ships that we had lost one another, and our General,
finding the Jesus to be but in ill case, was in mind to give over the
voyage and to return home. Howbeit, the eleventh of the same month,
the seas waxing calm and the wind coming fair, he altered his purpose,
and held on the former intended voyage; and so coming to the island of
Gomera, being one of the islands of the Canaries, where, according to
an order before appointed, we met with all our ships which were before
dispersed. We then took in fresh water and departed from thence the
4th of November, and holding on our course, upon the 18th day of the
same month we came to an anchor upon the coast of Africa, at Cape
Verde, in twelve fathoms of water, and here our General landed certain
of our men, to the number of 160 or thereabouts, seeking to take some
negroes. And they, going up into the country for the space of six
miles, were encountered with a great number of the negroes, who with
their envenomed arrows did hurt a great number of our men, so that they
were enforced to retire to the ships, in which conflict they recovered
but a few negroes; and of these our men which were hurt with their
envenomed arrows, there died to the number of seven or eight in very
strange manner, with their mouths shut, so that we were forced to put
sticks and other things into their mouths to keep them open; and so
afterwards passing the time upon the coast of Guinea, until the 12th of
January, we obtained by that time the number of one hundred and fifty
negroes. And being ready to depart from the sea coast, there was a
negro sent as an ambassador to our General, from a king of the negroes,
which was oppressed with other kings, his bordering kings, desiring our
General to grant him succour and aid against those his enemies, which
our General granted unto, and went himself in person on land with the
number of 200 of our men, or thereabouts, and the said king which had
requested our aid, did join his force with ours, so that thereby our
General assaulted and set fire upon a town of the said king his
enemies, in which there was at the least the number of eight or ten
thousand negroes, and they, perceiving that they were not able to make
any resistance, sought by flight to save themselves, in which their
flight there were taken prisoners to the number of eight or nine
hundred, which our General ought to have had for his share; howbeit the
negro king, which requested our aid, falsifying his word and promise,
secretly in the night conveyed himself away with as many prisoners as
he had in his custody; but our General, notwithstanding finding himself
to have now very near the number of 500 negroes, thought it best
without longer abode to depart with them and such merchandise as he had
from the coast of Africa towards the West Indies, and therefore
commanded with all diligence to take in fresh water and fuel, and so
with speed to prepare to depart. Howbeit, before we departed from
thence, in a storm that we had, we lost one of our ships, namely, the
William and John, of which ship and her people we heard no tidings
during the time of our voyage.
The Second Chapter.
Wherein is showed the day and time of our departure from the coast of Africa,
with the Day and time of our arrival in the West Indies, also of our trade and traffic there, and also
of the great cruelty that the Spaniards used towards us, by the viceroy his direction and appointment,
falsifying his faith and promise given, and seeking to have entrapped us.
All things being made in a readiness at our General his appointment,
upon the 3rd day of February, 1568, we departed from the coast of
Africa, having the weather somewhat tempestuous; which made our passage
the more hard, and sailing so for the space of twenty-five days, upon
the 27th March, 1568, we came in sight of an island called Dominique,
upon the coast of America, in the West Indies, situated in fourteen
degrees of latitude, and two hundred and twenty-two of longitude. From
thence our General coasted from place to place, ever making traffic
with the Spaniards and Indians, as he might, which was somewhat hardly
obtained, for that the king had straitly charged all his governors in
those parts not to trade with any. Yet notwithstanding, during the
months of April and May, our General had reasonable trade and traffic,
and courteous entertainment in sundry places, as at Marguerite,
Corassoa, and elsewhere, until we came to Cape de la Vela, and Rio de
la Hacha (a place from whence all the pearls do come). The governor
there would not by any means permit us to have any trade or traffic,
nor yet suffer us to take in fresh water; by means whereof our General,
for the avoiding of famine and thirst, about the beginning of June was
enforced to land 200 of our men, and so by main force and strength to
obtain that which by no fair means he could procure; and so recovering
the town with the loss of two of our men, there was a secret and
peaceable trade admitted, and the Spaniards came in by night, and
bought of our negroes to the number of 200 and upwards, and of our
other merchandise also. From thence we departed for Cartagena, where
the governor was so strait that we could not obtain any traffic there,
and so for that our trade was near finished, our General thought it
best to depart from thence the rather for the avoiding of certain
dangerous storms called the huricanoes, which accustomed to begin there
about that time of the year, and so the 24th of July, 1568, we departed
from thence, directing our course north, leaving the islands of Cuba
upon our right hand, to the eastward of us, and so sailing towards
Florida, upon the 12th of August an extreme tempest arose, which dured
for the space of eight days, in which our ships were most dangerously
tossed, and beaten hither and thither, so that we were in continual
fear to be drowned, by reason of the shallowness of the coast, and in
the end we were constrained to flee for succour to the port of St. John
de Ullua, or Vera Cruz, situated in nineteen degrees of latitude, and
in two hundred and seventy-nine degrees of longitude, which is the port
that serveth for the city of Mexico. In our seeking to recover this
port our General met by the way three small ships that carried
passengers, which he took with him, and so the 16th of September, 1568,
we entered the said port of St. John de Ullua. The Spaniards there,
supposing us to have been the King of Spain's fleet, the chief officers
of the country thereabouts came presently aboard our General, where
perceiving themselves to have made an unwise adventure, they were in
great fear to have been taken and stayed; howbeit our General did use
them all very courteously. In the said port there were twelve ships,
which by report had in them in treasure, to the value of two hundred
thousand pounds, all which being in our General his power, and at his
devotion, he did freely set at liberty, as also the passengers which he
had before stayed, not taking from any of them all the value of one
groat, only we stayed two men of credit and account, the one named Don
Lorenzo de Alva, and the other Don Pedrode Revera, and presently our
General sent to the Viceroy to Mexico, which was threescore leagues
off, certifying him of our arrival there by force of weather, desiring
that forasmuch as our Queen, his Sovereign, was the King of Spain his
loving sister and friend, that therefore he would, considering our
necessities and wants, furnish us with victuals for our navy, and
quietly to suffer us to repair and amend our ships. And furthermore
that at the arrival of the Spanish fleet, which was there daily
expected and looked for, to the end that there might no quarrel arise
between them and our General and his company for the breach of amity,
he humbly requested of his excellency that there might in this behalf
some special order be taken. This message was sent away the 16th of
September, 1568, it being the very day of our arrival there. The next
morning, being the 17th of the same month, we descried thirteen sail of
great ships; and after that our General understood that it was the King
of Spain's fleet then looked for, he presently sent to advertise the
General hereof of our being in the said port, and giving him further to
understand, that before he should enter there into that harbour, it was
requisite that there should pass between the two Generals some orders
and conditions, to be observed on either part, for the better
contriving of peace between them and theirs, according to our General's
request made unto the Viceroy. And at this instant our General was in
a great perplexity of mind, considering with himself that if he should
keep out that fleet from entering into the port, a thing which he was
very well able to do with the help of God, then should that fleet be in
danger of present shipwreck and loss of all their substance, which
amounted unto the value of one million and eight hundred thousand
crowns. Again, he saw that if he suffered them to enter, he was
assured they would practise all manner of means to betray him and his,
and on the other side the haven was so little, that the other fleet
entering, the ships were to ride one hard aboard of another; also he
saw that if their fleet should perish by his keeping them out, as of
necessity they must if he should have done so, then stood he in great
fear of the Queen our Sovereign's displeasure; in so weighty a cause,
therefore, did he choose the least evil, which was to suffer them to
enter under assurance, and so to stand upon his guard, and to defend
himself and his from their treasons, which we were all assured they
would practise, and so the messenger being returned from Don Martine de
Henriquez, the new Viceroy, who came in the same fleet, and had
sufficient authority to command in all cases both by sea and land in
this province of Mexico or New Spain, did certify our General, that for
the better maintenance of amity between the King of Spain and our
Sovereign, all our requests should be both favourably granted and
faithfully performed; signifying further that he heard and understood
of the honest and friendly dealing of our General towards the King of
Spain's subjects in all places where he had been, as also in the said
port; so that to be brief our requests were articled and set down in
writing, viz.—
1. The first was that we might have victuals for our money and license
to sell as much wares as might suffice to furnish our wants.
2. The second, that we might be suffered peaceably to repair our
3. The third, that the island might be in our possession during the
time of our abode there, in which island our General, for the better
safety of him and his, had already planted and placed certain ordnance,
which were eleven pieces of brass; therefore he required that the same
might so continue, and that no Spaniard should come to land in the said
island having or wearing any kind of weapon about him.
4. The fourth and the last, that for the better and more sure
performance and maintenance of peace, and of all the conditions, there
might twelve gentlemen of credit be delivered of either part as
These conditions were concluded and agreed upon in writing by the
Viceroy and signed with his hand, and sealed with his seal, and ten
hostages upon either part were received. And farther, it was concluded
that the two Generals should meet and give faith each to other for the
performance of the promises. All which being done, the same was
proclaimed by the sound of a trumpet, and commandment was given that
none of either part should violate or break the peace upon pain of
death. Thus, at the end of three days all was concluded, and the fleet
entered the port, the ships saluting each other as the manner of the
seas doth require. The morrow after being Friday, we laboured on all
sides in placing the English ships by themselves and the Spanish ships
by themselves; the captains and inferior persons of either part
offering and showing great courtesy one to another, and promising great
amity upon all sides. Howbeit, as the sequel showed, the Spaniards
meant nothing less upon their parts. For the Viceroy and the governor
thereabout had secretly on land assembled to the number of one thousand
chosen men, and well appointed, meaning the next Thursday, being the
24th of September, at dinner time to assault us, and set upon us on all
sides. But before I go any further, I think it not amiss briefly to
describe the manner of the island as it then was, and the force and
strength that it is now of. For the Spaniards, since the time of our
General's being there, for the better fortifying of the same place,
have upon the same island built a fair castle and bulwark very well
fortified; this port was then, at our being there, a little island of
stones, not past three foot above water in the highest place, and not
past a bow's shot over any way at the most, and it standeth from the
mainland two bow-shots or more, and there is not in all this coast any
other place for ships safely to arrive at; also the north winds in this
coast are of great violence and force, and unless the ships be safely
moored in, with their anchors fastened in this island, there is no
remedy, but present destruction and shipwreck. All this our General,
wisely foreseeing, did provide that he would have the said island in
his custody, or else the Spaniards might at their pleasure have but cut
our cables, and so with the first north wind that blew we had had our
passport, for our ships had gone ashore. But to return to the matter.
The time approaching that their treason must be put in practice, the
same Thursday morning, some appearance thereof began to show itself, as
shifting of weapons from ship to ship, and planting and bending their
ordnance against our men that warded upon the land with great repair of
people; which apparent shows of breach of the Viceroy's faith caused
our General to send one to the Viceroy to inquire of him what was meant
thereby, who presently sent and gave order that the ordnance aforesaid
and other things of suspicion should be removed, returning answer to
our General in the faith of a Viceroy that he would be our defence and
safety from all villainous treachery. This was upon Thursday, in the
morning. Our General not being therewith satisfied, seeing they had
secretly conveyed a great number of men aboard a great hulk or ship of
theirs of nine hundred tons, which ship rode hard by the Minion, he
sent again to the Viceroy Robert Barret, the master of the Jesus—a man
that could speak the Spanish tongue very well, and required that those
men might be unshipped again which were in that great hulk. The
Viceroy then perceiving that their treason was thoroughly espied,
stayed our master and sounded the trumpet, and gave order that his
people should upon all sides charge upon our men which warded on shore
and elsewhere, which struck such a maze and sudden fear among us, that
many gave place and sought to recover our ships for the safety of
themselves. The Spaniards, which secretly were hid in ambush on land,
were quickly conveyed over to the island in their long boats, and so
coming to the island they slew all our men that they could meet with
without any mercy. The Minion—which had somewhat before prepared
herself to avoid the danger—hailed away, and abode the first brunt of
the three hundred men that were in the great hulk; then they sought to
fall aboard the Jesus, where was a cruel fight, and many of our men
slain; but yet our men defended themselves, and kept them out: so the
Jesus also got loose, and, joining with the Minion, the fight waxed hot
upon all sides; but they having won and got our ordnance on shore, did
greatly annoy us. In this fight there were two great ships of the
Spaniards sunk and one burnt, so that with their ships they were not
able to harm us; but from the shore they beat us cruelly with our own
ordnance in such sort that the Jesus was very sore spoiled, and
suddenly the Spaniards, having fired two great ships of their own, came
directly against us; which bred among our men a marvellous fear.
Howbeit, the Minion, which had made her sails ready, shifted for
herself without consent of the General, captain, or master, so that
very hardly our General could be received into the Minion; the most of
our men that were in the Jesus shifted for themselves, and followed the
Minion in the boat, and those which that small boat was not able to
receive were most cruelly slain by the Spaniards. Of our ships none
escaped save the Minion and the Judith, and all such of our men as were
not in them were enforced to abide the tyrannous cruelty of the
Spaniards. For it is a certain truth, that whereas they had taken
certain of our men at shore, they took and hung them up by the arms
upon high posts until the blood burst out of their fingers' ends; of
which men so used there is one Copstowe and certain others yet alive,
who, through the merciful Providence of the Almighty, were long since
arrived here at home in England, carrying still about with them (and
shall to their graves) the marks and tokens of those their inhuman and
more than barbarous cruel dealing.
The Third Chapter.
Wherein is showed how that, after we were escaped from the Spaniards,
we were like to perish with famine at the sea, and how that our General, for
the avoiding thereof, was constrained to put half of his men on land,
and what miseries we after that sustained amongst the savage people,
and how that we fell again into the hands of the Spaniards.
After that the Viceroy, Don Martin Henriques, had thus contrary to his
faith and promise most cruelly dealt with our General, Master Hawkins,
at St. John de Ullua, where most of his men were by the Spaniards slain
and drowned, and all his ships sunk and burnt, saving the Minion and
the Judith, which was a small barque of fifty tons, wherein was then
captain Master Francis Drake aforesaid; the same night the said barque
was lost us, we being in great necessity and enforced to move with the
Minion two bow-shots from the Spanish fleet, where we anchored all that
night; and the next morning we weighed anchor and recovered an island a
mile from the Spaniards, where a storm took us with a north wind, in
which we were greatly distressed, having but two cables and two anchors
left; for in the conflict before we had lost three cables and two
anchors. The morrow after, the storm being ceased and the weather
fair, we weighed and set sail, being many men in number and but small
store of victuals to suffice us for any long time; by means whereof we
were in despair and fear that we should perish through famine, so that
some were in mind to yield themselves to the mercy of the Spaniards,
other some to the savages or infidels, and wandering thus certain days
in these unknown seas, hunger constrained us to eat hides, cats and
dogs, mice, rats, parrots, and monkeys, to be short, our hunger was so
great that we thought it savoury and sweet whatsoever we could get to
And on the 8th of October we came to land again, in the bottom of the
Bay of Mexico, where we hoped to have found some inhabitants, that we
might have had some relief of victuals and a place where to repair our
ship, which was so greatly bruised that we were scarce able, with our
weary arms, to keep out the water. Being thus oppressed, by famine on
the one side and danger of drowning on the other, not knowing where to
find relief, we began to be in wonderful despair. And we were of many
minds, amongst whom there were a great many that did desire our General
to set them on land, making their choice rather to submit themselves to
the mercy of the savages or infidels than longer to hazard themselves
at sea, where they very well saw that if they should all remain
together, if they perished not by drowning, yet hunger would enforce
them, in the end, to eat one another. To which request our General did
very willingly agree, considering with himself that it was necessary
for him to lessen his number, both for the safety of himself and the
rest. And, thereupon, being resolved to set half his people on shore
that he had then left alive, it was a world to see how suddenly men's
minds were altered, for they which a little before desired to be set on
land were now of another mind, and requested rather to stay, by means
whereof our General was enforced, for the more contenting of all men's
minds, and to take away all occasions of offence, to take this order:
first he made choice of such persons of service and account as were
needful to stay, and that being done, of those which were willing to
go, he appointed such as he thought might be best spared, and presently
appointed that by the boat they should be set on shore, our General
promising us that the next year he would either come himself or else
send to fetch us home. Here, again, it would have caused any stony
heart to have relented to hear the pitiful moan that many did make, and
how loth they were to depart. The weather was then somewhat stormy and
tempestuous, and therefore we were in great danger, yet,
notwithstanding there was no remedy, but we that were appointed to go
away must of necessity do so. Howbeit, those that went in the first
boat were safely set ashore, but of them which went in the second boat,
of which number I myself was one, the seas wrought so high that we
could not attain to the shore, and therefore we were constrained—
through the cruel dealing of John Hampton, captain of the Minion, and
John Sanders, boatswain of the Jesus, and Thomas Pollard, his mate—to
leap out of the boat into the main sea, having more than a mile to
shore, and, so to shift for ourselves, and either to sink or swim. And
of those that so were, as it were, thrown out and compelled to leap
into the sea, there were two drowned, which were of Captain Bland's
In the evening of the same day—it being Monday, the 8th of October,
1568—when we were all come to shore, we found fresh water, whereof
some of our men drank so much that they had almost cast themselves
away, for we could scarce get life in them for the space of two or
three hours after. Other some were so cruelly swollen—what with the
drinking in of the salt water, and what with the eating of the fruit
which we found on land, having a stone in it much like an almond, which
fruit is called capule—that they were all in very ill case, so that we
were, in a manner, all of us, both feeble, weak, and faint.
The next morning—it being Tuesday, the 9th of October—we thought it
best to travel along by the sea coast, to seek out some place of
habitation—whether they were Christians or savages we were
indifferent—so that we might have wherewithal to sustain our hungry
bodies, and so departing from a hill where we had rested all night, not
having any dry thread about us, for those that were not wet being
thrown into the sea were thoroughly wet with rain, for all the night it
rained cruelly. As we went from the hill, and were come into the
plain, we were greatly troubled to pass for the grass and woods, that
grew there higher than any man. On the left hand we had the sea, and
upon the right hand great woods, so that of necessity we must needs
pass on our way westward through those marshes, and going thus,
suddenly we were assaulted by the Indians, a warlike kind of people,
which are in a manner as cannibals, although they do not feed upon
man's flesh as cannibals do.
These people are called Chichemici, and they used to wear their hair
long, even down to their knees; they do also colour their faces green,
yellow, red, and blue, which maketh them to seem very ugly and terrible
to behold. These people do keep wars against the Spaniards, of whom
they have been oftentimes very cruelly handled: for with the Spaniards
there is no mercy. They, perceiving us at our first coming on land,
supposed us to have been their enemies the bordering Spaniards; and
having, by their forerunners, descried what number we were, and how
feeble and weak, without armour or weapon, they suddenly, according to
their accustomed manner when they encounter with any people in warlike
sort, raised a terrible and huge cry, and so came running fiercely upon
us, shooting off their arrows as thick as hail, unto whose mercy we
were constrained to yield, not having amongst us any kind of armour,
nor yet weapon, saving one caliver and two old rusty swords, whereby to
make any resistance or to save ourselves; which, when they perceived
that we sought not any other than favour and mercy at their hands, and
that we were not their enemies the Spaniards, they had compassion on
us, and came and caused us all to sit down. And when they had a while
surveyed, and taken a perfect view of us, they came to all such as had
any coloured clothes amongst us, and those they did strip stark naked,
and took their clothes away with them; but they that were apparelled in
black they did not meddle withal, and so went their ways and left us,
without doing us any further hurt, only in the first brunt they killed
eight of our men. And at our departure they, perceiving in what weak
case we were, pointed us with their hands which way we should go to
come to a town of the Spaniards, which, as we afterwards perceived, was
not past ten leagues from thence, using these words: "Tampeco,
tampeco, Christiano, tampeco, Christiano," which is as much (we think)
as to say in English, "Go that way, and you shall find the Christians."
The weapons that they use are no other but bows and arrows, and their
aim is so good that they very seldom miss to hit anything that they
shoot at. Shortly after they had left us stripped, as aforesaid, we
thought it best to divide ourselves into two companies, and so, being
separated, half of us went under the leading one of Anthony Goddard,
who is yet alive, and dwelleth at this instant in the town of Plymouth,
whom before we chose to be captain over us all. And those that went
under his leading, of which number I, Miles Phillips, was one,
travelled westward—that way which the Indians with their hands had
before pointed us to go. The other half went under the leading of one
John Hooper, whom they did choose for their captain, and with the
company that went with him David Ingram was one, and they took their
way and travelled northward. And shortly after, within the space of
two days, they were again encountered by the savage people, and their
Captain Hooper and two more of his company were slain. Then again they
divided themselves; and some held on their way still northward, and
other some, knowing that we were gone westward, sought to meet with us
again, as, in truth, there was about the number of five-and-twenty or
six-and-twenty of them that met with us in the space of four days
again. And then we began to reckon amongst ourselves how many we were
that were set on shore, and we found the number to be an hundred and
fourteen, whereof two were drowned in the sea and eight were slain at
the first encounter, so that there remained an hundred and four, of
which five-and-twenty went westward with us, and two-and-fifty to the
north with Hooper and Ingram; and, as Ingram since has often told me,
there were not past three of their company slain, and there were but
five-and-twenty of them that came again to us, so that of the company
that went northward there is yet lacking, and not certainly heard of,
the number of three-and-twenty men. And verily I do think that there
are of them yet alive and married in the said country, at Sibola, as
hereafter I do purpose (God willing) to discourse of more particularly,
with the reasons and causes that make me so to think of them that were
lacking, which were with David Ingram, Twide, Browne, and sundry
others, whose names we could not remember. And being thus met again
together we travelled on still westward, sometimes through such thick
woods that we were enforced with cudgels to break away the brambles and
bushes from tearing our naked bodies; other sometimes we should travel
through the plains in such high grass that we could scarce see one
another. And as we passed in some places we should have of our men
slain, and fall down suddenly, being stricken by the Indians, which
stood behind trees and bushes, in secret places, and so killed our men
as they went by; for we went scatteringly in seeking of fruits to
relieve ourselves. We were also oftentimes greatly annoyed with a kind
of fly, which, in the Indian tongue, is called tequani; and the
Spaniards call them musketas. There are also in the said country a
number of other kind of flies, but none so noisome as these tequanies
be. You shall hardly see them, they be so small: for they are scarce
so big as a gnat. They will suck one's blood marvellously, and if you
kill them while they are sucking they are so venomous that the place
will swell extremely, even as one that is stung with a wasp or bee.
But if you let them suck their fill, and to go away of themselves, then
they do you no other hurt, but leave behind them a red spot somewhat
bigger than a flea biting. At the first we were terribly troubled with
these kind of flies, not knowing their qualities; and resistance we
could make none against them, being naked. As for cold, we feared not
any: the country there is always so warm.
And as we travelled thus for the space of ten or twelve days, our
captain did oftentimes cause certain to go up into the tops of high
trees, to see if they could descry any town or place of inhabitants,
but they could not perceive any, and using often the same order to
climb up into high trees, at the length they descried a great river,
that fell from the north-west into the main sea; and presently after we
heard an harquebuse shot off, which did greatly encourage us, for
thereby we knew that we were near to some Christians, and did therefore
hope shortly to find some succour and comfort; and within the space of
one hour after, as we travelled, we heard a cock crow, which was also
no small joy unto us; and so we came to the north side of the river of
Panuco, where the Spaniards have certain salines, at which place it was
that the harquebuse was shot off which before we heard; to which place
we went not directly, but, missing thereof, we left it about a bow-shot
upon our left hand. Of this river we drank very greedily, for we had
not met with any water in six days before; and, as we were here by the
river's side, resting ourselves, and longing to come to the place where
the cock did crow and where the harquebuse was shot off, we perceived
many Spaniards upon the other side of the river riding up and down on
horseback, and they, perceiving us, did suppose that we had been of the
Indians, their bordering enemies, the Chichemici. The river was not
more than half a bow-shot across, and presently one of the Spaniards
took an Indian boat, called a canoa, and so came over, being rowed by
two Indians; and, having taken the view of us, did presently row over
back again to the Spaniards, who without any delay made out about the
number of twenty horsemen, and embarking themselves in the canoas, they
led their horses by the reins, swimming over after them; and being come
over to that side of the river where we were, they saddled their
horses, and being mounted upon them, with their lances charged, they
came very fiercely running at us. Our captain, Anthony Goddard, seeing
them come in that order, did persuade us to submit and yield ourselves
unto them, for being naked, as we at this time were, and without
weapon, we could not make any resistance—whose bidding we obeyed; and
upon the yielding of ourselves, they perceived us to be Christians, and
did call for more canoas, and carried us over by four and four in a
boat; and being come on the other side, they understanding by our
captain how long we had been without meat, imparted between two and two
a loaf of bread made of that country wheat, which the Spaniards called
maize, of the bigness of one of our halfpenny loaves, which bread is
named in the Indian tongue clashacally. This bread was very sweet and
pleasant to us, for we had not eaten any for a long time before; and
what is it that hunger doth not make to have a savoury and delicate
taste? Having thus imparted the bread amongst us, those which were men
they sent afore to the town, having also many Indians, inhabitants of
that place, to guard them. They which were young, as boys, and some
such also as were feeble, they took up upon their horses behind them,
and so carried us to the town where they dwelt, which was distant very
near a mile from the place where we came over.
This town is well situated, and well replenished with all kinds of
fruits, as pomegranates, oranges, lemons, apricots, and peaches, and
sundry others, and is inhabited by a great number of tame Indians, or
Mexicans, and had in it also at that time about the number of two
hundred Spaniards, men, women, and children, besides negroes. Of their
salines, which lie upon the west side of the river, more than a mile
distant from thence, they make a great profit, for it is an excellent
good merchandise there. The Indians do buy much thereof, and carry it
up into the country, and there sell it to their own country people, in
doubling the price. Also, much of the salt made in this place is
transported from thence by sea to sundry other places, as to Cuba, St.
John de Ullua, and the other ports of Tamiago, and Tamachos, which are
two barred havens west and by south above threescore leagues from St.
John de Ullua. When we were all come to the town, the governor there
showed himself very severe unto us, and threatened to hang us all; and
then he demanded what money we had, which in truth was very little, for
the Indians which we first met withal had in a manner taken all from
us, and of that which they left the Spaniards which brought us over
took away a good part also; howbeit, from Anthony Goddard the governor
here had a chain of gold, which was given unto him at Cartagena by the
governor there, and from others he had some small store of money; so
that we accounted that amongst us all he had the number of five hundred
pezoes, besides the chain of gold.
And having thus satisfied himself, when he had taken all that we had,
he caused us to be put into a little house, much like a hog sty, where
we were almost smothered; and before we were thus shut up into that
little cote, they gave us some of the country wheat called maize
sodden, which they feed their hogs withal. But many of our men which
had been hurt by the Indians at our first coming on land, whose wounds
were very sore and grievous, desired to have the help of their surgeons
to cure their wounds. The governor, and most of them all, answered,
that we should have none other surgeon but the hangman, which should
sufficiently heal us of all our griefs; and they, thus reviling us, and
calling us English dogs and Lutheran heretics, we remained the space of
three days in this miserable state, not knowing what should become of
us, waiting every hour to be bereaved of our lives.
The Fourth Chapter.
Wherein is showed how thatwe were used in Panuco, and in what fear of Death we were there, and
how that we were carried to Mexico to the viceroy, and of
our imprisonment there and at Tescuco, with the courtesies and
cruelties we received during that time, and how that in the end we were by
proclamation given to serve as slaves to sundry Gentlemen Spaniards.
Upon the fourth day after our coming thither, and there remaining in a
perplexity, looking every hour when we should suffer death, there came
a great number of Indians and Spaniards armed to fetch us out of the
house, and amongst them we espied one that brought a great many new
halters, at the sight whereof we were greatly amazed, and made no other
account but that we should presently have suffered death; and so,
crying and calling to God for mercy and for forgiveness of our sins, we
prepared ourselves to die; yet in the end, as the sequel showed, their
meaning was not so; for when we were come out of the house, with those
halters they bound our arms behind us, and so coupling us two and two
together, they commanded us to march on through the town, and so along
the country from place to place toward the city of Mexico, which is
distant from Panuco west and by south the space of threescore leagues,
having only but two Spaniards to conduct us, they being accompanied
with a great number of Indians, warding on either side with bows and
arrows, lest we should escape from them. And travelling in this order,
upon the second day, at night, we came unto a town which the Indians
call Nohele, and the Spaniards call it Santa Maria, in which town there
is a house of White Friars, which did very courteously use us, and gave
us hot meat, as mutton and broth, and garments also to cover ourselves
withal, made of white baize. We fed very greedily of the meat and of
the Indian fruit, called nochole, which fruit is long and small, much
like in fashion to a little cucumber. Our greedy feeding caused us to
fall sick of hot burning agues; and here at this place one Thomas
Baker, one of our men, died of a hurt, for he had been before shot with
an arrow into the throat at the first encounter.
The next morrow, about ten of the clock, we departed from thence, bound
two and two together, and guarded as before, and so travelled on our
way toward Mexico, till we came to a town within forty leagues of
Mexico named Mesticlan, where is a house of Black Friars, and in this
town there are about the number of three hundred Spaniards, both men,
women, and children. The friars sent us meat from the house ready
dressed, and the friars and men and women used us very courteously, and
gave us some shirts and other such things as we lacked. Here our men
were very sick of their agues, and with eating of another fruit, called
in the Indian tongue, Guiaccos, which fruit did bind us sore. The next
morning we departed from thence with our two Spaniards and Indian guard
as aforesaid. Of these two Spaniards the one was an aged man, who all
the way did very courteously entreat us, and would carefully go before
to provide for us both meat and things necessary to the uttermost of
his power. The other was a young man, who all the way travelled with
us, and never departed from us, who was a very cruel caitiff, and he
carried a javelin in his hand, and sometimes when as our men with very
feebleness and faintness were not able to go so fast as he required
them, he would take his javelin in both his hands and strike them with
the same between the neck and the shoulders so violently that he would
strike them down, then would he cry and say: "Marches, marches,
Engleses perros, Luterianos, enemicos de Dios;" which is as much to say
in English, "March, march on you English dogs, Lutherans, enemies to
God." And the next day we came to a town called Pachuca, and there are
two places of that name, as this town of Pachuca, and the mines of
Pachuca, which are mines of silver, and are about six leagues distant
from this town of Pachuca towards the north-west.
Here at this town the good old man our governor suffered us to stay two
days and two nights, having compassion of our sick and weak men, full
sore against the mind of the young man his companion. From thence we
took our journey, and travelled four or five days by little villages
and Stantias, which are farms or dairy houses of the Spaniards, and
ever as we had need the good old man would still provide us sufficient
of meats, fruits, and water to sustain us. At the end of which five
days we came to a town within five leagues of Mexico, which is called
Quoghliclan, where we also stayed one whole day and two nights, where
was a fair house of Grey Friars, howbeit, we saw none of them. Here we
were told by the Spaniards in the town that we had not more than
fifteen English miles from thence to Mexico, whereof we were all very
joyful and glad, hoping that when we came thither we should either be
relieved and set free out of bonds, or else be quickly despatched out
of our lives; for seeing ourselves thus carried bound from place to
place, although some used us courteously, yet could we never joy nor be
merry till we might perceive ourselves set free from that bondage,
either by death or otherwise.
The next morning we departed from thence on our journey towards Mexico,
and so travelled till we came within two leagues of it, where there was
built by the Spaniards a very fair church, called Our Lady Church, in
which there is an image of Our Lady of silver and gilt, being as high
and as large as a tall woman, in which church, and before this image,
there are as many lamps of silver as there be days in the year, which
upon high days are all lighted. Whensoever any Spaniards pass by this
church, although they be on horseback, they will alight and come into
the church, and kneel before this image, and pray to Our Lady to defend
them from all evil; so that whether he be horseman or footman he will
not pass by, but first go into the church and pray as aforesaid, which
if they do not, they think and believe that they shall never prosper,
which image they call in the Spanish tongue Nostra Signora de
Guadaloupe. At this place there are certain cold baths, which arise,
springing up as though the water did seethe, the water whereof is
somewhat brackish in taste, but very good for any that have any sore or
wound to wash themselves therewith, for as they say, it healeth many;
and every year once upon Our Lady Day, the people used to repair
thither to offer and to pray in that church before the image, and they
say that Our Lady of Guadaloupe doth work a number of miracles. About
this church there is not any town of Spaniards that is inhabited, but
certain Indians do dwell there in houses of their own country building.
Here we were met by a great number of Spaniards on horseback, which
came from Mexico to see us, both gentlemen and men of occupations, and
they came as people to see a wonder; we were still called upon to march
on, and so about four of the clock in the afternoon of the said day, we
entered into the city of Mexico by the way or street called La Calia
Sancta Catherina; and we stayed not in any place till we came to the
house or palace of the Viceroy, Don Martin Henriques, which standeth in
the middest of the city, hard by the market place called La Placa dell
Marquese. We had not stayed any long time at this place, but there was
brought us by the Spaniards from the market place great store of meat,
sufficient to have satisfied five times so many as we were; some also
gave us hats, and some gave us money; in which place we stayed for the
space of two hours, and from thence we were conveyed by water into
large canoas to a hospital, where certain of our men were lodged, which
were taken before the fight at St. John de Ullua. We should have gone
to Our Lady's Hospital, but that there were also so many of our men
taken before at that fight that there was no room for us. After our
coming thither, many of the company that came with me from Panuco died
within the space of fourteen days; soon after which time we were taken
forth from that place and put all together into Our Lady's Hospital, in
which place we were courteously used, and visited oftentimes by
virtuous gentlemen and gentlewomen of the city, who brought us divers
things to comfort us withal, as succats and marmalades and such other
things, and would also many times give us many things, and that very
liberally. In which hospital we remained for the space of six months,
until we were all whole and sound of body, and then we were appointed
by the Viceroy to be carried unto the town of Tescuco, which is distant
from Mexico south-west eight leagues; in which town there are certain
houses of correction and punishment for ill people called obraches,
like to Bridewell here in London; in which place divers Indians are
sold for slaves, some for ten years and some for twelve. It was no
small grief unto us when we understood that we should be carried
thither, and to be used as slaves; we had rather be put to death,
howbeit there was no remedy, but we were carried to the prison of
Tescuco, where we were not put to any labour, but were very straightly
kept and almost famished, yet by the good providence of our merciful
God, we happened there to meet with one Robert Sweeting, who was the
son of an Englishman born of a Spanish woman; this man could speak very
good English, and by his means we were holpen very much with victuals
from the Indians, as mutton, hens, and bread. And if we had not been
so relieved we had surely perished; and yet all the provision that we
had gotten that way was but slender. And continuing thus straightly
kept in prison there for the space of two months, at the length we
agreed amongst ourselves to break forth of prison, come of it what
would, for we were minded rather to suffer death than longer to live in
that miserable state.
And so having escaped out of prison, we knew not what way to fly for
the safety of ourselves; the night was dark, and it rained terribly,
and not having any guide, we went we knew not whither, and in the
morning at the appearing of the day, we perceived ourselves to be come
hard to the city of Mexico, which is four and twenty English miles from
Tescuco. The day being come, we were espied by the Spaniards, and
pursued, and taken, and brought before the Viceroy and head justices,
who threatened to hang us for breaking of the king's prison. Yet in
the end they sent us into a garden belonging to the Viceroy, and coming
thither, we found there our English gentlemen which were delivered as
hostages when as our General was betrayed at St. John de Ullua, as is
aforesaid, and with them we also found Robert Barret, the master of the
Jesus, in which place we remained, labouring and doing such things as
we were commanded for the space of four months, having but two sheep a
day allowed to suffice us all, being very near a hundred men; and for
bread, we had every man two loaves a day of the quantity of one
halfpenny loaf. At the end of which four months, they having removed
our gentlemen hostages and the master of the Jesus to a prison in the
Viceroy his own house, did cause it to be proclaimed, that what
gentleman Spaniard soever was willing, or would have any Englishman to
serve him, and be bound to keep him forthcoming to appear before the
justices within one month after notice given, that they should repair
to the said garden, and there take their choice; which proclamation was
no sooner made but the gentlemen came and repaired to the garden amain,
so that happy was he that could soonest get one of us.
The Fifth Chapter.
Wherein is showed in what good sort and how that wealthily we lived with our
masters until the coming of the Inquisition, when as again, our sorrows began afresh;
of our imprisonment in the holy house, and of the severe judgment and
sentences given against us, and with what rigour and
cruelty the same were executed.
The gentlemen that thus took us for their servants or slaves, did new
apparel us throughout, with whom we abode doing such service as they
appointed us unto, which was for the most part to attend upon them at
the table, and to be as their chamberlains, and to wait upon them when
they went abroad, which they greatly accounted of, for in that country
no Spaniard will serve one another, but they are all of them attended
and served by Indians weekly, and by negroes which be their slaves
during their life. In this sort we remained and served in the said
city of Mexico and thereabouts for the space of a year and somewhat
longer. Afterwards many of us were by our masters appointed to go to
sundry of their mines where they had to do, and to be as overseers of
the negroes and Indians that laboured there. In which mines many of us
did profit and gain greatly; for first we were allowed three hundred
pezoes a man for a year, which is three score pounds sterling, and
besides that the Indians and negroes which wrought under our charge,
upon our well using and entreating of them, would at times as upon
Saturdays when they had left work labour for us, and blow as much
silver as should be worth unto us three marks or thereabouts, every
mark being worth six pezoes and a half of their money, which nineteen
pezoes and a half, is worth four livres, ten shillings of our money.
Sundry weeks we did gain so much by this means besides our wages, that
many of us became very rich, and were worth three thousand or four
thousand pezoes, for we lived and gained thus in those mines some three
or four years. As concerning those gentlemen which were delivered as
hostages, and that were kept in prison in the Viceroy his house, after
that we were gone from out the garden to serve sundry gentlemen as
aforesaid, they remained prisoners in the said house, for the space of
four months after their coming thither, at the end whereof the fleet,
being ready to depart from St. John de Ullua to go for Spain, the said
gentlemen were sent away into Spain with the fleet, where I have heard
it credibly reported, many of them died with the cruel handling of the
Spaniards in the Inquisition house, as those which have been delivered
home after they had suffered the persecution of that house can more
perfectly declare. Robert Barret also, master of the Jesus, was sent
away with the fleet into Spain the next year following, whereafter he
suffered persecution in the Inquisition, and at the last was condemned
to be burnt, and with him three or four more of our men, of whom one
was named Gregory and another John Browne, whom I knew, for they were
of our general his musicians, but the names of the rest that suffered
with them I know not.
Now after that six years there fully expired since our first coming
into the Indies in which time we had been imprisoned and served in the
said countries, as is before truly declared in the year of our Lord one
thousand five hundred and seventy four, the Inquisition began to be
established in the Indies very much against the minds of many of the
Spaniards themselves, for never until this time since their first
conquering and planting in the Indies, were they subject to that bloody
and cruel Inquisition. The chief Inquisitor was named Don Pedro Moya
de Contreres, and John de Bouilla his companion, and John Sanchis the
Fischall, and Pedro de la Rios, the Secretary, they being come and
settled, and placed in a very fair house, near unto the White Friars,
considering with themselves that they must make an entrance and
beginning of that their most detestable Inquisition here in Mexico to
the terror of the whole country, thought it best to call us that were
Englishmen first in question, and so much the rather for that they had
perfect knowledge and intelligence, that many of us were become very
rich as hath been already declared, and therefore we were a very great
booty and prey to the Inquisitors, so that now again began our sorrows
afresh, for we were sent for, and sought out in all places of the
country, and proclamation made upon pain of losing of goods, and
excommunication that no man should hide or keep secret any Englishman
or any part of their goods. By means whereof we were all soon
apprehended in all places, and all our goods seized and taken for the
Inquisitors' use, and so from all parts of the country we were conveyed
and sent as prisoners to the city of Mexico, and there committed to
prison in sundry dark dungeons where we could not see but by
candlelight, and were never more than two together in one place so that
we saw not one another, neither could one of us tell what was become of
another. Thus we remained close imprisoned for the space of a year and
a half, and others for some less time, for they came to prison ever as
they were apprehended. During which time of our imprisonment at the
first beginning we were often called before the Inquisitors alone, and
there severely examined of our faith, and commanded to say the pater
noster, the Ave Maria, and the creed in Latin, which God knoweth a
great number of us could not say otherwise than in the English tongue.
And having the said Robert Sweeting who was our friend at Tescuco
always present with them for an interpreter he made report for us in
our own country speech we could say them perfectly, although not word
for word as they were in Latin. Then did they proceed to demand of us
upon our oaths what we did believe of the sacrament, and whether there
did remain any bread or wine after the words of consecration, yea or
no, and whether we did not believe that the Host of bread which the
priest did hold up over his head, and the wine that was in the chalice,
was the very true and perfect body and blood of our Saviour Christ, yea
or no, to which if we answered not yea, then was there no way but
death. Then would they demand of us what we did remember of ourselves,
what opinions we had held or had been taught to hold, contrary to the
same whiles we were in England; to which we for the safety of our lives
were constrained to say that we never did believe, nor had been taught
otherwise than as before we had said. Then would they charge us that
we did not tell them the truth, that we knew to the contrary, and
therefore we should call ourselves to remembrance and make them a
better answer at the next time or else we should be racked and made to
confess the truth whether we would or no. And so coming again before
them the next time, we were still demanded of our belief whiles we were
in England, and how we had been taught, and also what we thought or did
know of such of our company as they did name unto us, so that we could
never be free from such demands, and at other times they would promise
us that if we would tell them the truth, then should we have favour and
be set at liberty, although we very well knew their fair speeches were
but means to entrap us to the hazard and loss of our lives; howbeit God
so mercifully wrought for us by a secret means that we had that we kept
us still to our first answer, and would still say that we had told the
truth unto them, and knew no more by ourselves nor any other of our
fellows than as we had declared, and that for our sins and offences in
England against God and our Lady, or any of His blessed saints, we were
heartily sorry for the same, and did cry God mercy, and besought the
Inquisitors, for God's sake, considering that we came into those
countries by force of weather, and against our wills, and that never in
all our lives we had either spoken or done anything contrary to their
laws, that therefore they would have mercy on us, yet all this would
not serve, for still from time to time we were called upon to confess,
and about the space of three months, before they proceeded to their
severe Judgment, we were all racked, and some enforced to utter that
against themselves which afterwards cost them their lives.
And thus having gotten from our own mouths matter sufficient for them
to proceed in judgment against us, they caused a large scaffold to be
made in the midst of the market-place in Mexico, right over against the
head church, and fourteen or fifteen days before the day of their
judgment, with the sound of a trumpet, and the noise of their
attabalies, which are a kind of drums, they did assemble the people in
all parts of the city, before whom it was then solemnly proclaimed that
whosoever would upon such a day, repair to the marketplace, they should
hear the sentence of the Holy Inquisition against the English heretic
Lutherans, and also see the same put in execution. Which being done,
and the time approaching of this cruel judgment, the night before they
came to the prison where we were, with certain officers of that holy
hellish house, bringing with them certain fools' coats which they had
prepared for us, being called in their language St. Benitos, which
coats were made of yellow cotton and red crosses upon them, both before
and behind; they were so busied in putting on their coats about us and
in bringing us out into a large yard, and placing and pointing us in
what order we should go to the scaffold or place of judgment upon the
morrow, that they did not once suffer us to sleep all that night long.
The next morning being come, there was given to every one of us for our
breakfast, a cup of wine, and a slice of bread fried in honey, and so
about eight of the clock in the morning, we set forth of the prison,
every man alone in his yellow coat and a rope about his neck, and a
great green wax candle in his hand unlighted, having a Spaniard
appointed to go upon either side of every one of us; and so marching in
this order and manner towards the scaffold in the market-place, which
was a bow-shot distant or thereabouts, we found a great assembly of
people all the way, and such throng, that certain of the Inquisitors'
officers on horseback were constrained to make way, and so coming to
the scaffold we went up by a pair of stairs, and found seats ready made
and prepared for us to sit down on, every man in order as he should be
called to receive his judgment. We being thus set down as we were
appointed, presently the Inquisitors came up another pair of stairs,
and the Viceroy and all the chief justices with them. When they were
set down and placed under the cloth of estate agreeing to their degrees
and calling, then came up also a great number of friars, white, black,
and grey, about the number of 300 persons, they being set in the places
for them appointed. Then was there a solemn Oyes made, and silence
commanded, and then presently began their severe and cruel judgment.
The first man that was called was one Roger, the chief armourer of the
Jesus, and he had judgment to have 300 stripes on horseback, and after
condemned to the galleys as a slave for ten years.
After him was called John Gray, John Browne, John Rider, John Moone,
James Collier, and one Thomas Browne. These were adjudged to have 200
stripes on horseback, and after to be committed to the galleys for the
space of eight years.
Then was called John Keies, and was adjudged to have 100 stripes on
horseback, and condemned to serve in the galleys for the space of six
Then were severally called the number of fifty-three, one after
another, and every man had his several judgment, some to have 200
stripes on horseback and some 100, and some condemned for slaves to the
galleys, some for six years, some for eight, and some for ten.
And then was I, Miles Phillips, called, and was adjudged to serve in a
monastery for five years, without any stripes, and to wear a fool's
coat or San Benito, during all that time.
Then were called John Storie, Richard Williams, David Alexander, Robert
Cooke, and Horsewell, and Thomas Hull. These six were condemned to
serve in monasteries without stripes, some for three years, and some
for four, and to wear the San Benito during all the said time. Which
being done, and it now drawing towards night, George Rivelie, Peter
Momfrie, and Cornelius the Irishman were called, and had their judgment
to be burnt to ashes, and so were presently sent away to the place of
execution in the market-place, but a little from the scaffold, where
they were quickly burnt and consumed. And as for us that had received
our judgment, being sixty-eight in number, we were carried back that
night to prison again, and the next day in the morning, being Good
Friday, the year of our Lord, 1575, we were all brought into a court of
the Inquisitors' Palace, where we found a horse in readiness for every
one of our men which were condemned to have stripes, and to be
committed to the galleys, which were in number sixty, and so they,
being enforced to mount up on horseback, naked, from the middle upward,
were carried to be showed as a spectacle for all the people to behold
throughout the chief and principal streets of the city, and had the
number of stripes to every one of them appointed, most cruelly laid
upon their naked bodies with long whips, by sundry men appointed to be
the executioners thereof, and before our men there went a couple of
criers, which cried as they went, "Behold these English dogs,
Lutherans, enemies to God," and all the way as they went, there were
some of the Inquisitors themselves, and of the familiars of that rake-
hell order, that cried to the executioners, "Strike, lay on those
English heretics, Lutherans, God's enemies;" and so this horrible
spectacle being showed round about the city, and they returned to the
Inquisitors' House, with their backs all gore blood and swollen with
great bumps. They were then taken from their horses and carried again
to prison, where they remained until they were sent into Spain to the
galleys, there to receive the rest of their martyrdom; and I, and the
six other with me, which had judgment and were condemned among the rest
to serve an apprenticeship in the monasteries, were taken presently and
sent to certain religious houses appointed for the purpose.
The Sixth Chapter.
Wherein is showed how thatwe were used in the religious houses, and that
when the time was expired that we were adjudged to serve in them, there
came news to Mexico of Master Francis Drake's being in the South Sea,
and what preparation was made to take him; and how that I, seeking to
escape, was again taken and put in prison in Vera Cruz, and how that again I
made mine escape from thence.
I, Miles Phillips, and William Lowe were appointed to the Black Friars,
where I was appointed to be an overseer of Indian workmen, who wrought
there in building a new church, amongst which Indians I learned their
language or Mexican tongue very perfectly, and had great familiarity
with many of them, whom I found to be a courteous and loving kind of
people, ingenious, and of great understanding, and they hate and abhor
the Spaniards with all their hearts. They have used such horrible
cruelties against them, and do still keep them in such subjection and
servitude, that they and the negroes also do daily lie in wait to
practice their deliverance out of that thraldom and bondage that the
Spaniards do keep them in.
William Lowe, he was appointed to serve the cook in the kitchen;
Richard Williams and David Alexander were appointed to the Grey Friars;
John Storey and Robert Cooke to the White Friars; Paul Horsewell the
Secretary took to be his servant; Thomas Hull was sent to a monastery
of priests, where afterward he died. Thus we served out the years that
we were condemned for, with the use of our fools' coats, and we must
needs confess that the friars did use us very courteously, for every
one of us had his chamber, with bedding and diet, and all things clean
and neat; yea, many of the Spaniards and friars themselves do utterly
abhor and mislike of that cruel Inquisition, and would as they durst
bewail our miseries, and comfort us the best they could, although they
stood in such fear of that devilish Inquisition that they durst not let
the left hand know what the right doeth.
Now after that the time was expired for which we were condemned to
serve in those religious houses, we were then brought again before the
Chief Inquisitor, and had all our fools' coats pulled off and hanged up
in the head church, called Ecclesia Majora, and every man's name and
judgment written thereupon with this addition—Heretic Lutheran Reconciled. And there are also all their coats hanged up which were
condemned to the galleys, with their names and judgments, and
underneath his coat, Heretic Lutheran Reconciled. And also the coats
and names of the three that were burned, whereupon were written, An
obstinate heretic Lutheran burnt. Then were we suffered to go up and
down the country, and to place ourselves as we could, and yet not so
free but that we very well knew that there was a good espial always
attending us and all our actions, so that we durst not once to speak or
look awry. David Alexander and Robert Cooke they returned to serve the
Inquisitor, who shortly after married them both to two of his negro
women; Richard Williams married a rich widow of Biskay with four
thousand pezoes; Paul Horsewell is married to a Mestiza, as they name
those whose fathers were Spaniards and their mothers Indians, and this
woman which Paul Horsewell hath married is said to be the daughter of
one that came in with Hernando Cortes, the Conqueror, who had with her
in marriage four thousand pezoes and a fair house; John Storie he is
married to a negro woman; William Lowe had leave and licence to go into
Spain, where he is now married. For mine own part I could never
thoroughly settle myself to marry in that country, although many fair
offers were made unto me of such as were of great ability and wealth;
but I could have no liking to live in that place where I must
everywhere see and know such horrible idolatry committed, and durst not
once for my life speak against it; and therefore I had always a longing
and desire to this my native country; and to return and serve again in
the mines, where I might have gathered great riches and wealth, I very
well saw that at one time or another I should fall again into the
danger of that devilish Inquisition, and so be stripped of all, with
loss of life also, and therefore I made my choice rather to learn to
weave Groganes and Taffataes, and so compounding with a silk weaver, I
bound myself for three years to serve him, and gave him one hundred and
fifty pezoes to teach me the science, otherwise he would not have
taught me under seven years' prenticeship, and by this means I lived
the more quiet and free from suspicion.
Howbeit I should many times be charged by familiars of that devilish
house, that I had a meaning to run away into England, and be an heretic
Lutheran again; to whom I would answer that they had no need to suspect
any such thing in me, for that they knew all very well that it was
impossible for me to escape by any manner of means; yet notwithstanding
I was called before the Inquisitors and demanded why I did not marry.
I answered that I had bound myself at an occupation. "Well," said the
Inquisitor, "I know thou meanest to run away, and therefore I charge
thee here upon pain of burning as an heretic relapsed, that thou depart
not out of this city, nor come near to the port of St. John de Ullua,
nor to any other port;" to the which I answered that I would willingly
obey. "Yea," said he, "see thou do so, and thy fellows also; they
shall have the like charge."
So I remained at my science the full time and learned the art, at the
end whereof there came news to Mexico that there were certain
Englishmen landed with a great power at the port of Acapulco, upon the
South Sea, and that they were coming to Mexico to take the spoil
thereof, which wrought a marvellous great fear among them, and many of
those that were rich began to shift for themselves, their wives and
children; upon which hurly-burly the Viceroy caused a general muster to
be made of all the Spaniards in Mexico, and there were found to the
number of seven thousand and odd householders of Spaniards in the city
and suburbs, and of single men unmarried the number of three thousand,
and of Mestizies—which are counted to be the sons of Spaniards born of
Indian women—twenty thousand persons; and then was Paul Horsewell and
I, Miles Phillips, sent for before the Viceroy and were examined if we
did know an Englishman named Francis Drake, which was brother to
Captain Hawkins; to which we answered that Captain Hawkins had not any
brother but one, which was a man of the age of threescore years or
thereabouts, and was now governor of Plymouth in England. And then he
demanded of us if we knew one Francis Drake, and we answered no.
While these things were in doing, there came news that all the
Englishmen were gone; yet was there eight hundred men made out under
the leading of several captains, whereof two hundred were sent to the
port of St. John de Ullua, upon the North Sea, under the conduct of Don
Luis Suares; two hundred were sent to Guatemala, in the South Sea, who
had for their captain John Cortes; two hundred more were sent to
Guatelco, a port of the South Sea, over whom went for captain Don Pedro
de Roblis; and two hundred more were sent to Acapulco, the port where
it was said that Captain Drake had been, and they had for captain
Doctor Roblis Alcalde de Corte, with whom I, Miles Phillips, went as
interpreter, having licence given by the Inquisitors. When we were
come to Acapulco we found that Captain Drake was departed from thence,
more than a month before we came thither. But yet our captain, Alcalde
de Corte, there presently embarked himself in a small ship of
threescore ton, or thereabout, having also in company with him two
other small barques, and not past two hundred men in all, with whom I
went as interpreter in his own ship, which, God knoweth, was but weak
and ill-appointed; so that for certain, if we had met with Captain
Drake, he might easily have taken us all.
We, being embarked, kept our course, and ran southward towards Panama,
keeping still as nigh the shore as we could; and leaving the land upon
our left hand, and having coasted thus for the space of eighteen or
twenty days, and were more to the south than Guatemala, we met at last
with other ships which came from Panama, of whom we were certainly
informed that he was clean gone off the coast more than a month before;
and so we returned back to Acapulco again, and there landed, our
captain being thereunto forced, because his men were very sore sea-
sick. All the while that I was at sea with them I was a glad man, for
I hoped that if we met with Master Drake we should all be taken, so
that then I should have been freed out of that danger and misery
wherein I lived, and should return to mine own country of England
again. But missing thereof, when I saw there was no remedy but that we
must needs come on land again, little doth any man know the sorrow and
grief that inwardly I felt, although outwardly I was constrained to
make fair weather of it.
And so, being landed, the next morrow after we began our journey
towards Mexico, and passed these towns of name in our way, as first the
town of Tuatepec, fifty leagues from Mexico; from thence to Washaca,
forty leagues from Mexico; from thence to Tepiaca, twenty-four leagues
from Mexico; and from thence to Lopueblo de Los Angelos, where is a
high hill which casteth out fire three times a day, which hill is
eighteen leagues directly west from Mexico; from thence we went to
Stapelata, eight leagues from Mexico, and there our captain and most of
his men took boat and came to Mexico again, having been forth about the
space of seven weeks, or thereabouts.
Our captain made report to the Viceroy what he had done, and how far he
had travelled, and that for certain he was informed that Captain Drake
was not to be heard of. To which the Viceroy replied and said, surely
we shall have him shortly come into our hands, driven on land through
necessity in some one place or other, for he, being now in these seas
of Sur, it is not possible for him to get out of them again; so that if
he perish not at sea, yet hunger will force him to land. And then
again I was commanded by the Viceroy that I should not depart from the
city of Mexico, but always be at my master's house in a readiness at an
hour's warning, whensoever I should be called for. Notwithstanding
that, within one month after, certain Spaniards going to Mecameca,
eighteen leagues from Mexico, to send away certain hides and
cuchionelio that they had there at their stantias, or dairy houses, and
my master having leave of the secretary for me to go with them, I took
my journey with them, being very well horsed and appointed; and coming
thither, and passing the time there at Mecameca certain days, till we
had certain intelligence that the fleet was ready to depart, I, not
being more than three days' journey from the port of St. John de Ullua,
thought it to be the meetest time for me to make an escape, and I was
the bolder presuming upon my Spanish tongue, which I spake as naturally
as any of them all, thinking with myself that when I came to St. John
de Ullua I would get to be entertained as a soldier, and so go home
into Spain in the same fleet; and, therefore, secretly one evening
late, the moon shining fair, I conveyed myself away, and riding so for
the space of two nights and two days, sometimes in, and sometimes out,
resting very little all that time, upon the second day at night I came
to the town of Vera Cruz, distant from the port of St. John de Ullua,
where the ships rode, but only eight leagues; and here purposing to
rest myself a day or two, I was no sooner alighted but within the space
of one half hour after I was by ill hap arrested, and brought before
justices there, being taken and suspected to be a gentleman's son of
Mexico that was run away from his father. So I, being arrested and
brought before the justices, there was a great hurly-burly about the
matter, every man charging me that I was the son of such a man,
dwelling in Mexico, which I flatly denied, affirming that I knew not
the man; yet would they not believe me, but urged still upon me that I
was he that they sought for, and so I was conveyed away to prison. And
as I was thus going to prison, to the further increase of my grief, it
chanced that at that very instant there was a poor man in the press
that was come to town to sell hens, who told the justices that they did
me wrong, and that in truth he knew very well that I was an Englishman,
and no Spaniard. Then they demanded of him how he knew that, and
threatened him that he said so for that he was my companion, and sought
to convey me away from my father, so that he also was threatened to be
laid in prison with me. He, for the discharge of himself, stood
stiffly in it that I was an Englishman, and one of Captain Hawkins's
men, and that he had known me wear the San Benito in the Black Friars
at Mexico for three or four whole years together; which when they heard
they forsook him, and began to examine me anew, whether that speech of
his were true, yea or no; which when they perceived that I could not
deny, and perceiving that I was run from Mexico, and came thither of
purpose to convey myself away with the fleet, I was presently committed
to prison with a sorrowful heart, often wishing myself that that man
which knew me had at that time been further off. Howbeit, he in
sincerity had compassion of my distressed state, thinking by his
speech, and knowing of me, to have set me free from that present danger
which he saw me in. Howbeit, contrary to his expectation, I was
thereby brought into my extreme danger, and to the hazard of my life,
yet there was no remedy but patience, perforce; and I was no sooner
brought into prison but I had a great pair of bolts clapped on my legs,
and thus I remained in that prison for the space of three weeks, where
were also many other prisoners, which were thither committed for sundry
crimes and condemned to the galleys. During which time of imprisonment
there I found amongst those my prison fellows some that had known me
before in Mexico, and truly they had compassion of me, and would spare
of their victuals and anything else that they had to do me good,
amongst whom there was one of them that told me that he understood by a
secret friend of his which often came to the prison to him that I
should be shortly sent back again to Mexico by waggon, so soon as the
fleet was gone from St. John de Ullua for Spain.
This poor man, my prison fellow, of himself, and without any request
made by me, caused his said friend, which came often unto him to the
grate of the prison, to bring him wine and victuals, to buy for him two
knives which had files in their backs, which files were so well made
that they would serve and suffice any prisoner to file off his irons,
and of those knives or files he brought one to me, and told me that he
had caused it to be made for me, and let me have it at the very price
it cost him, which was two pezoes, the value of eight shillings of our
money, which knife when I had it I was a joyful man, and conveyed the
same into the foot of my boot upon the inside of my left leg, and so
within three or four days after that I had thus received my knife I was
suddenly called for, and brought before the head justice, which caused
those my irons with the round bolt to be stricken off, and sent to a
smith in the town, where was a new pair of bolts made ready for me of
another fashion, which had a broad iron bar coming between the
shackles, and caused my hands to be made fast with a pair of manacles,
and so was I presently laid into a waggon all alone, which was there
ready to depart, with sundry other waggons to the number of sixty,
towards Mexico, and they were all laden with sundry merchandise which
came in the fleet out of Spain.
The waggon that I was in was foremost of all the company, and as we
travelled, I being alone in the waggon, began to try if I could pluck
my hands out of the manacles, and as God would, although it were
somewhat painful for me, yet my hands were so slender that I could pull
them out and put them in again, and ever as we went when the waggons
made most noise and the men busiest, I would be working to file off my
bolts, and travelling thus for the space of eight leagues from Vera
Cruz we came to an high hill, at the entering up of which (as God
would), one of the wheels of the waggon wherein I was brake, so that by
that means the other waggons went afore, and the waggon man that had
charge of me set an Indian carpenter at work to mend the wheel; and
here at this place they baited at an ostrie that a negro woman keeps,
and at this place for that the going up of the hill is very steep for
the space of two leagues and better, they do always accustom to take
the mules of three or four waggons and to place them all together for
the drawing up of one waggon, and so to come down again and fetch up
others in that order. All which came very well to pass, for as it drew
towards night, when most of the waggoners were gone to draw up their
waggons in this sort, I being alone, had quickly filed off my bolts,
and so espying my time in the dark of the evening before they returned
down the hill again, I conveyed myself into the woods there adjoining,
carrying my bolts and manacles with me, and a few biscuits and two
small cheeses. And being come into the woods I threw my irons into a
thick bush, and then covered them with moss and other things, and then
shifted for myself as I might all that night. And thus, by the good
providence of Almighty God, I was freed from mine irons, all saving the
collar that was about my neck, and so got my liberty the second time.
The Seventh Chapter.
Wherein is showed how that I escaped to Guatemala upon the South Sea, and
from thence to the port OF Cavallos, where I got passage to go into
Spain, and of our arrival at the Havana and our cominG to Spain, where I was Again like to
have been committed prisoner, and how that through the great mercy og God
I escaped and came home in safety into England in February, 1582.
The next morning (daylight being come) I perceived by the sun rising
what way to take to escape their hands, for when I fled I took the way
into the woods upon the left hand, and having left that way that went
to Mexico upon my right hand, I thought to keep my course as the woods
and mountains lay still direct south as near as I could; by means
whereof I was sure to convey myself far enough from that way which went
to Mexico. And as I was thus going in the woods I saw many great fires
made to the north not past a league from the mountain where I was, and
travelling thus in my boots, with mine iron collar about my neck, and
my bread and cheese, the very same forenoon I met with a company of
Indians which were hunting of deer for their sustenance, to whom I
spake in the Mexican tongue, and told them how that I had of a long
time been kept in prison by the cruel Spaniards, and did desire them to
help me file off mine iron collar, which they willingly did, rejoicing
greatly with me that I was thus escaped out of the Spaniards' hands.
Then I desired that I might have one of them to guide out of those
desert mountains towards the south, which they also most willingly did,
and so they brought me to an Indian town eight leagues distance from
thence named Shalapa, where I stayed three days; for that I was
somewhat sickly. At which town (with the gold that I had quilted in my
doublet) I bought me an horse of one of the Indians, which cost me six
pezoes, and so travelling south within the space of two leagues I
happened to overtake a Grey Friar, one that I had been familiar withal
in Mexico, whom then I knew to be a zealous, good man, and one that did
much lament the cruelty used against us by the Inquisitors, and truly
he used me very courteously; and I, having confidence in him, did
indeed tell him that I was minded to adventure to see if I could get
out of the said country if I could find shipping, and did therefore
pray him of his aid, direction, and advice herein, which he faithfully
did, not only in directing me which was any safest way to travel, but
he also of himself kept me company for the space of three days, and
ever as we came to the Indians' houses (who used and entertained us
well), he gathered among them in money to the value of twenty pezoes,
which at my departure from him he freely gave unto me.
So came I to the city of Guatemala upon the South Sea, which is distant
from Mexico about 250 leagues, where I stayed six days, for that my
horse was weak, and from thence I travelled still south and by east
seven days' journey, passing by certain Indian towns until I came to an
Indian town distant from Mexico direct south 309 leagues. And here at
this town inquiring to go to the port of Cavallos in the north-east
sea, it was answered that in travelling thither I should not come to
any town in ten or twelve days' journey; so here I hired two Indians to
be my guides, and I bought hens and bread to serve us so long time, and
took with us things to kindle fire every night because of wild beasts,
and to dress our meat; and every night when we rested my Indian guides
would make two great fires, between the which we placed ourselves and
my horse. And in the night time we should hear the lions roar, with
tigers, ounces, and other beasts, and some of them we should see in the
night which had eyes shining like fire. And travelling thus for the
space of twelve days, we came at last to the port of Cavallos upon the
east sea, distant from Guatemala south and by east 200 leagues, and
from Mexico 450 or thereabouts. This is a good harbour for ships, and
is without either castle or bulwark. I having despatched away my
guides, went down to the haven, where I saw certain ships laden chiefly
with canary wine, where I spake with one of the masters, who asked me
what countryman I was, and I told him that I was born in Granada, and
he said that then I was his countryman. I required him that I might
pass home with him in his ship, paying for my passage; and he said yea,
so that I had a safe conduct or letter testimonial to show that he
might incur no danger; for, said he, "it may be that you have killed
some man, or be indebted, and you would therefore run away." To that I
answered that there was not any such cause.
Well, in the end we grew to a price that for 6O pezoes he would carry
me into Spain. A glad man was I at this good hap, and I quickly sold
my horse, and made my provision of hens and bread to serve me in my
passage; and thus within two days after we set sail, and never stayed
until we came to the Havana, which is distant from port de Cavallos by
sea 500 leagues, where we found the whole fleet of Spain, which was
bound home from the Indies. And here I was hired for a soldier, to
serve in the admiral ship of the same fleet, wherein the general
himself went.
There landed while I was here four ships out of Spain, being all full
of soldiers and ordnance, of which number there were 200 men landed
here, and four great brass pieces of ordnance, although the castle were
before sufficiently provided; 200 men more were sent to Campechy, and
certain ordnance; 200 to Florida with ordnance; and 100 lastly to St.
John de Ullua. As for ordnance, there they have sufficient, and of the
very same which was ours which we had in the Jesus, and those others
which we had planted in the place, where the Viceroy betrayed Master
Hawkins, our general, as hath been declared. The sending of those
soldiers to every of those posts, and the strengthening of them, was
done by commandment from the King of Spain, who wrote also by them to
the general of his fleet, giving him in charge so to do, as also
directing him what course he should keep in his coming home into Spain,
charging him at any hand not to come nigh to the isles of Azores, but
to keep his course more to the northward, advertising him withal what
number and power of French ships of war and other Don Anthony had at
that time at the Tercera and isles aforesaid, which the general of the
fleet well considering, and what great store of riches he had to bring
home with him into Spain, did in all very dutifully observe and obey;
for in truth he had in his said fleet 37 sail of ships, and in every of
them there was as good as 30 pipes of silver, one with another, besides
great store of gold, cochineal, sugars, hides, and Cana Fistula, with
other apothecary drugs. This our general, who was called Don Pedro de
Guzman, did providently take order for, for their most strength and
defence, if needs should be, to the uttermost of his power, and
commanded upon pain of death that neither passenger or soldier should
come aboard without his sword and harquebuse, with shot and powder, to
the end that they might be the better able to encounter the fleet of
Don Anthony if they should hap to meet with them, or any of them. And
ever as the weather was fair, this said general would himself go aboard
from one ship to another to see that every man had his full provision
according to the commandment given.
Yet to speak truly what I think, two good tall ships of war would have
made a foul spoil amongst them, for in all this fleet there were not
any that were strong and warlike appointed, saving only the admiral and
vice-admiral. And again, over and besides the weakness and ill-
furnishing of the rest, they were all so deeply laden, that they had
not been able (even if they had been charged) to have held out any long
fight. Well, thus we set sail, and had a very ill passage home, the
weather was so contrary. We kept our course in manner northeast, and
brought ourselves to the height of 42 degrees of latitude, to be sure
not to meet with Don Anthony his fleet, and were upon our voyage from
the 4th of June until the 10th of September, and never saw land till we
fell with the Arenas Gordas hard by St. Lucar.
And there was an order taken that none should go on shore until he had
a licence; as for me, I was known by one in the ship, who told the
master that I was an Englishman, which (as God would) was my good hap
to hear; for if I had not heard it, it had cost me my life.
Notwithstanding, I would not take any knowledge of it, and seemed to be
merry and pleasant that we were all come so well in safety. Presently
after, licence came that we should go on shore, and I pressed to be
gone with the first; howbeit, the master came unto me and said,
"Sirrah, you must go with me to Seville by water." I knew his meaning
well enough, and that he meant there to offer me up as a sacrifice to
the Holy House. For the ignorant zeal of a number of these
superstitious Spaniards is such that they think that they have done God
good service when they have brought a Lutheran heretic to the fire to
be burnt; for so they do account of us. Well, I perceiving all this,
took upon me not to suspect anything, but was still jocund and merry,
howbeit I knew it stood me upon to shift for myself. And so waiting my
time when the master was in his cabin asleep, I conveyed myself
secretly down by the shrouds into the ship boat, and made no stay, but
cut the rope wherewithal she was moored, and so by the cable hailed on
shore, where I leapt on land, and let the boat go whither it would.
Thus by the help of God I escaped that day, and then never stayed at
St. Lucar, but went all night by the way which I had seen others take
towards Seville. So that the next morning I came to Seville, and
sought me out a workmaster, that I might fall to my science, which was
weaving of taffaetas, and being entertained I set myself close to my
work, and durst not for my life once to stir abroad, for fear of being
known, and being thus at my work, within four days after I heard one of
my fellows say that he heard there was great inquiry made for an
Englishman that came home in the fleet. "What, an heretic Lutheran
(quoth I), was it? I would to God I might know him. Surely I would
present him to the Holy House." And thus I kept still within doors at
my work, and feigned myself not well at ease, and that I would labour
as I might to get me new clothes. And continuing thus for the space of
three months, I called for my wages, and bought me all things new,
different from the apparel that I did wear at sea, and yet durst not be
over bold to walk abroad; and after understanding that there were
certain English ships at St. Lucar, bound for England, I took a boat
and went aboard one of them, and desired the master that I might have
passage with him to go into England, and told him secretly that I was
one of those which Captain Hawkins did set on shore in the Indies. He
very courteously prayed me to have him excused, for he durst not meddle
with me, and prayed me therefore to return from whence I came. Which
then I perceived with a sorrowful heart, God knoweth, I took my leave
of him, not without watery cheeks. And then I went to St. Mary Port,
which is three leagues from St. Lucar, where I put myself to be a
soldier in the King of Spain's galleys, which were bound for Majorca
and coming thither in the end of the Christmas holidays I found there
two English ships, the one of London, and the other of the west
country, which were ready freighted, and stayed but for a fair wind.
To the master of the one which was of the west country went I, and told
him that I had been two years in Spain to learn the language, and that
I was now desirous to go home and see my friends, for that I lacked
maintenance, and so having agreed with him for my passage I took my
shipping. And thus, through the providence of Almighty God, after
sixteen years' absence, having sustained many and sundry great troubles
and miseries, as by this discourse appeareth, I came home to this my
native country in England in the year 1582, in the month of February in
the ship called the Landret, and arrived at Poole.
<< 11: The Unfortunate Voyage Made with the Jesus, the Minion, and Four Other Ships... || TOC