9: Annuities of lands never improved five times more in value...
<< 8: A brief extract specifying the certain daily payments,... || 10: A true report of a worthy fight,... >>
Annuities of lands never improved five times more in value than
their sums mentioned, given by the said Grand Signior as followeth:
To the Viceroy for his timar or annuity, 60,000 gold ducats.
To the second pasha for his annuity, 50,000 ducats.
To the third pasha for his annuity, 40,000 ducats.
To the fourth pasha for his annuity, 30,000 ducats.
To the fifth pasha for his annuity, 20,000 ducats.
To the captain of the janisaries, 20,000 ducats.
To the Jou Merhor Bassi, master of his horse, 15,000 ducats.
To the captain of the pensioners, 10,000 ducats.
To the captain of his guard, 5,000 ducats.
Summa totalis, 90,000 livres sterling.
Besides these above specified be sundry other annuities, given to
divers others of his aforesaid officers, as also to certain persons
called Sahims, diminishing from three thousand to two hundred ducats,
esteemed treble to surmount the annuity abovesaid.
The Turk's Chief Officers.
The Viceroy is high treasurer, notwithstanding that under him be three
sub-treasurers, called Testaders, which be accountable to him of the
receipts out of Europe, Asia, and Africa, save their yearly annuity of
The Lord Chancellor is called Nissangi Pasha, who sealeth with a
certain proper character such licenses, safe-conducts, passports,
especial grants, etc., as proceed from the Grand Signior;
notwithstanding all letters to foreign princes so firmed be after
enclosed in a bag and sealed by the Grand Signior, with a signet which
he ordinarily weareth about his neck, credited of them to have been of
ancient appertaining to King Solomon the Wise.
The Admiral giveth his voice in the election of all begies, captains of
islands (to whom he giveth their charge), as also appointeth the sub-
pashas, bailies or constables over cities and towns upon the sea-coasts
about Constantinople and in the Archipelago, whereof he reapeth great
The Sub-Bassi of Pera payeth him nearly fifteen thousand ducats, and so
likewise either of the others, according as they are placed.
The Resistop serveth in office to the Viceroy and Chancellor as
secretary, and so likewise doth the Cogy, Master of the Rolls, before
which two pass all writings presented to or granted by the said Viceroy
and Chancellor, offices of especial credit and like profit, moreover
rewarded with annuities of lands.
There be also two chief judges named Ladies Lisguire, the one over
Europe and the other over Asia and Africa, which in court do sit on the
bench at the left hand of the pashas. These sell all offices to the
under-judges of the land called Cadies, whereof is one in every city or
town, before whom all matters of controversy are by judgment decided,
as also penalties and corrections for crimes ordained to be executed
upon the offenders by the Sub-bassi.
The Number of Soldiers Continually Attending upon the Beglerbegs, the Governors of Provinces, and Sangiacks, and
their Petty Captains Maintained of these Provinces.
The Beglerbegs of |
Persons |
Graecia |
40,000 |
Buda |
15,000 |
Slavonia |
15,000 |
Anatolia |
15,000 |
Caramania |
15,000 |
Armenia |
18,000 |
Persia |
20,000 |
Usdrum |
15,000 |
Chirusta |
15,000 |
Caraemiti |
30,000 |
Giersul |
32,000 |
Bagdad |
25,000 |
Balsara |
22,000 |
Lassaija |
17,000 |
Aleppo |
25,000 |
Damascus |
17,000 |
Cairo |
12,000 |
Abes |
12,000 |
Mecca |
8,000 |
Cyprus |
18,000 |
Tunis, in Barbary |
8,000 |
Tripolis, in Syria |
8,000 |
Algiers |
Whose sangiacks and petty captains be three hundred and sixty-eight,
every of which retaining continually in pay from five hundred to two
hundred soldiers, may be, one with another, at least three hundred
thousand persons.
Chief Officers in his Seraglio about his person by these:
Capiaga, high porter.
Alnader Bassi, treasurer.
Oda Bassi, chamberlain.
Killergi Bassi, steward.
Saraiaga, controller.
Peskerolen, groom of the chamber.
Edostoglan, gentleman of the ewer.
Sehetaraga, armour-bearer.
Choataraga, he that carrieth his riding cloak. Ebietaraga, groom of
the stool.
There be many other meaner offices, which I esteem superfluous to
The Turk's Yearly Revenue.
The Grand Signior's annual revenue is said to be fourteen millions and
a half of golden ducats, which is sterling five millions eightscore
thousand pounds.
The tribute paid by the Christians, his subjects, is one gold ducat
yearly for the redemption of every head, which may amount unto not so
little as one million of golden ducats, which is sterling three hundred
and threescore thousand pounds.
Moreover, in time of war he exacteth manifold sums, for maintenance of
his army and navy, of the said Christians.
The Emperor payeth him yearly tribute for Hungary threescore thousand
dollars, which is sterling thirteen thousand pounds, besides presents
to the Viceroy and pashas, which are said to surmount twenty thousand
Ambassadors' Allowances.
The ambassador of the Emperor is allowed one thousand aspers the day.
The ambassador of the French king heretofore enjoyed the like; but of
late years, by means of displeasure conceived by Mahomet, then Viceroy,
it was reduced to six crowns the day, besides the provision of his
esquire of stable.
The ambassador of Poland and for the State of Venice are not Ledgers as
these two abovesaid. The said Polack is allowed twelve French crowns
the day during his abode, which may be for a month. Very seldom do the
State of Venice send any ambassador otherwise than enforced of urgent
necessity; but instead thereof keep there their agent, president over
their merchants, of them termed a bailiff, who hath no allowance of the
Grand Signior, although his port and state is in manner as magnifical
as the other aforesaid ambassadors'. The Spanish ambassador was equal
with others in janisaries; but for so much as he would not, according
to custom, follow the list of other ambassadors in making presents to
the Grand Signior, he had no allowance. His abode there was three
years, at the end whereof, having concluded a truce for six years,
taking place from his first coming in November last past, he was never
admitted to the presence of the Grand Signior.
<< 8: A brief extract specifying the certain daily payments,... || 10: A true report of a worthy fight,... >>