Indian Heroes And Great Chieftains by Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) i. Title Page ii. About the Author 1. Red Cloud 2. Spotted Tail 3. Little Crow 4. Tamahay 5. Gall 6. Crazy Horse 7. Sitting Bull 8. Rain-in-the-Face 9. Two Strike 10. American Horse 11. Dull Knife 12. Roman Nose 13. Chief Joseph 14. Little Wolf 15. Hole-in-the-Day
i. Title Page ii. About the Author 1. Red Cloud 2. Spotted Tail 3. Little Crow 4. Tamahay 5. Gall 6. Crazy Horse 7. Sitting Bull 8. Rain-in-the-Face 9. Two Strike 10. American Horse 11. Dull Knife 12. Roman Nose 13. Chief Joseph 14. Little Wolf 15. Hole-in-the-Day
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