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Nam Vet, Vol. 5, Number 10 (October 24, 1991)

     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     .                                  __                           .
     .    -*-  N A M   V E T  -*-  ____/  \_                         .
     .                            (      *                          .
     .        Managing  Editor        Quangtri                      .
     .        ----------------     \_/       \_ Hue                 .
     .         G. Joseph Peck          \_Ashau    Phu Bai            .
     .                                   \_*       \_                .
     .      Distribution Manager                 *  )               .
     .      --------------------          _/     Danang              .
     .          Jerry Hindle      |/    (            \_*Chu Lai     .
     .                           --*--    \_    ------- \__          .
     .        Section Editors     /|       \_  I Corps             .
     .        ---------------                  -------     !        .
     .  IN-TOUCH: Ray "Frenchy" Moreau       /\_____        !        .
     .  INCARCERATED VETS: Joyce Flory      /       !               .
     .  VETERAN BENEFITS: Jim Hildwine      !       !___            .
     .  AGENT ORANGE: Jim Ferguson          !           /\____!     .
     .  NEED-TO-KNOW: Lefty Frizzell        !                 !      .
     .  MIA/POW: Marsha Ledeman            /  Dak To          !      .
     .  VETERAN EMPLOYMENT: Fred Sochacki /     *            /       .
     .  KEEPER OF THE LIST: Charlie Revie !                  \_      .
     .                                    !             Phu Cat     .
     .                                         *            *  )    .
     .                                       Pleiku            )    .
     .     -*-  N A M   V E T  -*-                                 .
     .                                       /                  /    .
     . "In the jungles of 'Nam, some of us  (       --------    !    .
     . were scared and wary, but we pulled  _      II Corps    !    .
     . one another along and were able     /        --------        .
     . to depend on each other.  That has                          .
     . never changed.  Today, free of the   !                 *  /   .
     . criticisms and misunderstandings   _/           Nhatrang /    .
     . many veterans have endured,      _/                     /     .
     . NAM VET is a shining beacon,  __/                       !     .
     . a ray of hope, and a    _  __/                         !     .
     . reminder that the _____( )/      !               Camranh Bay  .
     . lessons learned  /               !__                    !     .
     . at such a high  /                                     /      .
     . price shall not           Bien Hoa                  /       .
     . be forgotten  -  !  Chu Chi       *               __/        .
     . nor the errors    \_   *   ---------          ___/           .
     . repeated!!!"  ____        III Corps        _/               .
     .       / \_____)   )_(_     ---------     !__/  Duplication in .
     .       !               (               ___/ any form permitted .
     .  _____!                \__      * ___/      for NONCOMMERCIAL .
     . !                          Saigon/            purposes ONLY!  .
     .  \___   --------           /  /                              .
     .        IV Corps          /       For other use, contact:     .
     .       ) --------         /                                    .
     .      /                   !   G. Joseph Peck (413) 442-1660    .
     .     /               ____/           Managing Editor           .
     .    /         Mekong/                                          .
     .    !         Delta/  This newsletter is comprised of articles .
     .    !        ____/     and items from individuals and other    .
     .    !       /       sources.  We are not responsible for the   .
     .    !      /      content of this information nor are any of   .
     .    !   __/        NAM VETs contributors or Section Editors.   .
     .     \_/                                                   gjp .
     .                                                               .
     NAM VET Newsletter                                       Page    i
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
                      T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
     1.  Editorials n' Stuff
          We're still here? ........................................  1
          Marsha's .357 Bamboo Machete .............................  2
          Additions to Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations ..........  8
          Ask the Veterans' Affairs Counselor ...................... 10
     2.  Drums be not Silent
          Step-by-Step MIA/POW Advocacy! ........................... 11
          Personal MIA/POW Affidavit ............................... 23
          Organizational MIA/POW Affidavit ......................... 24
          They haven't forgotten US!!! ............................. 25
     3.  In-Touch
          In-Touch ... or Soft-Touch? .............................. 26
          In-Touch: What is it??? .................................. 28
          L'chayim ................................................. 31
     4.  Together then...
          Still fighting Vietnam ................................... 32
          Hands Across Time ........................................ 34
          When remembering is too much... .......................... 35
     5.  Forgotten - again?
          Incarcerated Veterans Bill ............................... 38
          A visit or note once in awhile? .......................... 44
          Jungle to Jail - Part 2 .................................. 45
          Viet Cons - Part 2 ....................................... 46
     6.  Don't drink the water!
          A History of Agent Orange ................................ 49
          Break out the Clearasil ! ............................ 64
     7.  The Chapel at NamVet
          NAM VET - Making Peace with Your Past .................... 65
          NamVet's Electronic Chapel ............................... 72
     8.  Veterans n' Jobtalk
          VETS - Federal Veteran Employment Watchdog ............... 73
          Have You Considered On-The-Job or Apprenticeship Training?  74
          OPM FEDERAL JOB INFORMATION OFFICES ...................... 77
          PUBLIC LAW 102-16  MAR. 22,1991 .......................... 83
     9.  Shiftin' Sands
          Desert Storm Hero Wins A War At Home  .................... 93
     10.  Sister Vets
          VWMP's Sister Search ..................................... 95
          Monumental Difference .................................... 96
          VWMP's Sister Search Form ................................ 97
     11.  Charlie's Angels
          Where do YOU get NamVet??? ............................... 98
          VIETNAM_VETS and NamVet: Where? .......................... 99
          Some Gave All... ......................................... 102
     NAM VET Newsletter                                       Page   ii
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991

                             Editorials n' Stuff
                             We're still here?
                             By G. Joseph Peck
                         NamVet's Managing Editor
                        VETLink #1 - Pittsfield, MA
                              (413) 443-6313
       We'll soon be marking our fourth year of producing NamVet.  I 
     can remember forever ago when Todd and I first began this project.  
     Seemed like a real neat, nifty idea - a way to collect and save 
     all the important veteran information that either one of us 
     happened to see flyin' by in the VIETNAM_VETS echo.  I remember, 
     too, how BOTH of us felt as we birthed another issue: "How will 
     our brother/sister veterans think of THIS issue?"  Time marched 
     on, another issue deadline came, and another NamVet was born and 
     put into the electronic pipeline that connects us all together.  
       NamVet has grown... and shrunk... and grown again to what it is
     today: YOUR electronic newsletter by, for and about the things 
     that concern YOU and your brother/sister veterans.  Our audience, 
     too, has grown... and shrunk... and grown again to include spouses 
     and children of veterans; educational institutions and facilities; 
     libraries and, thanks to the hard, hard work of Joyce Flory (no 
     blushin' now, Joyce), our incarcerated brothers and sisters.  
       Speaking of "audiences" - you'll notice just before the
     Charlie's Angels report  a NamVet Survey Form that (here's 
     that name again) Joyce has so willingly volunteered to collect and 
     report on (Doesn't that fine lady EVER stop "volunteering"?).  
     Please take a few moments out of your enjoyable reading of this 
     month's NamVet , tear out the page (or, better yet, just 
     make a photocopy of it), complete and mail it (If we COULD, we 
     would have included the postage - but that's an investment we're 
     gonna have to ask YOU to make to help us find out WHERE our NamVet 
     goes to and who's reading it).
       A note on the Fourth Anniversary Edition:  Our Anniversary 
     editions have become, in a sense, the "best of NamVet" -- I'd like 
     to ask YOU and those around you to take a little time, look over 
     the past issues of NamVet, and send in YOUR vote or note 
     concerning which article you've seen in a past NamVet that was 
     most meaningful or helpful or ??? to YOU.  I still haven't quite 
     figured out exactly WHAT we should include in an Anniversary issue 
     but, up until now, what we HAVE been putting in them are those 
     articles/stories/recipies (Heya Scott!  Where's that Tobasco 
     recipe book!!!) that have impacted either the staff of NamVet or 
     its readers.  How's about YOUR suggestions???
                            'Til next month...
                        Show a brother/sister veteran
                             that YOU care!!!
                              Ci'ao for Ni'ao
                                 -  Joe  -

     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  1
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
                       Marsha's .357 Bamboo Machete
                             By Marsha Ledeman
                       NamVet MIA/POW Section Editor
                        VETLink #1 - Pittsfield, MA
                              (413) 443-6313
                             October 15, 1991
     Letters to the Editor:
     Dear Sir, 
       I have on more than one occasion written a letter to you and 
     received no answer at all, so therefore I do not expect much this 
     time either but I feel strongly enough about this issue to keep 
       Not more than a month ago, the government DID say that the 
     photograph of Capt. Donald Carr MIA Special Forces Green Beret 
     shot down over Laos in 1971, was an authentic photo. Yet they now 
     tell us they cannot find the area that he is being held in.
       Our Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA affairs was formed or 
     rather was approved and Sen. John Kerry of MA was elected chairman 
     of that committee. He then proceeded with supposed rigor to state 
     that he would embark on a "hot lead" trip to Laos, taking his two 
     teenage daughters at his own expense.  I ask you what kind of a 
     "hot lead" was he following?  Did they have a huge sale in Bangkok 
     where the girls had to go shopping?  You do not take teenage girls 
     into the jungles of Laos if you are, in fact, following "hot 
       Now we are bombarded with nothing from the newspapers, and or 
     media, except the Thomas mini-trial. Every paper for the last week 
     and a half, has had nothing but this trial.  The front page of all 
     the newspapers sees fit to expose this along with large pictures 
     but not a word about the Live POWs that are still languishing in 
     Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
       Where do your priorities lie?  Obviously not with live 
     servicemen that were sent to fight a war they were not allowed to 
     win and left behind to be abandoned by the very same government 
     that sent them there.
       When should issues of the nature of the Thomas-Hill subject come 
     before the living human beings this government abandoned?
       You and all the other newspapers, must be too afraid of 
     offending the government to print any truth about the POW/MIAs. 
     Every time we make such headway, something comes along and takes 
     the pull away from this issue.
       I had been raised on the Seattle Times, but I stopped it in 
     favor of the Seattle Post Intelligencer who, at the time, was not 
     afraid to print the news on the POW/MIA Issue.  We are very 
     disappointed with the lack of human caring that the papers, media, 
     and etc. has for these men and their families.
       The government has not yet proved that the picture of the three 
     POWs - Robertson, Stevens, and Lundy - is fake, although according 
     to the newspapers, it has been proved.  Don't you people ever 
     check facts first before printing things like that?  And have you 
     been able to add anything to the mysterious disappearance of all 
     three of those men's fingerprints? 
       I realize this is a long letter, and the chances of it even 
     being read are probably nil, but we needed to say this anyway.
       Until the papers get some grit and nerve, and are willing to put
     this issue on the front page, the American people will never get 
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  2
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     their true answers.  Too bad that all of the media, and newspaper 
     reporters scare so easily.
       There are many, many issues to fight for, but only one of them 
     involves the living men that this government abandoned.  This is a 
     travesty in this great country that must be aired and corrected. 
     We have these men to thank for our freedom, we do not have 
     Marshall Law, we do not have to stand in line for bread.  We are 
     free because we had men willing to fight for that freedom.  Do you 
     think the next generation of men will be willing to fight for a 
     country that will abandon them if they are captured?  What kind of 
     man will now join the armed forces?  I see nothing but criminals 
     who are running from the law enlisting anymore.  If you were to 
     believe you would not be accounted for should you become MIA, 
     would you join the armed forces???
       I think not...
                          Dale and Marsha Ledeman 
                          Seattle, Wa. 98125-7319
                              September 26, 1991
       Several of you asked where I  got my POW/MIA rings and also my 
     satin jacket.  We ordered them both from Task Force Omega on 
       The rings are $5.00 each they come in blue, red, and brushed 
     silver. Any name you want can be put on these rings...
       The satin jackets come with the logo on the back. They are 
     $30.00 each up to size xxxlrg. and that one is $40.00 ...they have 
     small, med, lrg. x-lrg, xx-lrg. and xxx-lrg...
       These can be ordered from the new executive director, Rich 
     Wilusz  4201-S. Center  Lyons, Ill.  60534
       There is a four dollar shipping and handling charge, but I did 
     not get charged for my rings just the jackets and the other things 
     I ordered...
      One more thing of interest for those who do not yet have this 
     information is: Where to reach Col. Millard "Mike" Peck for 
     letters of support to be sent to him which I feel he richly 
     deserves write him at:
                         Col. Millard "Mike" Peck
                         3710-George Mason
                         Falls Church, VA. 22141
       I hope you all will send him a note of thanks for what he has 
     done, he has essentially given up a long career to help with this 
     issue and to stand by his beliefs and we are happy to have someone 
     like him believe as we have for years that our POW/MIAs were 
     abandoned and are alive in Southeast Asia.
       Thank you all, Marsha
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  3
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     These are excerpts from the September/October 1991 Illinois Task 
     Force Omega group newsletter.
       Some things we all should know and some things we all should be 
       I understand that the new book "Bamboo Cage" is outstanding, and 
     makes Kiss The Boys Goodbye looks like a grade school primer, 
     however the author has been unable to get it published in the 
     United States, he is from England.
       Here is a way for you to purchase this book if you so choose... 
     and cheaper than if you ordered it from England.
       *Homecoming II has Nigel Cawthorne's book BAMBOO CAGE available 
     for $38.00 including shipping and handling. Mail checks to 
     Homecoming II  5154 Piedmont Pl, Annadale, VA. 22003. Allow 3 - 4 
     weeks for delivery.
      * The following is a summary of a presentation given by Mark 
     Reinig of Britt Small and Festival and sysop on the POW Network at 
     a Skidmore Reunion recently:
        It was stated that there are certain indicators that the 
     Vietnamese government and the Vietnamese people are willing to 
     resolve the POW issue.  However they are receiving confusing 
     signals. They are hearing statements like the following:
      ^ In 1987, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Vernon Walter - 
     who had been deputy director of CIA when George Bush was Director 
     - said that it would be "detrimental" for the Vietnamese to 
     "surface" living American POW's.
      ^ In August 1991, soon after returning from visiting Vietnam as a 
     part of a congressional delegation, Arizona Republican congressman 
     Jim Kolbe stated in a radio interview that if American POW's 
     should "walk out" it would destroy relations between the U.S. and 
     Vietnam for "years or decades".
      ^ Also in August 1991, Wyoming Republican Senator Alan Simpson 
     said it would be foolish for the Vietnamese to still be holding 
     American prisoners as, if discovered, they would be shamed as 
     "pariahs of the earth and the foul stench of humanity" for 50 
     years. He also said that Vietnam's effort toward normalizing 
     relations with the rest of the world may include killing any POWs 
     still alive to be "sure that there was no one alive in order that 
     then they would be accepted in the family of nations."
        If the Vietnamese are to believe that the feelings of Americans 
     are the same as those expressed by our leaders, as stated above, 
     then it must surely appear that the LIVE POWs are a hindrance in 
     the effort to normalize relations.
        It was stated that we must do everything we can to convince 
     them that we KNOW they have authority over living American POWs 
     and that lifting the U.S. trade embargo against Vietnam and/or 
     normalizing diplomatic relations will be impossible until and 
     unless those POWs are RELEASED...
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  4
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
        We must write letters and encourage others to write letters 
     stating that official statements do NOT reflect the feelings of 
     the American public; that we need our LIVE POWS released; that 
     then, and only then, can the United States and Vietnam work toward 
       Letters can be sent to: Mission of the SRV to the UN
                               20 Waterside Plaza, New York, NY 10012
     Dear Insiders,
       (This information service, provides Bush appointees and the 
     American public with facts and proof that Vietnam, Laos, and 
     Cambodia still hold US Prisoners, alive, in captivity, in their 
     prison systems in 1991.)
       Where does one get hard factual information on the POW's, who 
     were captured alive but not released?  If you contact the White 
     House, who is responsible for all soldiers, you will be referred 
     to DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). If you contact Congress or 
     the Senate, they will express their concern but will refer you to 
     DIA. If you contact CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) they will 
     refer you to DIA. If you contact the FBI they will tell you to 
     contact the DIA. If you contact the President Foreign Intelligence 
     Review Board, you will be referred to DIA. If you contact the 
     State Department I and R, (Intelligence and Research) department, 
     you will be referred to DIA. If you contact NSA (National Security 
     Agency) at Ft. George G. Meade, MD. you will again be referred to 
     DIA. If you contact NSC (National Security Council) you will still
     be referred to DIA...
       So, if you contact DIA, they will tell you that all the 
     Intelligence information they have on POW's or Americans who were 
     captured alive but not released is Classified, and deny your 
     request. (Does this sound like a bureaucratic runaround?)
       So, if you want to investigate the live POW problem where do you 
     turn for information??? 
       You must look at several private, civilian suppliers of POW 
     information to get a clear view of what the truth is about 
     Americans who were captured alive but not released. I can strongly 
     suggest that you put your hands on the following information:
          1. Contact Mike Milne with the Veterans of the Vietnam War at 
     1-800-Vietnam and purchase the film: "MIAs We Can Keep You 
     Forever", cost is $20.00 and that includes postage and handling. 
     You will see, firsthand, 10 people who say they saw live U.S. POWs 
     in S.E. ASIA still held as POW's. The film outlines 10 discrepancy 
     cases, where Americans were captured alive but were not released. 
     It also reviews some of the hard copy documents in CIA's files, 
     interviews families of MIAs and presents the official U.S. 
     government policy on POWs.
          2. Contact Red McDaniel at the American Defense Institute and 
     buy a copy of the book; "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by Monika Jensen-
     Stevenson and William Stevenson.  For $20.00 you will read a 
     history of the live POW movement written by a former 60 minutes 
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  5
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     reporter and see some of the information she uncovered.  Red has 
     several books available, one new one is the; "Bamboo Cage" by 
     Nigel Cawthorne which I highly recommend. Call: (703) 519-7000.
            (Note the Stevenson's book is now out in paperback at most 
     major book store outlets for $10.95.)
          3. Obtain a copy of a list of non-fiction books written on 
     the subject of POWs. The list has over 300 books listed with an 
     outline of each POW that is discussed in each book. The cost is 
     between $3.00 and $10.00.
             Write to: F. C. Brown
                       18 Reed Avenue - Hamilton Township, NJ 08610
       After you have reviewed all of this information you will have a 
     great deal of knowledge about some of the men who were captured 
     alive but not released...
       This will be for you to write to some U.S. government officials, 
     who are in charge of solving the live POW problem and get their 
          1. Write to the CIA and ask them to give you a computer print 
     out that lists all the declassified files/records they have on the 
     subject of: American POWs in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Also ask 
     them to provide you will a listing of the Presidents Daily 
     Intelligence Summary, briefing books in which live POW information 
     is given.
          Address this to: Lee S. Strickland
                           Information and Privacy Coordinator
                           Central Intelligence Agency
                           Washington, D.C.  20505
          2. Write to the FBI and ask them for a list of the cases in 
     which they received finger prints from the DIA to identify 
     Americans missing in S.E. Asia.  In addition, ask the FBI to list 
     the cases in which it has done photo comparisons for DIA on pre- 
     and post capture pictures, using their computer enhanced photo 
     overlay process.
          Address this to: Federal Bureau of Investigation
                           1776 J.E.H. Building
                           Washington, D.C.  20530
          3. Write to the State Department and ask them to provide a 
     list of the times the DIA has asked the State Department to use 
     its diplomats or the diplomats of friendly foreign countries to 
     investigate cases where missing Americans were reportedly seen 
     alive in S.E. Asia.
          Address this to: Douglas P. Mulholland
                           Assistant Secretary for Intelligence
                           Department of State
                           2201 C. St. NW, Room 6531
                           Washington, D.C.  20520
          4. Write to the NSC and ask how many times has President Bush 
     been briefed on the live POW problem? 
          Address this to: Peter S. Watson
                           Director of Asian Affairs
                           National Security Council
                           Old Executive Office Building
                           Washington, D.C.  20506
          5. Write to the NSA and ask them to outline a list of times 
     they have been asked by the White House to collect electronic 
     intelligence on locations in S.E. Asia where American prisoners of 
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  6
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     war were reportedly seen alive.
          Address this to: Vice Admiral William Studman
                           Director, NSA
                           National Security Agency
                           Ft. George G. Meade, MD.  20755-6000
          6. Write to the Presidents Foreign Intelligence Advisory 
     Board and ask how many times they have prepared intelligence 
     summaries and briefed President Bush on prisoners of war.
          Address this to: Bobby Innman
                           Chairman of the President's Foreign 
                            Intelligence Advisory Board
                           334 Old Executive Office Building
                           Washington, D.C.  20500
          7. Finally, write to DIA and ask them how many times, in the 
     last year, they have given a briefing on the POWs to President 
          Address this to: Lt. General Harry Soyster
                           Director, DIA
                           The Pentagon
                           Washington, D.C.  20301
       This report is put together to give you the benefit of many 
     years of experience and point you in the direction that will 
     produce the most effective results.  Should any of these contacts 
     fail to respond, let me know.
       Now that you have completed all of the above required 
     assignments, it is time to contact your Senator and Congressman 
     and tell them that "YOU" have a briefing that you want to give to 
     them, because you will, most likely know more about the POWs than 
     they will.
       So, now call your Congressman and Senator  (202) 224-3121
       Sincerely, Michael Van Atta (201) 701-0238
                  P.O. Box 302
                  Chatham, NJ  07928

     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  7
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
              Additions to Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations
                          Submitted by Ken Flory
                    Desert Dolphin BBS - Las Cruces, NM
                              (505) 523-2811
     Some additions from the Special Forces Collection: (You may notice 
     a difference in the Enlisted point of view)
     (The ongoing list will be published in our 4th Annual NamVet)
     51. If you can keep your head while those around you are losing
         theirs, you may have misjudged the situation.
     52. If two things are required to make something work, they will
         never be shipped together.
     53. Anything you do can get you shot, including nothing.
     54. Whenever you lose contact with the enemy, look behind you.
     55. The most dangerous thing in the combat zone is an officer
         with a map.
     56. The quartermaster has only two sizes, too large and too
     57. If you really need an officer in a hurry, take a nap.
     58. There is nothing more satisfying than having someone take a
         shot at you, and miss.
     59. If your sergeant can see you, so can the enemy.
     60. You'll only remember your hand grenades when the sound is
         too close to use them.
     61. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
     62. Well .. It could be worse: It could be raining .. and we
         could be out in it.
     63. So he said, "Cheer up: it could be worse!" So we cheered up.
         And it got worse.
     64. The side with the simplest uniform wins...
     From the COMMO end of the rules:
     65. The spare batteries for your PRC- whatever, your troops have
         been carrying are either nearly dead or for the wrong radio.
     66. The ping you heard was the antenna snapping off at 6 inches
         above the flexmount, while a firemission was being called in
         on a battalion of hostiles who suspect you are where you
     67. Why is it the CO sticks his head in your radio hooch to see
         if anything has come down from DIV. when you are listening
         to the VOA broadcasting the baseball games?
     68. How come you are on one frequency when everyone else is on
     69. Why does your 500 watt VRC-26 (real old) not make it across
         200 miles while a ham with 50 watts on the same MARS
         frequency can be heard from Stateside?
     70. Know why short RTO's have long whips on their radios? So
         someone can find them when they step in deep water.
     Rules of the Rucksack:
         No matter how carefully you pack, a rucksack is always too
         No matter how small, a rucksack is always too heavy.
         No matter how heavy, a rucksack will never contain what you
         No matter what you need, it's always at the bottom.
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  8
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     Combat Mathematics:
         Forward Area Math:
          2 confirmed plus 1 probable plus 2 pigs equals 15 enemy KIA.
         Rear Area Math:
          2 beers times 23 men equals 49 cases.
     Phillip's Law:
         Four-wheel-drive just means getting stuck in more
          inaccessible places.
     Weatherwax's Postulate:
         The degree to which you overreact to information will be in
          inverse proportion to its accuracy.
     Least Credible Sentences:
         1 - The check is in the mail.
         2 - The trucks will be on the drop zone.
         3 - Of course I'll respect you in the morning.
         4 - I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.
     Brintnall's Second Law:
         If you receive two contradictory orders, obey them both.
     Pavlu's Rules for Economy in Decision Papers:
         1 - Refute the last established recommendation.
         2 - Add yours.
         3 - Pass the paper on.
     Oliver's Law:
         Experience is something you don't get until after you need it.
     Lackland's Laws:
         1 - Never be first.
         2 - Never be last.
         3 - Never volunteer for anything.
     Rune's Rule:
         If you don't care where you are, you ain't lost.
     Law of Supply (also known as the Law of Gifts):
         You get the most of what you need the least.
     Hane's Law:
         There is no limit to how bad things can get.

     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page  9
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
                   "Ask the Veterans' Affairs Counselor"
                  Office of Public Affairs - News Service
                    Washington DC 20420  (202) 233-2741
                        Submitted by: Jim Hildwine
                 NamVet's Federal Benefits Section Editor
                        VETLink #4 - Shady Side, MD
                              (301) 261-5644
     (Following  are  representative  questions answered  daily  by  VA 
     counselors.  Full information is available at any VA office.)
     Q-- Do veterans with compensable service-connected disabilities 
         have to pay a funding fee when obtaining a VA-guaranteed home 
     A-- No.  
     Q-- As national cemetery offices are closed weekends, how can a 
         burial for the following week be scheduled?
     A-- When a death occurs late in the week or on weekends or 
         holidays, interment for the next week may be scheduled by 
         calling the local national cemetery where a recorded telephone 
         number will refer the caller to one of the three large 
         cemeteries that are staffed on weekends.  A member of the 
         cemetery staff will verify eligibility and schedule burial at 
         the local cemetery.
     Q-- Is service in the Persian Gulf War considered wartime service 
     for VA benefit purposes?
     A-- Yes.  Under Public Law 102-25, the Persian Gulf War Veterans' 
         Benefits Act of 1991, the Persian Gulf period is defined as 
         beginning Aug. 2, 1990, and ending at a future date to be 
         determined by presidential proclamation or by law.

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                             Drums be not Silent
                      Step-by-Step MIA/POW Advocacy!
                              By: Mark Reinig
                   P.O.W. NETWORK - Skidmore, MO 64487
                              (816) 928-3305
                        Submitted by Marsha Ledeman 
                       NamVet MIA/POW Section Editor
                        VETLink #1 - Pittsfield, MA
                              (413) 443-6313
     [Note from Joe:  The ORIGINAL version of this article (and the 
     following affidavits) are available at VETLink #1 as GUIDE.ZIP.  
     The information contained in Mark's file was SO important to 
     advocating for our MIA/POWs and to the many of you out here in 
     NamVetLand who want to do SOMETHING, I have edited and "changed 
     around" Mark's original file to "fit" within this NamVet.  I hope 
     Mark forgives me for changing his writing around - but this HAD to 
     go in THIS issue of NamVet so that we can ALL do something NOW!]
       One of the problems I have faced in getting people to act on the 
     POW issue is their lack of confidence when it comes to dealing 
     with the issue.  Although people want to contribute, many feel 
     they do not know enough to call their elected officials.  "What 
     happens if I call and they ask me about the bills I should know 
     about? What if he wants me to justify why I think there are POWs? 
     Maybe I should study some more before I call.  Maybe tomorrow 
     would be a better time."  By now the original inspiration to help 
     has passed and procrastination has crept in.
       This [article] is meant to give these people projects that start 
     out requiring no knowledge of the issue.  Each step helps them 
     along the way while giving them tools they need to understand the 
       The first project involves getting copies of the Senate Foreign 
     Relations Addendum from their Senators.  I emphasize that even if 
     the person [YOU] has the report, it is critical to order it from 
     the Senate offices.  Besides getting the Addendum, it also gives 
     that person a first contact with their Senate offices; one that 
     requires only the courage to pick up the phone and dial.
       The next projects require signing their name to the enclosed 
     affidavits and sending them to the appropriate offices.  Again, 
     only action is involved.  Knowledge is gained [in reading the 
     subheading] EMERGENCY [further in this article].  The EMERGENCY 
     [subheading] refers to two different individual and group 
     affidavits.  To eliminate confusion, I enclose only one individual 
     and one group affidavit.  [The affidavit's immediately follow this 
     article.] I felt that the choice at this point would only confuse 
     things (All of the affidavits are included in the AFFI4.TXT file 
     on the P.O.W. Network if you wish to alter this package).  Notice 
     [that you are to make five copies of at least the first 
     affidavit], enough for sending to Congressmen, Senators and the 
     Vietnamese and for reproducing extras for friends.
       The Roone Arledge-ABC petition [contained in AFFI4.TXT] requires 
     the person now employ the help of friends and neighbors.
       The remaining steps involve writing to their Congressmen and 
     Senators, with the ninth step using knowledge gained from the 
     enclosed articles and hopefully, from ordering Jeff Donahue's 
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     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     article] and other reading material.
       I also strongly suggest you have a page made up with the Names, 
     addresses and phone numbers on a page for the state the person is 
     from. I have uploaded the file CONGRESS.EXE (IBM computers only) 
     [to the P.O.W. NETWORK] for this purpose.  If you can determine 
     the district the person is in, highlight their Congressman.  If 
     you need help determining districts, or if you have a list of zip 
     codes that you would like matched with Congressional districts, 
     contact me.
       This is by no means an "end all" package.  It is more a concept 
     for teaching involvement while providing projects with some 
     strategic significance.  This package will change with unfolding 
     events.  If you have suggestions for the improving this concept, 
     please contact me on the Network, write or call:.
                        Mark Reinig/P.O.W. NETWORK
                        Box 68  Skidmore MO  64487
                  Voice: 816-928-3631  Fax: 816-928-3304
     1) Order a copy of the Senate Foreign Relations Minority Staff 
     Report on POWs/MIAs (Also called the Addendum) from both of your 
     Senators.  Call the number next to your Senator's name.  A 
     secretary will answer the phone and ask for your name and address.  
     You will then tell them: 
        "I would like your office to send me a copy of the Senate 
        Foreign Relations Minority Staff report on POWs/MIAs which 
        was released in May of this year."
     [Besides getting you 2 copies of the report this accomplishes 3
      1. It tells the staff there is someone in the state interested in 
         the POW issue;
      2. It tells the staff the caller is an enlightened constituent as 
         you are ordering a report of this type; and
      3. When you receive the report you will become an informed
     Get your friends, and associates to make this phone call - dial it 
     for them if necessary.  The more people call, the more effect this 
     step will have.]
     2) Read the enclosed [subheading] entitled "Emergency".  This 
     [subheading] describes the logic behind the [following] 
       After reading the [EMERGENCY subheading], sign 4 copies of the 
     personal Affidavits. Send one to the Vietnamese consulate, one to 
     your Congressman and one to both your Senators.  The address of 
     the Vietnamese consulate is listed in the EMERGENCY [subheading].
      [As the [Affidavits and EMERGENCY subheading] describes, we need 
     to convince both the Vietnamese and our Senators that the POW 
     activists do not hold a grudge on the Vietnamese government so 
     long as they release the American and ex-American citizens under 
     their control. Our government is trying to convince the Vietnamese 
     that it would be a mistake to bring out a POW.  We must convince 
     them that our government is lying and that it is IMPERATIVE that 
     they release our men.  The "Emergency" [subheading] refers to two 
     different affidavits.  I have enclosed the affidavit which 
     includes the clause demanding release of Vietnamese citizens 
     imprisoned for supporting the American side.  For copies of the 
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     affidavit excluding this clause, contact the P.O.W. Network.]
     3) Take the ... fifth affidavit and make copies. Go to your 
     friends and have them sign four copies.  Do not rely on them to 
     mail it.  Mail it yourself - this guarantees that the job gets 
     4) Take the [following] group affidavit and present it to any 
     organization that you feel you can convince to sign it.  Make 
     copies of the "Emergency" [subheading] to help you explain the 
     situation.  Present the Affidavit to more than just Veteran's 
     organizations.  Rotary clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Unions, any 
     group that you can think of will help.
     5) Take the "Petition to ABC" [from AFFI4.TXT], make copies, and 
     get as many people to sign as you can.  Send the signed petitions 
                P.O.W. Network Box 68, Skidmore, MO  64487.
     [ABC had produced this movie [The Last POWs?] last year.  For your 
     information, Bobby Garwood was a POW in Vietnam who managed to get 
     a message to a European embassy in 1979, causing the Vietnamese to 
     release him.  He was promptly arrested by the U.S. government and 
     tried and convicted for collaboration.  The movie "The Last POWs?" 
     tells the story of Bobby Garwood's ordeal.  Even though all 
     reference to his knowledge of remaining Americans were taken out 
     of the script, apparently the Vietnamese government convinced our 
     government to pressure ABC to indefinitely suspend release of the 
     movie in the United States.  This petition is meant to apply 
     pressure to ABC and its advertisers.]
     6) Write a letter to your Congressman and Senators regarding the
     declassification of POW related documents. (See [further] synopsis 
     on HR 1147 and HR 2038 for Congressmen and S. 1127 for your 
       Ask Your Congressman in a handwritten letter (see ... "how to" 
       "What is your voting record on H.R. 2038? Please send me a copy 
        of the attached amendment pertaining to the POW issue. Have you 
        co-sponsored H.R. 1147?  Send me a copy of these bills."
     Ask Your Senators:
      "Have you co-sponsored S. 1127?  Send me a copy of this bill."
     Thank them for their time and emphasize your desire for a 
       [These bills pertain to the declassification of documents and is 
     essential for the truthful action on behalf of our government.
       With this action you will again be telling your Congressman and
     staff that you are interested and enlightened on the POW issue.]
     7) Within a week to ten days after sending the first letter, write 
     a letter to your Congressman regarding the "Missing Service 
     Personnel Act" HR 1730. (See [further] synopsis on HR 1730).
       Ask Your Congressman in a handwritten letter (see "how to" 
      "Have you Cosponsored HR 1730, the Missing Service Personnel Act?  
     Please send me a copy of the bill for my inspection."
     Thank them for their time and emphasize your desire for a 
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      [This bill will change the way our government is allowed to 
     declare a missing serviceman dead.  It will also show that you are 
     not going to go away after the first letter.]
     8) After receiving the addendum from your Senator (should be 
     within 3 weeks) write your Congressman and Senators concerning the 
     contents of the addendum Report.
       Tell your Congressman and Senators you have received a copy of 
     the Senate Foreign Relations Minority Staff report on POW/MIAs 
     which was released in May of this year. Ask your representatives,
       "Have you read this report? Have you read the Tighe report which 
     the Addendum report refers to?  Please inform me within security 
     guidelines what is contained in General Tighe's report.  I await 
     your reply."
      [This informs your Congressman that you now have the information 
     (Addendum report) to start making judgments on his performance as 
     a leader in Congress concerning the POW issue.  You are also 
     asking him to report back to you concerning a document (Tighe 
     report) only he is allowed to read, but which you are aware.]
     9) It is now imperative that you study the [following] excerpts 
     from "Indochina POW Timeline" by Dr. Jeffrey Donahue.  This paper 
     describes to the day when we abandoned our men in Laos.  This 
     portion describes how we abandoned our men and never negotiated 
     for their return.  Also study the [following] "Politics Prevent 
     POWs Return".  The next letters will go to your Congressman and 
     your two Senators.  The contents of the letters can be identical 
     (make sure you hand copy them as a photocopy won't do).
     Ask your representatives:
      "I have read the report POW TIMELINE by Dr. Jeffrey Donahue. He 
     asserts that in 1973 the Lao government admitted to holding live 
     American servicemen. The Vietnamese and the State Department both 
     agreed that in order to get these men back our government must 
     negotiate with the Pathet Lao directly.  Do you know when we 
     negotiated these "tens of tens" Americans out of Laos?  Only nine 
     came back during Homecoming through the Vietnamese government and 
     I can find no record of our government dealing directly with the 
     Lao for these live men.  Please tell me when we negotiated for the 
     rest of the Americans being held in Laos. Who did the 
      "Recent photos of Donald Carr and Daniel Borah came out of Laos, 
     and Carl Ford has stated that he believes there are some pilots 
     held against their will there.  What do you intend to do to get 
     these men out?"
      [As the text of the POW TIMELINE indicate(s), we NEVER negotiated 
     for the release of our live Americans captured by the Pathet Lao. 
     Hopefully, your Congressman and/or Senators will take it upon 
     themselves to discover this fact for themselves.  If these 
     representatives have a personal honor system, they will join in 
     the fight to have these men released.  If your representative 
     doesn't respond adequately to your questions, we will help you 
     develop a game plan for the next steps to take.]
     We want to know your progress on these projects.  We would also 
     like to know what your Congressmen and Senators say in response to 
     your requests.  Also, if you have any questions concerning the 
     projects outlined above, or if you want to continue to help us in 
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     our fight for the release of Americans held in foreign hands, 
     please contact:
                        P.O.W. Network/Mark Reinig
                        Box 68 - Skidmore MO  64487
        Voice: 816-928-3631  Fax: 816-928-3303  Modem: 816-928-3305
     Following the completion of Operation Homecoming in 1973, Henry 
     Kissinger publicly stated that the discovery of any additional 
     American prisoners in Vietnam would require stern retribution by 
     the U.S. against Vietnam.
       In 1987, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Vernon Walters - 
     who had been Deputy Director of CIA when George Bush was Director 
     - said that it would be "detrimental" for the Vietnamese to 
     "surface" living American POWs. 
       In August, 1991, soon after returning from visiting Vietnam as a 
     part of a congressional delegation, Arizona Republican Congressman 
     Jim Kolbe stated in a radio interview that if American POWs should 
     "walk out" it would destroy relations between the U.S. and Vietnam 
     for "years or decades."
       Also in August 1991, Wyoming Republican Senator Alan Simpson 
     said that it would be foolish for the Vietnamese to still be 
     holding American prisoners as, if discovered, they would be 
     shunned as "pariahs of the earth and the foul stench of humanity" 
     for 50 years.  He also said that Vietnam's efforts toward 
     normalizing relations with the rest of the world may include 
     killing any POWs still alive to be "sure that there was no one 
     alive in order that then they would be accepted in the family of 
       According to many knowledgeable observers, the recent sweeping 
     changes in Vietnam's top leadership came as a result of 
     frustration that the former group was unable to clear the way for 
     better trade and diplomatic relations with the West. If this is 
     true, the new leaders will be more likely to take aggressive 
     action to get Vietnam out of the POW/MIA dilemma - either as 
     Senator Simpson suggests, or by unilaterally releasing them.  It 
     is ESSENTIAL that the Vietnamese gain a better understanding of 
     the likely U.S. public reaction to each of those possible courses 
     of action. We MUST do everything we can to convince them that we 
     KNOW they have authority over living American POWs, no matter what 
     the Vietnamese choose to call them and no matter whether they are 
     held in Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia.  Lifting the U.S. trade embargo 
     against Vietnam and/or normalizing diplomatic relations will be 
     impossible until and unless those POWs are released.
       Furthermore, we must show the Vietnamese that statements such as 
     Kolbe's and Simpson's are LIES, and have been made to encourage 
     the Vietnamese to take action which might be in the best interest 
     of traitorous U.S. officials - who abandoned those men and lied 
     about their existence for 18 years - but will not be in the 
     interest of Vietnam.  We MUST show the Vietnamese that all they 
     have to do to get out of this mess is Come Clean - release ALL of 
     the Americans, no matter what their physical or mental condition. 
       [Make five copies of the following affidavits]: two [will be] 
     for individuals; two [will be] for organizations. One of each 
     includes a section which indicates that the SRV must open the 
     gates of the re-education camps to release those who are held 
     because they worked and fought by our side during the war.  If you 
     or your organization are unwilling to place this additional 
     precondition on lifting the trade embargo and normalizing 
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page 15
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     relations, execute the affidavit(s) which do not contain this 
       Whichever applies to you or your group, sign it and send it four 
     places as soon as possible: (1) Mission of the SRV to the UN, 20 
     Waterside Plaza, New York, NY 10012; (2)&(3) one copy to each of 
     the two U.S. Senators from your state; (4) your Congressman.
       Also, reproduce the blank affidavits and send them to any and 
     all individuals or groups with which you have contact - and not 
     just POW or Veteran groups.  We want the Vietnamese to know more 
     about how ALL Americans feel about this problem.  Act quickly; 
     there is more danger AND more opportunity than ever before!
     Let them know of your concern for swift action on the POW issue. A 
     handwritten letter carries the most weight in a Congressional 
     office. Be specific. Ask only one or two questions per letter 
     (mail more than one letter!) and make sure you note that you 
     expect a response. If you receive no reply, write again and ask 
     why.  Follow-up with a short note to the local editor of the 
     newspaper, praising him if he responds or asking the question "Why 
     does he not respond" if no help is forthcoming.  Please let your 
     Congressman know that if you have taken the time to write a 
     personal letter, you expect no less of him, and form letters are 
     inappropriate when dealing with the POW issue.
     Your Name
     Your Address
     Your City ST  ZIP
     Congressman's Name
     Congressman's address
     Washington DC ZIP
     Today's Date
     Dear Congressman Name:
                                Your Name
     JOIN the Insiders "telephone tree".  You will receive monthly 
     "targets" within the government to whom you will ask specific 
     questions and expect replies. This is a nationwide, well 
     coordinated effort to get the POW question to the officials that 
     can make a difference.
               ->Mike Van Atta, Box 302, Chatham, NJ 07928.
     JOIN the National Alliance of Families and support their efforts 
     to gain the release of men and documentation. This organization is 
     made up of families of the missing but has a membership for those 
     concerned, but not related to a POW/MIA.
                      ->National Alliance of Families
     NAM VET Newsletter                                         Page 16
     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
               5503 17th Avenue NW P-200 - Seattle WA 98107
     If you have a computer and modem available, you can access the 
     P.O.W. NETWORK. The NETWORK has hundreds of pages of documentation 
     available, information on Congressional activities, biographies on 
     our missing men, the capability of corresponding electronically 
     with anyone around the world interested in the POW issue and more.
               ->P.O.W. NETWORK, Box 68, Skidmore, MO 64487
     1. Kiss the Boys Goodbye, by Monica Jensen-Stephensen (avail. at 
        library or call POW NETWORK)
     2. Indochina POW Timeline, by Dr. Jeffrey Donahue (available 
        through P.O.W. NETWORK)
     3. Unrepatriated American Prisoners of War, by John Nevin 
        (available through the P.O.W. NETWORK)
     4. Bamboo Cage, by Nigel Cawthorne (available only in Great 
        Britain - Ask your library, bookstore or contact the P.O.W. 
     5. Senate Foreign Relations U.S. Policy Towards POWs Interim 
        Report and Addendum (see step 1 "What You Can Do To Help")
                                HOUSE BILLS
     H.R. 1147 - The Truth bill seeks full disclosure of live sighting 
                 reports.  These reports would be made public, with 
                 permission of the next of kin of the serviceman still 
                 POW or MIA.
     H.R. 2038 - The Truth bill amendment was attached to the 
                 Intelligence Authorization Bill and passed by voice 
                 vote in late June.  The bill must now go to the Senate 
                 for approval and then the President for signature.             
                 Should the Senate change the wording on the bill, the 
                 bill would be sent back to Congressional committee for 
                 a hearing and compromise.
     H.R. 1730 - The Missing Service Personnel Act seeks to change 1942 
                 laws that allow the presumptive finding of death 
                 hearings to proceed based strictly on the passage of 
                 one years time.  As it is written now, the law allows 
                 for a serviceman missing or prisoner of war to be 
                 declared dead after only one year, regardless of 
                 information received in that year, especially if that 
                 material is a live-sighting report, as those are 
                 classified and not entered as evidence.
     H.R. 1900 - The POW/MIA Rescue bill allows for asylum of any 
                 refugee bringing a living American out of S.E. Asia 
                 and to a representative of the United States 
                               SENATE BILLS
     S. 1127 - The Senate version of the Truth Bill. (see H.R. 1147)
     "The Tighe Report" - an in-depth, classified study on the issues 
     and facts surrounding the POW issue by former director of the 
     Defense Intelligence Agency, Ret. General Eugene Tighe. Open 
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     Volume  5, Number 10                             October 24, 1991
     hearings were held on only part of the report.  Gen Tighe has 
     stated that he believes, based on the volume of evidence he had 
     seen, men were left behind in Vietnam. The Intelligence 
     Authorization Act of 1991, H.R. 5422, had a clause which required 
     the DIA to provide any member of Congress, upon request, access to 
     this report.
     The INQUIRY AND ADDENDUM, by the Committee on Foreign Relations is 
     an in-depth, 150 page, two part investigation into the POW/MIA 
     issue. It covers the Defense Intelligence Agency's handling of 
     documentation, proper routing and timeframe of follow-up on live 
     sighting reports, the "mindset to debunk", the Presidential 
     Priorities from WWI through the Gulf War as it relates to service 
     personnel left behind, etc. Based on documents, family interviews, 
     historical records and news articles.  Released in two parts, 
     November 1990 and June 1991.
     Excerpts from INDOCHINA POW TIMELINE By Dr. Jeffrey Donahue 
     Published by National Forget-