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HTA Home Page | Articles | United States/Before 1800

This section contains 10 articles

  • Coming of the Revolution, 1754-1775 (read: 71920)
  • Currency Act, 1764 (read: 63906)
  • Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taki... (read: 54615)
  • Effingham County's [Georgia] Historical Archae... (read: 68158)
  • Quartering Act, 1765 (read: 59534)
  • The Northwest Ordinance, 1787 (read: 53995)
  • The Paris Peace Treaty, 1783 (read: 53888)
  • The Virginia Declaration of Rights (read: 52959)
  • United States, 1780-1789 (read: 72684)
  • US Independence, 1775-1783 (read: 69923)