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HTA Home Page | Articles | Africa

This section contains 27 articles

  • Agreement Between Germany and France Relative t... (read: 58263)
  • Algeciras Conference, 1906 (read: 72818)
  • British Consuls to Morocco (read: 61643)
  • British Order in Council, for the regulation of... (read: 55497)
  • Commercial Treaty Between Spain and Morocco (18... (read: 61292)
  • Convention as to Cape Spartel Lighthouse betwee... (read: 55479)
  • Convention as to Protection in Morocco Between ... (read: 57970)
  • Convention between Great Britain and Morocco re... (read: 56746)
  • Convention Between Morocco and Spain extending ... (read: 58658)
  • Declaration Between the Governments of France a... (read: 54467)
  • Declaration Between the United Kingdom and Fran... (read: 70532)
  • English Translation of Communique No. 42 Dated ... (read: 54551)
  • Exchange of Notes Between France and Morocco, A... (read: 56117)
  • Firman of Appointment of Muhammad `Ali as Pasha... (read: 75264)
  • French Consuls in Morocco (read: 61885)
  • Islamic Wall Posters in Tetuan,Morocco, July a... (read: 43326)
  • Letter Threatening Military Reprisals by French... (read: 54801)
  • Muhammad `Ali'S Tax Inspectors (read: 68406)
  • Neither Goddesses Nor Doormats: The Role of Wom... (read: 88878)
  • Proclamation by the French Consulate-General, T... (read: 54774)
  • Proclamation of the Algerian National Front, Li... (read: 80109)
  • Proposal for the Establishment of a Native Army... (read: 58545)
  • Spanish Consuls in Morocco, 1799-1912 (read: 61126)
  • Swedish Consuls in Morocco, 1800-1849 (read: 53126)
  • Swedish-Norwegian Consuls in Morocco (read: 54350)
  • Treaty of Peace between the United States and M... (read: 59255)
  • US Consuls to Morocco (read: 60417)