Bibliography on Southern Women by Elizabeth Nybakken
"Women in Southern History"
by Elizabeth Nybakken
Department of History
Mississippi State University
Bernhard, Virginia. ed. Hidden Histories of Women in the New
South, 1994.
Blassingame, John. ed. Six Women's Slave Narratives, 1977.
Blesser, Carol ed. In Joy and In Sorrow: Women, Family, and
Marriage in the Victorian South, 1990.
Breckinridge, Sophonisba. Madeline McDowell Breckinridge: A
Leader in the New South, 1921.
Bree, Kathleen M. Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the
1920's, 1991.
Bynum, Victoria E. Unruly Women: The Politics of Social and
Sexual Control in the Old South, 1992.
Cashin, Joan. A Family Venture: Men and Women on the Southern
Frontier, 1991.
Censer, Jane Turner. North Carolina Planters and Their Children,
1800-1860, 1984.
Clinton, Catherine. The Plantation Mistress: Women's World in
the Old South, 1982.
Cotton, Sallie S. History of the North Carolina Federation of
Woman's Clubs, 1901-1925, 1925.
Crawford, Jacqueline Ann Rouse. ed. Women in the Civil Rights
Movement: Trailblazers and Torchbearers, 1941-45, 1990.
Craven, Avery O. Rachel of Old Louisiana, 1975.
Evans, Sara. Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation
in the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left, 1979.
Farnham, Christie. The Education of the Southern Belle: Higher
Education and Student Socialization in the Antebellum South,
Felton, Rebecca L. Country Life in Georgia in the Days of My
Youth, 1919.
Felton, Rebecca L. The Romantic Story of Georgia Women, 1930.
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth. Within the Plantation Household: Black
and White Women of the Old South, 1988.
Friedman, Jean E. The Enclosed Garden: Women and Community in
the Evangelical South, 1830-1900, 1985.
Fuller, Paul E. Laura Clay and the Woman's Rights Movement ,
Greenwood, Janette Thomas. Bittersweet Legacy: The Black and
White "Better Classes" in Charlotte, 1850-1910, 1994.
Gutman, Herbert G. The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-
1925, 1976.
Hall, Jacqueline Dowd. Revolt Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel
Ames and the Women's Campaign Against Lynching, 1979.
Hapgood, Margaret J. Mothers of the South: Portraiture of the
White Tenant Farm Woman, 1939.
Holt, Rackham. Mary McLeod Bethune: A Biography, 1964.
Jones, Anne G. Tomorrow is Another Day: The Woman Writer in the
South, 1859-1936, 1981.
Jones, Jacqueline. Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women,
Work and the Family, from Slavery to the Present, 1985.
Lebsock, Suzanne. The Free Women of Petersburg: Status and
Culture in a Southern Town, 1784-1860, 1984.
Lerner, Gerda. The Grimke Sisters from South Carolina: Pioneers
for Woman's Right and Abolition, 1967.
McCurry, Stephanie. Masters of Small Worlds: Yeoman Households,
Gender Relations and the Political Culture of the Antebellum
Southern Carolina Low Country, 1994.
McDowell, John P. The Social Gospel in the South: The Woman's
Home Mission Movement in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
1886-1939, 1982.
McMillen, Sally G. Motherhood in the Old South: Pregnancy,
Childbirth and Infant Rearing, 1990.
McMillen, Sally. Southern Women: Black and White in the Old
South, 1992.
Mabee, Carleton. Sojourner Truth: Slave, Prophet, Legend, 1992.
Massey, Mary Elizabeth. Bonnet Brigades: American Women and the
Civil War, 1966.
Matthews, Pamela. Ellen Glasgow and a Woman's Tradition, 1993.
Miles, Kay. This Little Light of Mine: The Life of Fannie Lou
Hamer, 1993.
Morgan, Elizabeth. Uncertain Seasons, 1994.
Muhlenfeld, Elisabeth. Mary Boykin Chesnut: A Biography, 1981.
Neverdon-Morton, Afro-American Women of the South and the
Advancement of the Race, 1895-1925. 1989.
Rable, George C. Civil Wars: Women and the Crisis of Southern
Nationalism, 1989.
Robinson, Jo Ann Gibson. The Montgomery Boycott and the Women Who
Started It, 1987.
Scott, Anne Firor. The Southern Lady: From Pedestal to
Politics, 1830-1930, 1970.
Sims, Anastatia. The Power of Femininity in the New South:
Women's Organizations in North Carolina, 1883-1930, 1994.
Spruill, Julia. Women's Life and Work in the Southern Colonies,
Sterkx, H.E. Partners in Rebellion: Alabama Women in the Civil
War., 1970.
Taylor, A. Elizabeth. The Woman Suffrage Movement in Tennessee,
Tucker, Susan. Telling Memories Among Southern Women: Domestic
Workers and Their Employers in the Segregated South, 1988.
Wheeler, Marjorie Spruill. New Women of the New South; The
Leaders of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the Southern States.
Wheeler, Marjorie Spruill. Votes for Women: The Suffrage
Movement in Tennessee, the South, and the Nation, 1995.
White, Deborah Gray. Ar'n't I a Woman? Female Slaves in the
Plantation South, 1985.
Wiley, Bell. Confederate Women, 1975.
Winegarten, Ruthe and McArthur, Judith. Citizens at Last: The
Woman Suffrage Movement in Texas, 1987.
Wolfe, Margaret Ripley. Daughters of Canaan: A Saga of Southern
Women, 1994.
Wood, Betty. Women's Work: Men's Work: The Informal Slave
Economies of Lowcountry Georgia, 1995.
Wyatt-Brown, Bertram. The House of Percy: Honor, Melancholy,
and Imagination in a Southern Family, 1994.
Articles in Journals and Edited Volumes and Diaries and
Autobiographies Are Not Listed in this Bibliography.
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