United States History Two Hour Exam Questions
1. "War never settles anything; it creates as many problems at is solves. Test the truth or falsity of
this generalization by applying it to four of the following wars in which the United States was
engaged. The War or 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korean War.
2. Strong presidents have wielded governmental power vigorously and, at the same time, strong
presidents have been "liberals." Is this not a contradiction? Discuss by examining the ideas and
accomplishments of Presidents Jefferson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and
Lyndon Johnson.
3. Humanitarianism has always been a strong current in US life. Discuss the leading participants, the
dominant issues, and the shifts in humanitarian aims that took place in four of the following
periods: 1700-1770; 1790-1820; 1830-1860; 1880-1920; 1920-1940; and 1960-1970.