Email to a friend Printer friendly Family Income Distribution in 1929 2.3% had an income of over $10.000 8% had income over $5,000 71% had incomes of less than $2,500 60% had incomes of less than$2,000 42+% had incomes of less than$1,500 21% had incomes of less than$ 1,000 Average net farm income 1929=$962 1932=$288 Corporate Profits 1929=$10 billion 1932=minus $3 billion
71% had incomes of less than $2,500 60% had incomes of less than$2,000 42+% had incomes of less than$1,500 21% had incomes of less than$ 1,000
Average net farm income 1929=$962 1932=$288
Corporate Profits 1929=$10 billion 1932=minus $3 billion
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