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This subcategory contains 8 links

  • Americanitos: Life During the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines(468 clicks)
    Based on interviews but told in the first person, this is a fascinating account.
  • History of the Philippines(487 clicks)
    Some 30,000 years ago the earliest inhabitants had arrived from the Asian mainland, perhaps over land bridges built during the ice ages. By the tenth century A.D. coastal villagers welcomed Chinese commerce and settlers, followed by Muslim traders from Borneo. In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan claimed the land for Spain, whose imperial rule lasted until the United States of America gained possession after victories in the Spanish-American War in 1898 and the Philippine-American War from 1899 to 1901. United States authority, although interrupted by the Japanese occupation during World War II, led to independence for a republic founded on July 4, 1946.
  • History of the Philippines(458 clicks)
    Basic history.
  • Mark Twain on the Philippines(473 clicks)
    Mark Twain (1835-1910) was the most prominent literary opponent of the Philippine-American War and he served as a vice president of the Anti-Imperialist League from 1901 until his death.
  • Neely's Photographs: Fighting in the Philippines(477 clicks)
    "Published in 1899, Fighting in the Philippines is one of a series of books published around the turn of the century by F. Tennyson Neely (Chicago) that presented major events of the time through photographs. The book contains no introduction or table of contents. Beyond the title page, the captions for the 127 photographs are its only written text."
  • Philippine History 101(472 clicks)
    Lots of images in addition to text
  • Points of Confusion over the Cuba Question(488 clicks)
    Full title is Points of Confusion over the Cuba Question and Cuba Sovereignty up to May 20, 1902
  • Sugar and the Origins of Modern Philippine Society(476 clicks)
    Scholarly book by John A. Larkin