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HTA Home Page | Links | Mexico | Conquest

This subcategory contains 15 links

  • A [sic] Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico (568 clicks)
  • Aztec Warfare: Imperial Expansion & Political Control(535 clicks)
    Reviewed by C. Chase-Dunn.
  • Building Cortés's fleet of Brigantines.(525 clicks)
    from the Durán Codex, 1521. Engraving.
    Good account of the encounter and the conquest.
  • End of an Empire: The Spanish Conquest of Mexico(521 clicks)
    From the Concord Review
  • Estévanico the Moor(565 clicks)
    "Tales of the adventures that befell three conquistadores and their Moorish slave during the sixteenth century led to Spain's Francisco Vásquez de Coronado's exploration of what is now the American Southwest." By Anne B. Allen
  • Fighting in Mexico-Tenochtitlan(529 clicks)
    Florentine Codex, (July-August 1521), Volume III, fol. 465.
  • Hernán Cortés and the Conquest(748 clicks)
    Nice pictures. Links.
  • Hernando Cortés on the Web(533 clicks)
  • Megadeath in Mexico(670 clicks)
    Discover Magazine Issues Feb-06 features Megadeath in Mexico Megadeath in Mexico Epidemics followed the Spanish arrival in the New World, but the worst killer may have been a shadowy native—a killer that could still be out there. By Bruce Stutz DISCOVER Vol. 27 No. 02 | February 2006 | Anthropology
  • Miguel León Portilla, Visión de los Vencidos(537 clicks)
    The conquest told from the victims' viewpoint. This is a classic work.
  • Moctezuma's Greeting to Hernan Cortes(558 clicks)
    Part of a lesson on the conquest.
  • Prescott, The History of the Conquest of Mexico(563 clicks)
    An 1843 book which is very readable but not authoritative. The author had never been to Mexico.
  • The Aztec Account of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico(573 clicks)
    Excellent account
  • The Conquest of Mexico(534 clicks)
    American Historical Association Digital History Project