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HTA Home Page | Links | Mexico | Colonial

This subcategory contains 40 links

  • Agriculture, Drought, and Chumash Congregation in the California Missions (1782-1834)(525 clicks)
    By Robert H. Jackson with Anne Gardzina.
  • Antonio María de Bucareli y Ursúa(531 clicks)
    In Spanish. 18th century viceroy.
  • California Missions(538 clicks)
  • California Missions maps(1028 clicks)
  • California Missions Virtual Tour(603 clicks)
  • Coerced or Voluntary? Repartimiento and Market Participation in Late Colonial Oaxaca(553 clicks)
  • Colonial Institutions and Cross-Cultural Trade(640 clicks)
  • Demographic Patterns at Santa Clara Mission, 1777-1840(520 clicks)
    PowerPoint presentation by Robert Jackson.
  • El real ejercito en California(530 clicks)
    Book by Carlos Lopez U. on the Spanish Royal Army in colonial California. Both Mexican and United States history.
  • El Real Ejercito en California(498 clicks)
    In Spanish, a book on the royal army in California when it was still New Spain (Mexico).
  • Escogidas Plantas: Nuns and Beatas in Mexico City, 1531-1601(541 clicks)
    Book by Jacqueline Holler
  • Eusebio Francisco Kino, S. J.(513 clicks)
    Founder of missions in Northern Mexico (now some of it is in the United States) with links to mission sites.
  • Historical Demography of San Carlos Mission, 1770-1840(517 clicks)
    PowerPoint presentation by Robert Jackson.
  • History: Sixteenth Century Indigenous Jalisco(518 clicks)
    by John P. Schmal
  • Indian Demographic Collapse:The Case of the Chumash Missions(515 clicks)
  • Indigenous Communities in Northern New Spain: Mission La Purisima in California, 1788-1840(538 clicks)
    By Robert Jackson.
  • La Purisima Mission, 1788-1840(523 clicks)
    PowerPoint presentation by Robert Jackson.
  • Mexican California(535 clicks)
    Short history by Lionel Ashcroft. See also El ejercito real en California at
  • Mexico's Colonial Era(535 clicks)
    Brief introduction of this period. Friom the Mexico Connect web site.
  • Mission Churches of the Sonoran Desert(542 clicks)
    From 1687.
  • Mission Churches of the Sonoran Desert(538 clicks)
    Spread acroos Mexico and the United States (since 1853)
  • Mission Ranchos(530 clicks)
    PowerPoint presentation by Robert Jackson. Ranchos were the agricultural support system of the missions.
  • Native Mexican Tailors(516 clicks)
    Engraving from the Florentine Codex
  • Noble Residence(509 clicks)
    Engraving from the Florentine Codex, Volume III, fol. 21.
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe(668 clicks)
    In 1531 a "Lady from Heaven" appeared to a poor Indian at Tepeyac, a hill northwest of Mexico City; she identified herself as the Mother of the True God, instructed him to have the bishop build a temple on the site and left an image of herself imprinted miraculously on his tilma, a poor quality cactus-cloth, which should have deteriorated in 20 years but shows no sign of decay 469 years later and still defies all scientific explanations of its origin.
  • Pestilence and Headcolds(731 clicks)
    Subtitle: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico. Book by Sherry Fields.
  • Pueblo Revolt(752 clicks)
    Letter of the governor and captain-general, Don Antonio de Otermin, from New Mexico, in which he gives him a full account of what has happened to him since the day the Indians surrounded him. [September 8, 1680.]
  • Risky Ventures: Reconsidering Mexico's Colonial Trade System(752 clicks)
    By Jeremy Baskes
  • San Fernando Mission, 1769-1834(528 clicks)
    Colonial California. Jesuit mission.
  • San Jose de Comondu, 1708-1827(517 clicks)
    Baja California mission established by the Jesuits.
  • Santa Gertrudis(499 clicks)
    Established 1752 by the Jesuits in Baja California
  • Santo Tomas de Aquino(535 clicks)
    Dominican mission in California founded in 1791.
  • Spanish Exploration and Colonization of "Alta California" 1774-1776(580 clicks)
    Web de Anza provides students and scholars with primary source documents and multimedia resources covering Juan Bautista de Anza's two overland expeditions from the Sonoran desert to northern California, leading to the colonization of San Francisco in 1776.
  • Spanish Missions of the Southwest(768 clicks)
  • Spanish Presidios(506 clicks)
    PowerPoint presentation by Robert Jackson.
  • The Building of the First La Purisima Mission, 1789-1812: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives(532 clicks)
    Essay on the La Purisima mission in colonial California.
  • The First Site of La Purisima Mission: A Photo Essay(499 clicks)
    "La Purisima Mission, established in 1788, occupied the site known as Salsacupi until early 1813. A strong earthquake in December of 1812 followed by heavy rains left the extensive building complex unusable. In April of 1813, the Franciscans moved the mission to a new site known as Los Berros."
  • The Missions of Baja California, 1697-1849(545 clicks)
    Professor Robert Jackson PowerPoint presentation about the missions.
  • The Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Project(702 clicks)
    We are honored to present to you the greatest poet the American continent produced in the seventeenth century. She was born November 12, 1651, in San Miguel Nepantla, a village south of Mexico City. She was a Poet Nun, a woman of genius, and a person of intellectual prowess whose ideas and accomplishments were ahead of her time.