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HTA Home Page | Links | World War II | Africa

This subcategory contains 4 links

  • Afrika Files(587 clicks)
    Website about the Second World War in Africa. It's in french ! Site parlant de la 2ème guerre mondiale en Afrique. En français..
  • May 26, 1943 Message from General Alexander(573 clicks)
    "Today you stand as the conquerors and heroes of the North African shores. The world acknowledges your victory; history will acclaim your deeds. British, French and American arms have swept from these lands the last of the German sad Italian invaders." Congratulatory letter.
  • The Tunisian Task Force(559 clicks)
    Linwood W. Billings, Lieutenant Colonel, Commander, L Company, 1st Infantry Division,U.S. Army. Essay
  • Tunisa: WWII Change of Command, 1943(581 clicks)
    Patton, Eisenhower, Bradley.