This subcategory contains 70 links
"A Nagasaki Report" by George Weller(650 clicks)
By the first foreign reporter to enter after the atomic bomb was dropped. WWII News 1945-08-14 19:05 Japanese Surrender(593 clicks)
1944-5 India and Army Air Corps Gun Camera footage(612 clicks)
A Bomb WWW Museum(618 clicks)
Good siteA Marine Diary:My Experiences on Guadalcanal(609 clicks)
An Eyewitness Account of the Battle of Guadalcanal.A World War II in the Pacific(676 clicks)
Jack "Weary" McKnight
served aboard the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Essex CV-9 from
April 27, 1943 to Dec 16, 1945.
He worked in the Combat Information Center as a member of division V-3-R.
During much of that time he recorded the Pacific war in his diary as a seaman on the Essex.
Aircraft Carrier in the Pacific (737 clicks)
YouTube videoArchive for the ‘WWII Anti-Japanese Propaganda’ Category(614 clicks)
The Art of War PropagandaAtomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources(942 clicks)
Atomic Bomb: Decision(735 clicks)
"On August 6 and 9, 1945, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by the first atomic bombs used in warfare.
Documents on the decision to use the atomic bomb are reproduced here in full-text form. In most cases, the originals are in the U.S. National Archives. Other aspects of the decision are shown from accounts of the participants. This page was new May 29, 1995, and it was last updated August 15, 2000."
Back to Bataan: A Survivor's Story(670 clicks)
by Rick PetersonBantjeuj, Life in a Japanese POW Camp by Olga Moss(614 clicks)
The author was imprisoned by the Japanese on Java during World War II and subsequently wrote this testimony to her religious faith. This work is of interest because it not only tells us how she survived the horrors of the prison camp but also because it gives us insights into the nature of such camps.Bataan Was Hell!!(647 clicks)
One man's story of the 192nd Tank Battalion and the events that led up to one of the most infamous acts in World War II -- the Bataan Death March. Bataan, Corregidor, and the Death March: In Retrospect(624 clicks)
By Richard M. Gordon, a survivor of the Bataan Death March. Battle of Midway(678 clicks)
Bombing-Japan-Secret(659 clicks)
A secret of WWII revealed.
Days after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki one more city was bombed.Comparative Fleet Strengths: Dec 1, 1941, US & Japan(622 clicks)
Detailed report.Corregidor(622 clicks)
Although Bataan fell on April 9, 1942, the Philippine and American forces held out at Corregidor for 27 days against great odds. Deliverance, It Has Come!(703 clicks)
Diary of Herman K. Beaber "who was an American WWII POW in Los Banos Philippines . He was a missionary in the Philippines when WWII broke out. After the Japanese took over he became a civilian POW. He wrote a powerful and telling diary during these times." Destroyer Escort(629 clicks)
The Destroyer Escort ships were ordered by the U.S. Navy to supplement the destroyers. The need for destroyer escorts arose during World War Two, when the demand for destroyers outgrew the supply.Duncan's WWII US Marine Experiences(622 clicks)
MemoirEnola Gay(633 clicks)
Escuadron de Pelea 201 de la Fuerza Aerea Mexicana(609 clicks)
Mexican air force in the PhilippinesEyewitnesses to Hiroshima and Nagasaki(698 clicks)
Filipino-American Veteran Research Project of the American War Library(631 clicks)
On December 8th, 1941 thousands of Filipino men and women responded to President Roosevelt's call for help to preserve peace and democracy in the Philippines. In their tormentuous four-year battle to restore their independence, the courageous young men and women of the combined Philippine Islands suffered many hardships, tortures, loss of life and limbs, yet they never faltered.Frankel-y Speaking About The War In the South Pacific(631 clicks)
By Stanley A. Frankel
Fred Steinbroner's World War II Pictures in Northern Philippines(631 clicks)
Lots of photosHMAS Bendigo, Fall of Singapore(627 clicks)
Australian diarieshttp://www.fbi.gov/about-us/history/famous-cases/tokyo-rose(609 clicks)
Internet-Museum of Imperial Japanese Airplanes(602 clicks)
In English and in Japanese.Jap Films of Hiroshima 1946(759 clicks)
Japanese Films of atomic bomb blast at Hiroshima, released one year laterJapan Capitulates(573 clicks)
Photos from the Naval Historical CenterJapan Capitulates(627 clicks)
Japanese Landings at Zamboanga(674 clicks)
This manuscript was prepared by the historians assigned to the Japanese Research Divisoin of the Military History Section in the General Headquarters, Far East Command.Japanese Sign Final Surrender (707 clicks)
YouTube videoJapanese Suicide Plane Crashing Into Island Structure Of Carrier(604 clicks)
Japanese Surrender Documents(617 clicks)
Complete set.Joe Romero's War Pages(617 clicks)
Marines at Midway(805 clicks)
By Lieutenant Colonel R.D. Heinl, Jr., USMC
Historical Section, Division of Public Information
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
1948.Militarism, Colonialism, and the Trafficking of Women: Comfort Women Force(627 clicks)
by Watanabe Kazuko. Korean womenNaval Air War in the Pacific(716 clicks)
No Surrender(740 clicks)
World War II did not neatly end with Japan's surrender on September 2, 1945. At its height the Japanese Empire was more than 20 million square miles of land and sea. Soldiers in isolated regions fought on for years after the surrender some unaware the war had ended, other refusing to believe. Some hide in the jungles alone, others fought in groups and continued to make attacks and conduct guerilla warfare. These men were called Japanese Holdouts, or Stragglers and their stories are some of the most fascinating human interest stories of the 20th Century.Notes of A Japanese Soldier in the USSR(633 clicks)
"By the end of World War II about 600 thousand Japanese soldiers and officers have been held captive in thousands of prison camps on a territory, stretched from Kamchatka in the East, across Urals to European part of USSR in the West and Yenisei Basin in the North."Okinawa(642 clicks)
Lots of links on the Battle for OkinawaOne Man Remembers(640 clicks)
Iwo JimaPacific War(622 clicks)
WWII in the PacificPacific War: The US Navy(656 clicks)
The U.S. Navy's contribution to the overall victory that ended World War II. Extensive site.POW diary of Captain George Steiger(735 clicks)
Corregidor and beyondPrisoner of War(687 clicks)
An eyewitness account of Dr. Paul AshtonPrivate 5776807(559 clicks)
WWII. Royal Norfolks, 4th Battalion, 18th Division
Return to Midway(484 clicks)
Wrecks of the carriers sunk at the Battle of MidwaySink Em All: Submarine Warfare in the Pacific(508 clicks)
By Charles A. Lockwood. 1951Tale of Two Cities, A (1946)(482 clicks)
How the atomic bomb destroyed the people and cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.The Burma Campaign(500 clicks)
"The campaign was the longest fought by the British in the Second World War. In December 1941 it began, for the British, with disaster, retreat and irreversible loss of face in front of the subject population. It ended, in August 1945, in triumph with the total defeat of the occupying Japanese army."
The Diary of Genjirou Inui(490 clicks)
Japanese Veteran of Guadalcanal The Enola Gay Controversy(478 clicks)
"The controversy over how history should represent dropping an atom bomb on Japan came to a head in 1994 when the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum drafted an exhibit entitled "The Crossroads: The End of World War II, the Atomic Bomb and the Cold War" around the refurbished Enola Gay to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war in 1995."
The Great Pacific War Naval Aviation Bibliography(559 clicks)
The Great Pacific War Naval Aviation Bibliography lists selected works dealing with the development and utilization of naval airpower in the Pacific during WWII. Divided into five sections the bibliogrpahy covers: Biographies and Personal Narratives, other Bibliographies, Unit Histories, Equipment and Campaigns. The Hard Way Back(516 clicks)
Frank Hoeffer was in the Bataan Death March and a prisoner of war for 42 months in WW2. The Heritage Batallion(531 clicks)
503rd Parachutre Regiment site. CorregidorThe Japanese Monographs(574 clicks)
A series of 187 studies on Japan's role in WWII, written by Japanese participants in the events at the request of the US Government.
We will be adding Monographs as they are converted. We currently have 6 volumes online with more in progress.The Manhattan Project(484 clicks)
The atom bomb and how it was madeThe Memoirs of W. Paull(534 clicks)
U.S. Marine in the Pacific Theater during WWII. To Have and Have Not: Southeast Asian Raw Materials and the Origins of the Pacific War(471 clicks)
Scholarly book by Jonathan MarshallTokyo Rose - broadcast on 1944-09-14(469 clicks)
audioTwelve Hundred Days(451 clicks)
"A biography of my survival of the Bataan Death March and three years as a Japanese Prisoner of War. -- Russell A. Grokett, Sr."U. S. Troops in Action, 1942-1945(623 clicks)
When Victory is Ours(551 clicks)
Letters Home from the South PacificWho Became Kamikaze Pilots and How Did They Feel About Their Mission?(503 clicks)
By Makom Sasaki in the Concord ReviewWorld War II Prisoner of War Book - POW-83(542 clicks)
The true story of what really happened to American prisoners of War in the Japanese Death Camps in the Philippines during World War II.
WWII Imperial Japanese Naval Aviation Page(1113 clicks)