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HTA Home Page | Links | World War II | Home Front-US

This subcategory contains 42 links

  • A People at War(607 clicks)
  • After the Day of Infamy(555 clicks)
    After the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor presents approximately twelve hours of opinions recorded in the days and months following the bombing of Pearl Harbor from more than two hundred individuals in cities and towns across the United States. On December 8, 1941 (the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor), Alan Lomax, then "assistant in charge" of the Archive of American Folk Song (now the Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center), sent a telegram to fieldworkers in ten different localities across the United States, asking them to collect "man-on-the-street" reactions of ordinary Americans to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the subsequent declaration of war by the United States. A second series of interviews, called "Dear Mr. President," was recorded in January and February 1942. Both collections are included in this presentation. They feature a wide diversity of opinion concerning the war and other social and political issues of the day, such as racial prejudice and labor disputes. The result is a portrait of everyday life in America as the United States entered World War II.
  • Assembly Lines of Defense(535 clicks)
  • Beach Barrier(514 clicks)
    Newspaper clipping from the Jacksonville [FL] Journal showing that the beaches were closed to non-defense vehicles for awhile and the board barricades kept car lights from shining out to sea at the ramps to silhouette the ships at sea.
  • California at War(733 clicks)
  • Camp Harmony Exhibit(548 clicks)
    In the spring of 1942, just months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, more than 100,000 residents of Japanese ancestry were forcefully evicted by the army from their homes in Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona and Alaska, and sent to nearby temporary assembly centers. From there they were sent by trains to American-style concentration camps at remote inland sites where many people spent the remainder of the war. This exhibit tells the story of Seattle's Japanese American community in the spring and summer of 1942 and their four month sojourn at the Puyallup Assembly Center known as "Camp Harmony."
  • Chronology of San Francisco World War II Events(516 clicks)
    From the San Francisco Museum.
  • Constructing A Postwar World(590 clicks)
    "The American Historical Association produced the G.I. Roundtable Series to help win World War II. Or so they were led to believe. In fact the U.S. Army sought the pamphlets as part of a larger effort to prepare for the transition to the postwar world, and represent a novel effort at social control."
  • Dear Miss Breed: Letters From Camp(559 clicks)
    Dear Miss Breed..." the letters begin. Over 250 of them in all, these faded and creased remnants of history tell the story of young Japanese Americans incarcerated in America's World War II concentration camps and illustrate how the commitment of a single person can profoundly touch the lives of so many people. A selection of these letters to Miss Breed are featured in this virtual exhibition.
  • Densho Web Site(611 clicks)
    Densho's mission is to preserve the testimonies of Japanese Americans who were unjustly incarcerated during World War II before their memories are extinguished. We offer these irreplaceable firsthand accounts, coupled with historical images and teacher resources, to explore principles of democracy and promote equal justice for all.
  • Enola Gay Controversy(555 clicks)
    The exhibit marking the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II featuring the refurbished B-29 Enola Gay proposed by the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum resulted in fierce controversy over how history should represent dropping an atom bomb on Japan. Experience the evolution of the Enola Gay controversy by reading through a chronological list of documents divided into five rounds:
  • Every Citizen a Soldier: World War II Posters on the American Home Front(525 clicks)
    World War II posters helped to mobilize a nation. Inexpensive, accessible and ever-present, the poster was an ideal agent for making victory the personal mission of every citizen. Government agencies, businesses, and private organizations issued an array of poster images, linking the military front with the home front and calling upon every American to boost production at work and at home. Deriving their appearance from the fine and commercial arts and expressing the needs and goals of the people who created them, posters conveyed more than simple slogans.
  • Exploring the Japanese American Internment(531 clicks)
  • German Espionage and Sabotage Against the United States in World War II(552 clicks)
  • Italian-American Internment during WWll(526 clicks)
  • Japanese Internment in the U.S.(470 clicks)
    Comic strips from Ben's Comics.
  • Japanese Internment Series(481 clicks)
    Comics--about the imprisonment of US citizens and their relatives by the US government
  • Jewel of the Desert: Japanese American Internment at Topaz(1206 clicks)
    Scholarly book by Sandra C. Taylor
  • Miss Your Lovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity Dring WWII(534 clicks)
    Book by Ann Elizabeth Pfau
  • Oklahoma World War II Stories(543 clicks)
    Collected interviews
  • Play Your Part. American Red Cross(513 clicks)
  • Powers of Persuasion(600 clicks)
    Poster Art From WWII
  • Private Art(513 clicks)
    A Collection of WWII Letters To and From The Home Front
  • Private Art(514 clicks)
    A Collection of WWII Letters To and From The Home Front. Pvt. Arthur Pranger, 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion
  • Secret Armies(534 clicks)
    Secret armies the new technique of Nazi warfare John L. Spivak. Published 1939 by Modern Age Books, Inc. in New York .
  • Security on the beaches(497 clicks)
    "My pass to get onto the [Jacksonville] Beaches. It was checked by the military at the Intracoastal Canal on the old beach road---by bus or car. Back then, there was only one main road to the beach. A-1-A south of Ponte Vedra to St Augustine was closed. The Army had gun emplacements along that route."
  • Student Voices from World War II and the McCarthy Era(521 clicks)
    Based on the narratives of Brooklyn College students, this website focuses on the story of participating in Brooklyn College's World War II Farm Labor Projectand the experiences of students who were involved in the student newspaper during a period in which civil liberties were threatened on college campuses across the country.
  • Suffering under a Great Injustice(511 clicks)
    Ansel Adams's Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar
  • The Wartime Memories Project - The Womens Land Army(564 clicks)
  • War Come to the Delta(550 clicks)
  • War Relocation Authority Camps in Arizona, 1942-1946(671 clicks)
  • War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945(533 clicks)
  • Why We Fight: The Nazi Strike(546 clicks)
  • Women's Land Army(525 clicks)
    Oregon. Posters.
  • World War II Poster Collection(539 clicks)
  • World War II Posters(529 clicks)
  • World War II Posters(508 clicks)
  • World War II Ration Book(518 clicks)
    Photo of the Instruction page and a page of stamps.
  • World War II Rationing on the U.S. Homefront(510 clicks)
  • Wright Museum of World War II(600 clicks)
    The Home Front . New Hampshire Museum
  • WW II Songs & Entertainers(733 clicks)
  • WWII Correspondence(585 clicks)
    The War Correspondence of Jill Oppenheim de Grazia and Alfred de Grazia (1942-1945)