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HTA Home Page | Articles | Latin America/Colonial

This section contains 62 articles

  • Age of Discovery and Exploration (read: 47120)
  • Amerinds (read: 63413)
  • Antonio María Bucareli y Ursúa (1717-1779) (read: 44012)
  • Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de (read: 55766)
  • Battle of Boyacá (read: 59392)
  • Battle of Maipú: Its Causes, Events, and Effec... (read: 53411)
  • Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva, Jose (read: 43601)
  • Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, José (read: 44288)
  • Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuñez (read: 75410)
  • Cabral, Pedro Alvares (read: 107322)
  • Casa de Contratación (read: 52313)
  • Causation and the Spanish American Independence... (read: 60233)
  • Charles III: Expulsion of the Jesuits (1767) (read: 56459)
  • Colonial Latin America by Donald J. Mabry (read: 45363)
  • Colonial Lima according to Jorge Juan and Anton... (read: 68864)
  • Conquest and Settlement Patterns (read: 52367)
  • Conquest of Mexico (revised) (read: 49260)
  • Conquest of Peru (revised) (read: 49835)
  • Cortés, Hernando (read: 157664)
  • Doña Catalina de Erazu, muleteer (read: 46109)
  • Early Attempts to Organize an Empire (revised) (read: 44834)
  • Economy in Colonial Spanish America (revised) (read: 84056)
  • Encomienda System and the New World Indians (read: 177624)
  • Encounter, The: A Time for Celebration? (read: 45586)
  • Epidemic Disease (read: 50484)
  • European Background to the Discovery of America... (read: 47786)
  • Francisco de Toledo, El Virrey de Perú (read: 50251)
  • Fuero Militar (read: 42783)
  • Gage, Thomas (read: 54149)
  • Government and Law in Spanish Colonial America ... (read: 75559)
  • How Battles Were Won (revised) (read: 43678)
  • José de Gálvez (read: 51864)
  • Las Casas, Bartolomé de (revised) (read: 47399)
  • Las Casas, Man Who Made A Difference (read: 74076)
  • Latin American Colonial Transportation (revised) (read: 49451)
  • Latin American Independence: Generalizations (read: 57400)
  • Latin American Independence: Politics & Governm... (read: 61325)
  • Letter from Lope de Aguirre, rebel, to King Phi... (read: 57128)
  • Men of Panamá (read: 44448)
  • Mendoza, Don Antonio de: Viceroy of New Spain (read: 48980)
  • Military Aspects of Latin American Independence (read: 52619)
  • Miranda, Francisco de (read: 57558)
  • Narváez, Panfilo (1470-1528) (read: 44758)
  • Notes on Latin American Independence (revised) (read: 48850)
  • Notes on Spanish Imperial Defense of Latin Amer... (read: 49822)
  • Notes on the Maya (read: 42873)
  • Pedrarias (Pedro Arias de Ávila) (read: 43160)
  • Period of Imperial Crisis (revised) (read: 48924)
  • Principal Problems of the Conquest and Initial ... (read: 44213)
  • Repartimiento (read: 68240)
  • Review of Aguirre: The Re-creation of a Sixteen... (read: 45129)
  • Revolt of Haiti (revised) (read: 45320)
  • San Martín, José de: Liberator of Argentina (read: 57070)
  • Society in Colonial Spanish America (revised) (read: 56872)
  • Some Late Colonial Changes of the Spanish Bourb... (read: 47770)
  • Spain & Portugal Chronology: Latin American Col... (read: 53116)
  • Spanish Arrive in Louisiana, The: The Tran... (read: 85206)
  • Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1834 (read: 51218)
  • Spirit and Letters of the Spanish Colonial Peri... (read: 48748)
  • Structure of the Spanish Colonial System (read: 52845)
  • Toussaint Louverture (read: 59803)
  • Vasco de Quiroga (1479-1565) (read: 41325)